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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. In the past week Liz made a speech mentioning that she knows people who do not believe the election was stolen but publicly say they do, for the sake of political favor. Don't these people understand the consequences of their actions/inactions?
  2. Some interesting stuff about the F-35 https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/8/21/2117895/-So-what-to-do-when-an-F-35-is-coming-for-a-visit-and-you-have-to-get-them-on-your-network
  3. Run third-party Don, that'll teach them! It's great when they devour their own. He's going after one of the most fervent Republicans in the country. Or maybe his buddy Vlad told him to: Russia cancels Kentucky aluminum plant after Moscow Mitch fails to throw election He neglected to add "while she worked in my cabinet." The further he goes in his destruction of the GOP the tighter the noose he's hanging himself with gets. He still hasn't realized he's not a schoolboy denouncing his classmates any more. His fan base is still a fairly solid 35%, it's not going to increase much from there no matter what he says.
  4. Sounds like a real sweetie: Impressive as to where it happened.
  5. You sound upset. Relax, sit back and eat something.
  6. Wow, gangsters and their mothers would make a great theme for a movie festival. The top would probably be Cagney in "White Heat." There is only one scene in Goodfellas about this, but it's memorable. "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" mother is good for a laugh.
  7. Japan has been wringing its hands for a few years now that it's younger people are not making enough babies. Maybe they think with a few drinks . . .
  8. Running Windows 10 on a laptop, legit installation. Recently when looking at the Windows Update window I starting getting the message: Your device is missing important security and quality fixes. I am not offered any updates or a way of fixing this. I've looked this up, seems it has been around for a while and most of the wisdom on the net is about getting rid of the annoying message rather seeing it as a warning of something amiss. First noticed it a few weeks ago, didn't see before the July updates. Is anyone else getting this? I'm wondering if this is a way of MS goading users to upgrade to Win 11.
  9. If this happened in the US they just might offer him/her a television show. Maybe we'll see a Christian cleric do something similar.
  10. Goes against all instincts: showing all that cash is like pulling out a bunch of bananas in front of a gorilla.
  11. If they hadn't made all the fuss the book would hardly have been heard of outside of the world of university literature studies, just like all the stuff he has ever put out (except for Midnight's Children and his children's story book, which probably sold 12 copies). I only read one of his novels since, that was enough. I've seen him interviewed, on tv and once a live appearance. I get the impression he's a jerk.
  12. With a bit of cleverness and cunning the Dems could make this a 'divide and conquer' moment. Don't hold your breath. She could emerge as the Joan of Arc of the GOP, but it may also give strength to the conservative "back in time" initiative. I don't recall her criticizing the Clarence Thomas "we're coming for you!" announcement. She was all for DT's paleo-conservative stuff, it's just him that she's against. There is also a lot of nasty business her father ran during Bush 43 time, but no one has/had the guts to go after him, not even (the late) GHW Bush. My joke has been that the contraption that keeps his heart pumping has a transceiver to which The Devil has the remote control. Of course this has nothing to do with her, but she does play it like she's the apple that didn't fall far from the tree. She can even sneer when she's talking, just like dad. Again, just like dad. That man is the physical embodiment of the US military-industrial bond. I'm sure there would a job waiting for her at Haliburton next January if she wanted it.
  13. Now with nothing to lose, she has already come out swinging. She may be the most effective anti-DT Republican, and IMO if it wasn't for her grit the Dems would have muffed the 1/6 investigation by now. Do I want her to be president? HELL NO!!!! But I am looking forward to her debating in the primaries, particularly the invertebrates who will still have the stench of DT's backside on their breath. Has anyone else noticed that there is one establishment Republican DT has not bashed? It's her father. And DT's not all that rough on her either. The bully knows when to back off.
  14. His overall stature, as well as the way he walks, is because he wears a corset, according to his niece. Notice when he stands he's always bent forward at the waist, and when he sits he leans forward. Rarely do we see him in shirt sleaves because he needs a jacket to cover the fat. Fox News host wonders aloud whether Trump could have tried to sell highly classified material to the Russians or Saudis Probably not for cash, but for favor absolutely. A question to pursue is "why these particular documents?" I'm looking forward to the GOP primary debates. They should be starting about a year from now. Liz is not only going to eviscerate DT, but all the brown-nosed invertebrates, including the usual _ss clowns, like Rubio, Cruz, R Paul. I'd like to see that empty suit Tom Cotton reduced to car-wash rags by both DT and Liz. I still say Dept. of Homeland Security should issue a threat alert regarding DT's defaming of the LE agencies and pull his security detail. One more incident like the fool who attacked the FBI last week could do it, IMO.
  15. From the point view of someone who lived through 40 years of the Cold War, reading this is a clash sensibilities, like an alternate reality version of the time. Russian (Soviet yes, but most Americans didn't say that) sympathizers in US Congress? They'd have been skinned alive on the Senate floor! And definitely bipartisan, there was still that WWII fighting spirit in pols. It was supposed to be the commie-liberals antiwar bunch who were the traitors. People on Russian tv referring to a former US president as an 'agent'? You would be hearing the term "firing squad" pretty frequently.
  16. And so, kids, if you plan to break the law be sure to take pictures!
  17. oops! This is the Klepper vid I meant to post above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs6mBh2uXRM
  18. Ain't gonna happen, they have it covered already. If something goes awry they blame the vermin that surround him. Kellyanne leads the charge on that one with the book she put out a few months ago: he is the victim (but of course!) and the negative stuff is the fault of the bottom feeders attracted to him. Myself, I can't get over how in his very first polling, a few days after the Day of the Descending Escalator, he was at app. 35% and has not gone below that since. Consider the magic his announcement worked the moment he went from reality show buffoon to candidate. In the future poli-sci students are going to continuously dissect that speech in search of clues.
  19. Very much the case in the Latin world as well. But parents do want to become grandparents. In Brazil there is no shortage of "love motels" (their names are usually in English). Of course they are used for, um, commercial transactions, but it is also for couples who need a break from the brood. Maybe arrange a surprise romantic getaway for a few hours.
  20. From what is published I get the impression Eric is the only one in the cabal that actually does "work," the rest just scrounge around looking for the next grift like squirrels seeking acorns. Or characters in The Sopranos. This Weisselberg business is right out of The Untouchables: they can't get the thugs but they get the accountant. As ridiculous as it may sound, the most politically savvy person in the cabal is Guilfoyle! Check her wiki bio. One of her former husbands may be running for president soon. If her libido lives up to the rumors (e.g. the women at Fox used to complain that she would show them dick pics of her conquests) I suspect she keeps Don Jr on a diet of cocaine and Cialis. As for liability, well, they are not married so there is no spousal protection for Jr.
  21. I didn't know this, though I did hear DT renovated the place. Been a long time since I lived there. When I was a teenager they would cover it up in the summers and turn it into an amphitheater and have concerts; saw a lot of great bands there (for their time) for 1 or 2 bucks, from Ray Charles to The Grateful Dead. But it is on city property, inside Central Park, so the arrangement itself probably has some dodgy origins/oranges. Man, a family of grifters, surrounded by even more grifters, corrupting all they come in contact with..
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