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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. In many instances it's saved me hours searching store to store trying to find what I have in mind..... Trudging around stores on a search & sometimes hunting with a phone pic down widgets/whatever two aisles away after being told "no have" isn't fun after awhile.....
  2. City after city burned down organized by bused in instigators & participants..... Successful in some cities, chased out of others.... All responsible should be investigated & prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law....
  3. Go to the Philippines - their garbage trucks are blasting music that you can hear 1/4 mile away.....The collectors revel in it....The louder the better.... A few times a week.....
  4. Call Tonn at ProAuto....He can have it towed in & checked....If unable to cure he will get it to the right people.... You want to get pointed in the right direction as A/T repair technicians are few in Thailand..... Also, a caution = A/T fluids cannot be incorrect or mixed....In the old days ATF was the same for all transmissions... With the advent of OD trans the fluid that they need is very specific to the manufacturer & needs to be the correct specs.....If you don't know the type of how to check & top off, either educate yourself or trust a pro.... It's nothing a shade tree "mechanic" around here should attempt or be trusted with.... It might not hurt to research Google with your model & concern/complaint= it could help, or at least inform....
  5. Kind of a "wild west" thing....The last Monk ordination one we were around ended up with a shoot out over some man complimenting a lady on how she looked..... One reason I stay away from my wife's families' location in central TH as far as living is concerned..... Her family are regular folks - but there's a reason they have a 7ft wall around their property....
  6. I think the Rain ????️ thread has had a long run......
  7. Well - the next in line for me = I built a 53 Studebaker truck with a Chrysler Hemi, Pontiac rear end & a few other mods....That truck weighed in at 2276 pounds - with 852 of that for a power plant.....The only thing that walked away from it was another Stude pick up with a full blown Hemi....Cool thing about those trucks besides build quality was you could put anything under the hood & it was completely hidden.... My wife's car was a 64 Malibu SS convertible 4 speed Hurst Muncie & 300/327.... FIL's car was a 58 Chrysler 300 Hemi convertible with the fins & dual quads....He never drove it so I did.... He liked his Caddie powered GMC pick up..... Any of those float your boat?..... Wish I still had the 300 or the Stude.....
  8. I remember it still grinding at close to Zero MPH at stop lights that changed at just the wrong time to accelerate in 2nd gear....Just at that oozing to a complete stop limbo land where the rest of the traffic is surging ahead & you have to make a complete stop..... That's why I called them square cut gears..... Most cars of that day you could ease into 1st at a slow crawl speed.....Not the XKE..... However - since neither of us has an XKE, TR3B, or MG tattoo - we might want get on topic..... Wish I still had that TR3B = I just learned there were only ever 530 made....
  9. Yeah - shifting the XKE's it felt like square cut gears....They weren't the smoothest shifting gearboxes & had that typical whine sound - which somehow made it feel cooler/racier .....A non synchro 1st gear that you couldn't get into, even at a crawl speed..... Cool to tool around in.....
  10. They were cute, but not really fast/quick & were flat out poor in cornering.... My/A TR3 left these in a wake miles & miles behind.... We used to open road, flying the Pacific Coast Highway & side roads from SF to Monterey/Big Sur..... The Austin Healey's usually took the lead & top end with the TR's within sight....At a prearranged stopping site we'd sit & wait for the MG's usually running 20-30 minutes behind....And finally the bug eyed Sprites would show up about 20 minutes after the MG's..... We never had a Mini Cooper with us....A MC would have eaten up the twisty roads..... I do have a scar from a MG windshield at about what used to be my hair line....A buddy cornering his MG in an being developed area (Foster City).....Cut a left - he got the left part right = but 4 wheel slid into the right curb.....Lucky me, because of my height I didn't hit the windshield - I hit the top of the frame .... The cute thing was, for some unholy reason = most MG guys had a wanky attitude....
  11. 5 liters isn't very much.... I fill my 30oz Yeti more than 5x a day on most days.... Seems like you'd need a closet full of those kegs if you're beer inclined..... It's one taste I've never acquired.....
  12. Nothing is surprising about the Pelosi syndicate ....... This attacker is obviously quite insane....
  13. I saw what looked to be identical kegs in Big C yesterday (Hang Dong)... My wife pointed them out.... Sorry, I didn't notice the brand.....
  14. Nope - I find them unsightly & often wonder how beautiful women could knowingly muck themselves up so badly.....The ornamental one's do look better than the "branding" type.... I've never found them alluring or attractive, just the opposite.....Some are a big time ⚠️ sign.... I recognize they have become trendy.... At 75, when growing up it was widely recognized that only low life's had them.....I suspect that some of that cultural outlook is rooted in me.....
  15. So, every author out there is a phony? As opposed to possessing a superior imagination & the ability to visualize & express their storyline, whether by song, poem, or written....
  16. I watch everything on my phone, even sports/World Series....I can cast it to the big screen in the living room - but don't bother.....
  17. I wouldn't let our cats roam.... There's some ugly diseases out there....A flu passed through a few months back....When riding my bike I'll count cats & I counted up to 17....After the flu I've never seen 5....
  18. Best vet we've found is Hang Dong Animal Hospital.....Open 24/7 with clean and modern facilities....No appointments needed.....We have multiple cats & have used many vets.... We have one cat that also had a hole in the skin 1baht sized....Dr said it was a cat bite that our cat licked & chewed at to try to heal.... The Dr cut away the discolored skin at the perimeter then cleaned, put medicine in, then gauze & surgical tape....We change the dressing daily as it has to heal from the inside out - which could take up to a month....Of course he's wearing the cone of shame to keep him from biting/licking....+ Meds.... We had a flu come through our bunch that's 80% fatal....They pulled all of ours through....We have 11....None are outside roaming cats....
  19. I've had big bikes (Harley, Ducati, Goldwing) & small bikes - I won't ride here.... Driving our straight shot 108/Hang Dong Rd to & from CM.....It amazes me how many vehicles pull out of blind side streets by half a length without stopping/looking to clear traffic to turn & merge... Spatial awareness is not a common thing here..... Regardless of how proficient we think we are....I use space as a buffer as much as I can....
  20. I had a girl on a motorcy hit the side of my car while I was making a turn....She was actually going faster than the road traffic.... She got scraped up & we took her to a hospital....60baht.... We then met at the police station where it was called 50/50 with each of us paying our own vehicle damages.... There was a processing fee of either 400 or 500 paid to the police after all the paperwork was compiled.... The girl was a student & I believe my wife gave her some baht as she felt sorry for her ....
  21. As a stop gap you might try a 12 volt heater similar to what some campers/truckers use.... I imagine if you start the car & heater & let them both warm up for about 10 minutes you might get a satisfactory result.... While a heater system is not a complex design in theory, if the vehicle isn't pre-wired & pre-plumbed to accept a heater core & duct work, along with controls it can be very involved.... Being from the automotive industry I've seen many like pictured below - and worse...20-30 hours of work.... Frankly, I do not see that level of technicians in TH....
  22. I use the shopping basket as a "hold" for something I'm comparing or just to hold until purchase.... It's not unusual to have the prices of items reduce/lessen while sitting in the cart....
  23. Perfect Homes can help you ... Google them....They speak English & their website allows search by cost & area.... The best way is to explore MuBaans with your wife & look at homes with signs then negotiate from there..... BEWARE of farang real estate "brokers"....They will gladly rent you something for 25-30,000 a month that you can find for 9-14,000 by doing your own investigating..... Just cruise the areas you like & call numbers found on signs.... Usually, the locals have their own (very) helpful network.... Set your budget & stick to it and you'll find what you want within a month or two..... Perfect Homes will have an agent that speaks English drive you around....They don't squeeze you to make the sale.....And, they will stay at the high end of listings unless you either select from their website & have them show the listings you have picked out - or you just grind it out through all the showings until you find one..... The locals pipeline / networking always worked best for us....You get that insider, neighborly input about area, traffic, markets, noise, people that casual outsiders don't have a grasp on.....
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