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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That obviously explains it. It's kind of a long-time tradition over there.
  2. I wonder how many people who "complain" here were around at that time. Do you remember how people lived at that time? Or did you at least talk to someone who was an adult at that time? Times change and it doesn't make much sense to judge what happened 50 years ago as if it would happen now.
  3. There is a difference between citizens (population) and visitors. Isn't that obvious?
  4. Talk to a professional construction engineer. They have formulas for these kind of situations.
  5. And shipping lithium batteries is in some places illegal or only available from expensive carriers.
  6. There must be some new cleaning method for something like that. Not too many years ago many ceilings from many bars looked just like that. Now many of them seem to be clean. Maybe some new service or device how to clean that.
  7. Why are you asking? Anybody not fully vaccinated and without health insurance shouldn't be here.
  8. And maybe, finally, a majority of GOP politicians realize this - at least that is what I hope. I still wouldn't bet on that.
  9. Another one Steven Tyler is sued for alleged ’70s sexual assault of teen - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
  10. IMHO power supplies should have no connectors which are not necessary. Why use: power supply - connector - cable - connector When: power supply - cable - connector is available One more connector, or in reality many more, are just more possibilities for failure. Get a brand name power supply with no gimmicks and all is fine. I built hundreds of PCs over the years.
  11. It's interesting that many people, including me, have received hundreds of items as expected without any problems. And then there are some people who have constantly problems. What could it be?
  12. Next: Jesus is suing whoever because there are bare-chested pictures from them out there. They were nonbinary but because of the oppressing patriarchy they were too shy to come out at that time.
  13. Thanks That should be easy. I remember where I saw that technician and it is an easily accessible place. If they want to look, they can look. But I guess such an inspection should be done by a professional electrician. There is not much point if a committee member who has no certification in such things looks at it and decides: that looks dogy.
  14. Maybe everybody else knows all those abbreviations. I would prefer when people use the real terms and not just AGM and EGM. And not just in this thread. Thanks
  15. Today I saw the technicians in "my" condominium work on the ceiling in the lobby. They worked on the electrical wires to the lights. I saw one of them just drilling some cables together without any electrical connectors. Probably he covered that with a little tape - job done. I guess it might work, but unprofessional work like that is a fire risk. And IMHO a job like that should be done by professional electricians with professional tools and equipment. But what is the best way to make this situation better? I am pretty sure if I would talk to the condominium manager, who was maybe 10m away from that, nothing would happen. After all, the technician did what (I guess) most untrained Thai technicians would do. Like: I can do that, don't worry. I think about writing an email to the condominium committee. I guess I should especially mention that what those technicians do is a fire risk. I also might remind them that maybe the insurance won't pay if a fire happened because of work from people who are not qualified for such work. What is your experience? Is there a way to make sure work like that is only done by professionals? Or do we accept that this is Thailand and hope for the best? The picture is just a sample, it's not from that ceiling.
  16. I don't think I ever had a 100% blackout. But I had a couple of nights where on the next day I had to think a little longer about what happened in which order and how I got home. And I learned from that that it's not a good idea to get wasted. Because in that condition we don't really know what we do and possibly we do stupid things. And possibly other people take advantage of us. And that risk is obviously a lot higher for women. If I did stupid things after I got intoxicated, then I would think after that: I should have made sure I don't get that intoxicated. And if I ever get that intoxicated and bad things happen then it's my own fault.
  17. She took knowingly illegal drugs. Maybe now she will remember that that is not a good idea.
  18. Did he actually fight for his country in Afghanistan? Or did he just waste years of his life? And yes, I know he is not responsible for the disaster in Afghanistan.
  19. As far as I know his options are limited. Pleade not guilty and hope for the best or worst case go for 100 years to jail. Make a deal and only go for 50 years to jail. I am pretty sure the numbers are not correct, but there is no good option for him. Which is, IMHO, fair enough. He should go to jail, for a long long time.
  20. I guess she could be - if she wants to. But she is in the (for her) wonderful position that she knows he can't just have a girlfriend or visit Vegas. He gets it from her, or he doesn't get it at all. I am sure she knows how to play her cards.
  21. Republicans fight over speaker of the House – but whoever wins, the party loses | Robert Reich | The Guardian There is hope that that awful party will destroy itself more and more. IMHO that is what they deserve. P.S.: That doesn't mean that all conservative politics is bad. Some is good. But that party is just a disgrace the way it is since years now.
  22. I wonder if there will ever be a moment in his life when he wakes up and curses the day when he met Meghan. Why did I marry that bitch?
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