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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. yes... that's why I added "approximately" to my statement. 30 day month yields 2465.75฿ 31 day month yields 2547.95฿ Each leap year, hopefully they'll buy you an extra beer except in 2400!
  2. @jphasia You had 2M deposited for 4 months or 1/3 of a year. You should get 1/3 * .015 * 2,000,000 = 10,000฿ On the 25th of each month your should get approximately 1/12 * .015 * 2,000,000 = 2,500฿ On the funds above the 2M you will be paid 1%. Leaving the 2,500 deposited will earn you 1/12 * .01 * 2,500 = 2.08 ฿ extra each month.
  3. Kasikorn chose to pay on 17th of June and December, SCB was previously paying on the 25th of those months. Land and House bank pay on June 30 and Dec. 31. They all probably pay right up to the day of or the previous day's close of business.
  4. You should return the favour and take their picture every year!
  5. I just use my EZ account for my 800/400K deposit for my annual extension so I don't check it often. I also received a credit labelled "Interest/tax - OTHERS" on the 25th. Mysterious! SCB's Product Sales Sheet for the EZ account can be read @ https://www.scb.co.th/content/dam/scb/personal-banking/product-sales-sheet/deposits/ez-savings-account-en.pdf @keithsimmonds correctly guessed that interest will now be paid monthly on the 25th. An example from that document linked above: "For deposit amounts up to 2 million baht: 1.50% p.a. Interest amount = (2,000,000 x 1.50 / 100 x 1 / 365) = 82.19 baht" It seems that the interest will be accumulated according to the daily balance and credited monthly. It appears that the interest should be compounded. The APY if compounded will be 1.51046%. That will net me an extra 59฿ per year.😳
  6. Yes, thankfully mRNA was created by evolution a long, long time ago. We just learned how to used it over the last couple of decades. Perhaps similar to how we use natural plant proteins and enzymes to provide us nutrition and repair injuries. Same, same!
  7. I think I learned this "math" in grade 5. It should be very obvious that the chance of having only acceptable/benign jabs is reduced by 50% for each additional jab..... that's by definition according to the assumptions you gave.... no actual math/logic required.
  8. Yeah.... almost identical. The statement you can print from internet banking will include the time of day of the transaction. The entries will by default be sorted in reverse chronological order. If you try to sort it the other way they ignore the time of day so multiple entries for the same date are still shown in reverse order. The online statement will also give you the option to show more details for PromptPay transactions. You can hit the + sign for those entries and the recipients name and any text note you add when doing the transaction will be displayed.
  9. Enter your post in a different web page or a different app. Then select, copy, paste and hit Submit to minimize the time you're actually typing into the AN reply field. And if you want to anonymously loiter, just browse in a Private window/tab.
  10. @jaideedave I don't know how but I missed your answer until I saw another poster mention Section 217 in an unrelated thread. I haven't filed any Canadian tax form since '88 after moving to USA in '87. I have had no Canadian income since then until I started receiving CPP and a reduced OAS several years ago. I just have to claim my CPP+OAS on US taxes where it's treated the same as US Social Security benefits. I haven't specifically told CRA that I'm not resident but it should be apparent as I use US address and bank for pension benefits, plus no Canadian sourced income.
  11. Shouldn't this thread bear the title: Stereotype Cacophony? Just sayin'.
  12. You cannot conceive of a reasonable explanation for not keeping abreast of AN posts from the date of joining until recently? It really doesn't take much effort to think a tad deeper.
  13. you can buy a battery backup for your gate motor. You can use solar or grid power to keep the battery charged. Another option is that when the power is off, you can disconnect the gate from the motor and manually open the gate
  14. Have you tried Google Drive for transferring files? It requires twice as much copying of data over the network but is super simple. I would assume there's a version of the Google Drive app for both Linux and Android.
  15. Are you suggesting that a US citizen can change how Thailand applies tax by filing an IRS form? That doesn't seem likely or reasonable.
  16. I didn't think past eliminating the router from your communication path between laptop and phone. I'm only guessing because I'm no expert in networking. Router configuration? a rare router/phone incompatability?
  17. Set your phone up as a WiFi hotspot, turn your router off and try and connect your laptop to the phone's SSID.
  18. Get a PING app for your phone and try to ping the router. Not all devices respond to ping requests. I know nothing of the Android system. Does Android allow ignoring of ICMP (ping and other) messages?
  19. You could also try running a VPN inside a virtual machine with a never been used image. Use a simple OS like a version of linux. Theoretically the programs inside the virtual machine cannot "see" outside their virtual system. I'm not sure if you will be allowed you to run a VPN on the virtual network connection. I have never tried. Testing this method should be fairly easy and doesn't require you to purchase new hardware.
  20. This is not accurate. The social security (SSA) withholding is from only "earned income" not from interest, capital gains, etc. Those funds are maintained in a completely separate pool of funds, apart from general federal government revenue. That SSA fund is then invested in a special type of US treasury bill. The SSA benefits are then paid out of that fund, not the general federal government budget. However, the US federal government is on the hook when that SSA fund is not sufficient to meet outgoing payments. So in reality the US system is quite similar to what @Mike Lister says below.
  21. It's not like the money paid for the shares went into an individuals pocket. The capital value of the purchased shares went into the government's coffers. Hopefully the government then used those funds for the benefit of the public.
  22. You're not even pointing your weapon (mind) in the right direction. Try again! Googling is background reading... always has been..... always will be. Research takes place at the edge of knowledge not in some bunker well away from the front.
  23. It looks to me like you don't really know what you're talking about. There's a lot of "I think", "I don't believe" and "If... say, half".... in other words where's the beef?
  24. Miss Info has several YouTube channels to "answer" your query.
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