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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Given that 45 has a history of non-payment, including lawyers, it's not surprising that the ones he does manage to hire have questionable ethics/morals. They're probably more willing to become co-conspirators than most. The judge's piercing of attorney-client privilege is an obvious example of reaping what ye sow.
  2. Out To Lunch ...... you're not the only AN poster who often scratches his head about what an acronym means ????
  3. I think it's pretty hard to determine which is the primary direction of the flow of hate. It's basically an irrational emotion and its headwaters can be well hidden. I see plenty of hate flow "downward". It could start as mere disdain or disrespect that blossoms into full on hate. I think some current political leaders manipulate their supporters by catering to their sense of loss by offering some cultural salve while actually causing them serious harm economically and medically. Can that be labelled hate?
  4. I fail to see your point here. You seem to think that because Disney expresses an opinion that differs from yours, they're being "divisive". Having and expressing a legitimately held opinion is not divisive in and of itself. Since Disney has absolutely zero to do with public policy, they have no power to be "divisive". The only rules they make that may affect the public concern their rights as property owners.
  5. Call me curious... how do you measure elevation in your "system"?
  6. I ran some quick calculations and you wouldn't benefit that much by keeping the 800K ฿ in either a money market or short term CD back in USA. My assumptions were: receiving 1.5% interest at SCB EZ savings account in Thailand receiving 4.8% in US money market transferring via Wise at the start of each month funds are never transferred back to US fluctuations in exchange rates assumed to cancel out over the course of a year each Wise transfers costs .0625% of value + 1$ (using Wise's cheapest method) transferred funds are deposited into SCB EZ savings account immediately Net result is keeping money in SCB gives 812,000฿ at year end. Keeping funds in US and sending 65K฿ to Thailand each month gives 819,183฿ at end of year. After expenses the US account with monthly transfers gives you an extra 7,183 ฿. If you live a little dangerously and wait until near the end of each month before doing the transfer to Thailand you can improve that result slightly.
  7. For my Feb '23 extension the CM IO wanted a copy of all (2 for me) previous extension stamps in my passport. I remember the requirement being as you stated. I checked on the board outside and the new requirements are for copies of all previous extension stamps.
  8. Here's a good site to find high interest rate accounts in USA: https://www.nerdwallet.com/best/banking/high-yield-online-savings-accounts?trk=nw_gn_5.0 or you can get short term CD's:
  9. Your concern over the generosity of the institutions offering this perk is admirable. Since their terms of service don't list a limit I presume you'll just have to find it with your own experimentation. ???????? I'm quite satisfied with the few refunds I've been given.
  10. I think American citizens are the only foreigners allowed to own 100% of a company.
  11. The coffee I buy in the Hilkoff outlet near me are in 250g and 500g packages. The 220 ฿ would be for 500g.
  12. Suvarnabhumi Thai Post Office +66 2 134 4305 00:30 - 23:30 everyday I have seen some reports that hours have changed from those given above
  13. I think you have him confused with notstickpan.
  14. Their new policy doesn't sound unreasonable to me. If the owner hasn't logged in for two years the storage isn't being used by a user that is generating any income for Google. It's all about advertising.
  15. If you have a Kasikorn account use their phone app to request they email you a statement in PDF format. It will show your address. If you are collecting SSA pension from USA, have an online SSA account, and have given them your Thai address you can request a Benefit Verification Letter (online) and it will show your Thai address. But.... with the OP's screen name, I'm guessing he is not from USA.
  16. I think Dr. Eric Berg is on the other end of the spectrum from "renowned". YouTube is renowned for accepting videos from anyone with an IQ above their age. His chiropractic license was in jeopardy in Virginia because he "had made many therapeutic claims that were not supportable by reasonable scientific or medical evidence." He signed a consent decree accepting a $1,500 fine, monitoring of his practice and promising to stop using and making unfounded claims about several of his "treatments". Full details available at: https://quackwatch.org/cases/board/chiro/berg/
  17. https://www.recipetineats.com/homemade-baked-beans-recipe-heinz/
  18. We decided to go with a rubber nose piece hoping that it would not show scuffing as much as aluminum. If it doesn't hold up it's cheap and easy to replace. They have many colors available.
  19. @up2you2 if you have internet you can easily use a free online fax service. There are quite a few and many will let you send the first fax for free if you create an account. I use: https://www.dropbox.com/apps/wisefax You need to sign up with an email address. Don't use your main email address. I create a new email address every time I send a fax. Essentially every fax is free because email addresses are free and easy to create and use as follows. You can use http://www.yopmail.com/en/ for your email . You don't even have to create the email account, just make up an account name(eg. [email protected]) and then go to the above link and enter the account name to see any received emails. There is absolutely no security on YopMail because there are no passwords.
  20. it uses the facsimile protocol, so it is a non-printing fax. The incoming stream is converted to an image which is sometimes then processed with OCR to convert to text.
  21. I too am afraid of his reach in the media, but I have a much better reason for hoping he is silenced.
  22. ....and lots of business use virtual fax machines that use electronic message rather than printing paper.
  23. Thankfully, I still have some IDE drives that work. I mounted one a few months ago and when checking it out I found the phone number for a friend I'd lost contact with for many years. Even more amazing ... he still had that landline!
  24. He put the "visa" in ThaiVisa. RIP Joe. ????
  25. It sounds like you don't have any actual experience with using fee-free debit cards to access funds held in bank/brokerage accounts based in the US while living or traveling abroad. You are correct when you state that US financial institutions will make some profit when I use my debit card to access my funds from Thailand. However, that amount is actually very very small. @Pib has discussed this in other threads. My broker is the best available to me when it comes to fees and features. When I compare the amount of ฿/$ I receive to any other method that I'm aware of (Wise, Moneygram, SWIFT, XE, Bangkok Bank) I achieve the best result. The method you're suggesting is the most expensive that I've read about.
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