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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think a big problem is the question: What is "the left"? I also despise the radical left idiots with DEI and all that and it is not difficult to understand what people on the right and middle hate those idiots. The problem is that many right from the center pretend that anybody left of center is crazy like the radical left woke idiots. It's time that more people look at reality and not the extremes. There are a few people on the radical left. And a few on the radical right. And then there are lots of people somewhere in between who could peacefully coexist and talk to each other if not too many interest groups would (want to) radicalize everybody.
  2. And that is so obvious. But lots of bible thumpers still support him. Amazing.
  3. IMHO Musk has some good ideas. And sometimes he is a very successful businessman. But then, at other times he is a a-hole who twitters too much without thinking. I don't think Musk is able to understand "normal people". He is just too far away from that condition.
  4. Good that they are both knows to always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Or maybe not?
  5. Sure That reminds me of Trump's recent conversation with Elon Musk. Suddenly Trump likes EVs and all that. Obviously, that could not possibly have anything to do with the support of the richest man on earth. No! Sure not!
  6. That's what I am saying. Why would anybody vote for a bully with a big mouth?
  7. Who is "they"? And even if "they" did that, is that a reason to vote for a serial liar loudmouth? Don't they have any competent, intelligent, honest politicians over there?
  8. Trump just told his supporters that Harris is a communist and a fascist, all at the same time. Yeah, sure, all in one.
  9. Trump is not really the problem. He is just a rich idiot. But why would anybody vote for a serial liar loudmouth like that? My only conclusion, as a non-American, looking from far away, is that they think he represents them, he is one of them. They are all serial liar loudmouth - or at least they would like to be just like Trump. Good luck I am far away from that country with so many idiots out there - and many of them have guns. P.S.: And that doesn't mean I am a fan of the DEMs and their leaders. At least most of them don't behave like a 2nd hand car dealer.
  10. No. He established that he is the top advisor. Do what I say, or else...
  11. Why would anybody vote for a politically inexperienced 37-year-old woman for a leading role which needs lots of experience? They voted for her. Let her do the job alone. And let her fail. And then, next time, vote for someone who is competent and has experience. And with any advisor: Is it possible for any advisor to give good advice without knowing detailed fact? No. So, who will give that old advisor, who didn't live in Thailand for about 15 years, all the detailed facts? And are many of those facts state secrets which shouldn't be shared with ordinary people and especially they shouldn't be shared with convicted criminals? Arrest the daughter for unauthorized sharing of secrets. And arret the criminal for unauthorized meddling in Thai politics. Nobody voted for him. And then have new elections and see what the voters think about that bunch of lying greedy power-hungry politicians from yesterday.
  12. What do you don't like about them? What do you want? Personally, I use mostly WhatsApp. It works, it's secure, and I don't get any advertisement. And many people use it already. For some companies I need to use LINE, i.e. to order things or other communication with them. That works fine. But I hate that there is so much junk advertisement from almost anybody on LINE. So, I use it when necessary, otherwise I avoid it. Some time ago I looked for secure communication apps and I discovered Threema. At least at the time of my research that was as good as it gets.
  13. Why are you telling her all the time what she should do? She seems to have a car and probably a license. I guess she also has a brain. Did you consider letting her make her own decisions?
  14. As far as I know a pardon is only for convicted criminals. They are still convicted criminals, now pardoned convicted criminals. So, I guess his daughter still can't hire the criminal, otherwise she will follow Srettha.
  15. It's like annoying children. If they are far away somewhere in a corner where I can't see and hear them, then it's ok. 😉
  16. "Red Shirts in Korat celebrate Paetongtarn's election as PM" Really? If that is the truth, where is the picture of all those red shirts partying? And let's see the positive side. If they assemble up country, then they are far away from Bangkok. Good.
  17. Some time ago I also wanted to know. And I looked at valves and pipes in HomePro. And I looked at information about the thread. They showed the size, like 1/2", but no information at all about the thread. And they had different threads, I bought a couple for testing. So, even if you know what you want, that doesn't mean you will be able to identify the parts in a shop. TiT
  18. Who thinks she is experienced enough for that job? Anybody? There is only one reason she has that job, and that is her father who pulls the strings. Now the question is, how good is he at pulling the strings while he is officially not involved? And how many enemies does he have and make on the way? He should have stopped when many people in Thailand remembered the good things about him and somehow, they didn't remember the bad parts anymore. Now, it will be more and more obvious how greedy and power hungry he is. For him and his lackeys there is only the way down. It's only a question of time.
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