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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. I used to buy designer clothes for work as I wore suits & all the accoutrements that came with them.... It's basically an expensive trap.... Now, it's mostly a good collection of Nike golf shirts & 3/4 length pants for comfort coupled with Reef flip flops....I don't consider any of that "designer".....I do have about 20 shirts I had made here that are nicely original that I sometimes wear.... I do keep a nice suit & some slacks & sport coats along with a tux - they basically waste closet space.... So, basically my answer is no.....That "designer" stuff is for the easily swayed..... My wife is well stocked on Coach & Michael Kors handbags + a few other mid line brands & perfumes - Levi's, etc. from our travels.... She never asks for anything, so it's a small indulgence that makes her feel good.....
  2. We had one soi cat we were tending to away from our street....She was a joy....She was very sick one day & I had her to the pet hospital within 30 minutes.....She died overnight in the hospital ....The hospital offered to have the cat picked up & buried for 100B, probably just a mass grave..... I'm sure they had other possibilities.... You might want to check with your vet..... RIP Brownie..... Other cats are gracing our garden..... There is a neighbor that has an orchard somewhere close by that allows pet burials for 400B....We know this through a neighbor, we have never spoken with her.... There's 3 possibilities.... Some Wats offer cremation services.....
  3. I'm not from the UK, nor have I ever been.... However, I always admired this tiny woman's pillar of strength combined, with quiet dignity, devotion, a human touch, and that twinkle, humor.... RIP dear lady....This world was a better place because you were a part of it.... Thank you.....
  4. I camp here - most national parks..... However - full hookups for campers/RV - elec, black & gray water septic drains are very, very few.....
  5. There's no infrastructure or dumping stations.... You'd have to run a generator for a/c..... There is a place in BKK that sells cabinets, sinks, cabinets, toilet/shower items for conversions of campers & boat work....I think I found it through Facebook..... I thought about the possibility when the transit vans price dropped, but there's no real hookups or campgrounds to speak of.....
  6. We have 2 SUV's.....I had replaced the tires of both with Yokohama Geolanders.... One had had Bridgestone tires - and being Bridgestone they turned hard like a rock & handling + wet weather traction was noticeably bad....I forget what I had on the other car.... The Geolanders were a good tire & handling was ok.....I wore them down on the Toyota & my long time dealer suggested Maxxis tires....At his suggestion, I installed the 700 Bravo A/T.....The tread has a nice bite to it & the handling and ride quality are superb - just a solid feeling ride and much improved over the Yokohama tires....This is my first time with Maxxis and I am impressed.... They are 1.5-2.0 years old and holding up nicely.....I do have them rotated, balanced, and aligned with every 10k service..... That will be my choice again when the need hits..... I'd always used Michelin on my cars in the states= the sidewalls degredated before the tread wore down.... Especially when sitting (3 cars - 1 driver).....
  7. I had to look him up to see if it was a real person....Looks like we're both the same size + he looks to be an ok guy....
  8. And what exactly is your point of contention? That a group of people shouldn't participate in a semi-serious, good natured discussion without meeting your solitary guidelines of approval..... Everybody is having a bit of fun, with friendly banter.... The fact that the only thing you have to add to the thread is to chime in hurling rocks to disparage the group = says a lot more about you than all of us....
  9. Greatest Of All Time.... Wear it proudlu..
  10. Nope, same hair for over 40 years - only white & less of it... Never subscribed or surrendered to the herd mentality..... I did grow a beard, but for a strange reason....People kept telling me I looked like a certain singer....I wanted to look like myself - but it did lead to some interesting interludes....Let me see if I can find an old pic ... I still have the beard, but not a full beard..... Old pic found & submitted for laughs (and probably abuse).... I wouldn't be over here if I followed the herd.... I'd still be slogging away back in the states where one daughter celebrates & misses me & the other one is ticked off she can't get her manipulating talons on me.....
  11. It recirculates some exhaust gases back through the engine to make the gases in the combustion chamber run hotter for a more complete combustion cycle....
  12. If it's this the price is about right....EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation valve....
  13. https://fb.watch/feNAFpPzTK/ Click - no intro....
  14. Thai women are remarkably resilient.... In a relationship they very much want to please.... The most crushed feelings I've seen is by husbands/sig- others constantly criticizing them, knocking them & the way they do things at every peg....Worse when incessantly employing/forcing "western logic" on their woman..... This undercuts their very essence/being and they can only take it for awhile.... That's the biggest mistake I've seen that hurts them....
  15. Not until they're finished killing off the crash dummies.... Seems prime for a broadside/t-boned among unexpected other reactionary conditions.....
  16. If it clunks it's probably the upper strut mounts which take the brunt of the impact yet still have to rotate for turns....You could have worn bushings & struts also given your assessment of the road condition.....
  17. Very proud of their boob job - with nose choice to match..... Large hands & feet with an Adam's ???????? apple....
  18. Hooker peroxide or streak dyed hair..... Man spreads when sitting....
  19. I keep my views to myself - I do not name call.... I also do not hijack threads for political purposes....
  20. It wasn't them that underwrote ANTIFA & BLM burning & looting + instituted no criminal offense if under $1000 stolen from stores, cars, etc. - and threw the border wide open - and pushed for defunding the police departments & ran chain link fencing with national guard troops around Washington DC.....
  21. I stopped at an AM/PM in the SF area....All the beer & alcohol was behind locked glass cabinets + another store had a liquor (locked) room.... I asked the clerk & he said cases were getting lifted - walking out the door....The police won't come out.... No shielding or protection at the pay station though.....
  22. 95% of the time we home cook.... My wife cooks western and Thai food as well as some Mexican.... Her small but mighty garden usually contributes something.... I cook once in awhile....Today I made 2 cookie sheet sized pizzas....I also make our bread..... I have a gas wet smoker bbq that I thought I would use a lot....It just sits in our back breezeway waiting for me....
  23. It's been years since I've lived/experienced life there.... There's so many negatives = there's no real reason to ever go back.....
  24. No, she got her degree & went to work for a Nissan subsidiary where she worked/mgmt 17 years.... She had her own townhouse & a Honda Civic.... Not bad for a farm girl who was allowed only 2 pencils for school by her father.....Along the way, as a result she can sketch or draw about anything.... Initiative not even thought about by today's "modern" youth....
  25. Hey - thanks for the "second hand" advice.... I'll default to your superior & experienced reply.????????????????
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