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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for your information. They all told me they come from a small village. But with all those girls from Buriram I thought the village can't really be so small. Now finally you opened my eyes where they all come from. ????
  2. There are still about 70,000,000 Americans who want him again. I would understand a million or two idiots. But 70 million? Unbelievable - but true.
  3. Correct. But I am pretty sure the congress and senate together, maybe with others, can change the constitution and many laws. Look at the last 4 years of Trump and in every of those years people didn't imagine how much worse it will get in the following year. And now try to imagine 4 more years. I have to admit my imagination is too limited to predict what will happen in the first year. And then there is another year. And another...
  4. Apart from a little fear that this will lead to the end of the world I would somehow like to see what will happen if Americans vote for Trump another time. Will they then change the constitution so that he can stay forever? Will they also change the laws to that the president has absolute power? To what new extremes will he rise? I am sure it will be worse than any of us can imagine. And last but not least: Will at any time in this process the big majority of Americans wake up and decide enough is enough? Or will they continue to support him until the bitter end?
  5. Where are the contact information. Maybe I will hire her for my next party (because I have a good heart and help her to pay the fine).
  6. With all the comments here about Hunter Biden I have a good idea. Put Trump and Biden together in a small cell and let them enjoy each other. And maybe install a couple of big brother cameras. Win/win/win for everybody. ????
  7. They are really bad. We can agree on that one. By the way, who is "they"?
  8. Do you have difficulties with reading or understanding? Which part about what I wrote about Hunter Biden is too difficult for you? Maybe I have to write it again: Hunter Biden doesn't run for president, Trump does. This is one of the many reasons why Trump should be prosecuted ASAP.
  9. Do you think she cares? She is married to him and has the "status". I don't think she would complain if someone else does the dirty work.
  10. He is currently not in jail and he is currently considered innocent. But because crimes are suspected the authorities try to collect evidence. I think that makes a lot of sense. And if they don't find any evidence then the FBI can apologize. No big deal. Personally I don't know much about Hunter Biden and don't care much about him. If he is guilty then he should be prosecuted and maybe jailed. But Hunter Biden is unimportant. But Trump is center stage of what happened and what possibly will happen in the future, big time. It's important to make sure American's know if he is a criminal. Bring the evidence to court and decide about his guilt.
  11. Imagine they find the alleged tapes which Putin sent him with Trump and the girls in Moscow.
  12. Anybody who is not terrified that that might happen should think again.
  13. Don't try to convince a Trump supporter with facts. It's a waste of time.
  14. Did you look at any news in the last year? And I mean news, not right-wing propaganda channels? Because if you followed the news, even just a little, you should have noticed that Trump did a lots of things for which the punishment is jail. And people should go to jail for crimes independent of the politics. If he is guilty, then he is guilty. And if not then he has nothing to worry about.
  15. In almost any other country a traitor like him would be in jail or executed already. There are tons of evidence out there against Trump. Prosecute him, arrest him, put him behind bars and make sure to expose all his crimes and the people who supported them. There was a time when people looked up to the USA - a very long time ago. Now it's: Look at America. They are crazy!
  16. That is obviously untrue. He is not yet convicted. That doesn't mean he didn't do the crimes.
  17. I hope everybody who ever bought anything from them with those labels can demand to get their money back.
  18. For my personal taste Buriram is definitely the best source. I guess 80% of the girl who I like and talk to and ask where they come from tell me: Buriram. Small, brown, petite, lovely.
  19. Good! Next time someone tells me men get more than women I will have a perfect argument that that is not true.
  20. I think the picture is already a few years old. So don't blame me if you look her up and don't find her. ???? Or ask your wife if she ever worked for Hooters.
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