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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Will Trump Dump Vance? And return Peter Thiel's $$$ ? Could it be possible DT ends up dropping out?
  2. No pity. He was not dragged into the DT cesspit, he inserted himself. When DT was saying that on the evening of 9/11 Muslims were having tailgate parties in celebration, etc. Rudy came up with BS evidence of this. It is still a bit curious how that whole 2020 stolen election fools' parade was brought together. When Rudy was younger he bore a resemblance to certain relatives of mine, I suspect we might be related; don't tell him that, he'll probably ask me to loan him money. Speaking of resemblance, I suspect DT keeps Habba around because she resembles young Melania (and I suspect she keeps him happy).
  3. Rudy told Sidney Powell "you are the worst lawyer I've ever seen." There have been rumors that Rudy is a vampire, and vampires can't see their own reflection in a mirror, so maybe Rudy was telling the truth for a change. Alina Habba?
  4. He is not uncouth! He is more couth than anyone has ever seen! Everywhere he goes people come up to him and say "Sir, you are more couth than anyone who ever lived." If they don't he insults them, call them names, anything to diminish them, just like any other spoiled 10-year-old would do. It's not any easy job, poor guy, he's running out of vituperatives and has to recycle the slams he started using in 2015. He should remove himself from the race and hand the candidacy over to Vance: it will cause the Dems to be as thunderstruck as he was when Biden dropped out.
  5. It's about darn time! I've been waiting for the stuff about money laundering to catch up with him since Jan 20 2017. Whether Garland will do anything about it, well I wouldn't advise holding your breath for it, Garland is, well, I don't know, very busy with other things?
  6. Nope, just my recall, and I don't follow sports. I don't think it got very far, they were pretty obvious. Must be recorded somewhere.
  7. In the 1970s the Soviets gave sex change operations to male weightlifters and then sent them to the Olympics to compete as women. It was not voluntary, well, call it forced voluntary, had nothing to do with discovering their true self etc. The world was appalled and if I recall correctly the Olympics sanctioned them. Times have changed.
  8. Pretty mediocre job of pointing there, buddy. No wonder they don't take him seriously.
  9. Why are they talking about this? What next, whether or not DT has a prolapsed anus?
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 52 seconds  
  11. Last time it was so he could see the Olympics in Beijing. Wasn't Dubai one of his campsites during his more recent exile? I suspect has something wrap up, maybe selling some property.
  12. I had never heard of these vacuum pots before, and your post got my interest. Thing is I'm a little clumsy and handling something glass like that first thing in the morning, well, the thing probably wouldn't last a week. Same reason I don't have a glass bong.
  13. Ikea had a pot of similar design, bought one around ten years ago. Couldn't fund it in the current online catalog. When I was a wee lad this was the kind of pot Italians used to make espresso at home. Hey, if you use one you just might have the same kind of luck with women that this guy had!
  14. Wow! That design is somewhere between steampunk and Wallace & Grommet!
  15. Haven't looked lately, Daiso has a plastic Melitta -type cone holder plus the paper cones. It would look something like this This method, even with the mediocre quality paper, gives a fairly clean drink. If you run out of cones you may be able to rig one with a paper towel. If you like sediment, French press or moka pot is the way to go.
  16. Maybe it's time for DT to get on board with the rapture stuff, and say he means it will take place before November 2028.
  17. half his ear had been blown away I thought he accidentally left an 'r' out of his statement, that he meant his father is half-as_ed. Two things that don't click: - getting hit in the ear with a bullet without any other part of the head being injured, what are the chances? - the way he was up and giving the fascist fist right afterwards, that's very unlike him, his bravery is limited to his words. The blood splash would have been in the direction toward the back of the head, no? Regardless, there would have been more blood, just ask Mike Tyson. Dead men tell no tales: "shooter" dead before LE gets to him, sound familiar? That pic of the un-wounded ear, above, was from Newsweek, a pro-MAGA rag that prints only conservative gospel truth so no complaints from you pro-DT members.
  18. Used to be when someone campaigned for office they would try to bring votes to their side. This "we don't want your vote" stance is a MAGA thing, the first person I heard spouting this was Kari Lake: at a rally before one election she told her Arizona audience that if they had been McCain supporters that she doesn't want them, they should leave the rally, NOW! Never heard of a candidate doing that before. DT likes to cook up controversy because it gets him mentioned more in the media, and he still hasn't figured out these "shoot himself in the foot" rants that push him into the daily headlines will cost him at the polls. But maybe he's planning an election failure caveat of "how could I have possibly lost by so many votes?"
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  20. For a few years we were getting MNet from South Africa in the southern part of the country. After being in the north with cigarettes and guns being pixelated on TV, imagine my surprise to see that certain Jodi Foster movie on the screen, completely oblivious to Thai censorship. Maybe that's why it's not here any more.
  21. Why Is Trump Urging His Supporters Not to Vote This Election? “My instruction: We don’t need the votes, I have so many votes,” Trump said on Fox & Friends before going on a rant about how much support he has in Florida. What the . . . ? Looks like they're planning some monkey business.
  22. I do believe you meant "Rabid Right" because calling someone "Rapid Right" implies the possibility of premature ejaculation, then people will ask "how do you know this?" and we don't want to discuss THAT in here, now do we? Used looney three times in your post, Fox channel style. Auditioning?
  23. I don't think there is anything he can say that will get him more voters. The idea is that he'll get a knee-jerk reaction that will drive them to their computers and send him $$$. He doesn't consider how it affects the Big Picture. One thing he can promise that will change the tide is universal basic income: everybody gets $1k (or more) per month. The punch line is he won't come through. Next week is Infrastructure Week. But as for Big Picture issues, there is the matter of dealing with his defeat. This voter fraud business dates back to the late 1990s as a GOP ploy, I believe around the time Dole was running against Clinton (I suspect GIngrich may have had a hand in its origins). The plan now, as proposed by Steve Bannon (who probably got it from someone else) is to have an avalanche of minor cases that bogs things down so bad the voting process is brought to a standstill and the election results will be in contention for a piece of eternity. Keep a close eye on Nevada and Arizona, those have been Steve's focal point, and branching out to the swing states.
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