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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think it is amazing how many people here see themselves as being treated about the level of soi dogs. Personally, I never had that experience. That means option 1, I meet other people than you. Option 2, you are a special sort of farang who is seen at the level of soi dogs...
  2. I disagree - especially for the expats - farangs who live here since many years. I think most tourists are seen as often strange creatures with too much money. Looking at many tourists I agree with this. I think expats who live here, especially if they have a Thai wife, are somehow integrated. Many Thais who I see regularly greet me and are friendly towards me, same as I treat them and be friendly. We all know we have our differences. I think an important part is that we don't give Thais the idea that we are somehow better. They have a different culture than most of us. And we decided to live here. Why? Because many of us like to live here. If we respect the locals, then (in average) they respect us.
  3. I agree. And I have to admit I am happy that we frangs are a different group. We are out of the hierarchy and that means we can mix with anybody in Thailand. I knew a farang who lived at times in a slum and then he had a HiSo friend from the royal family. I don't think Thai can do that. I don't think I would want to live in Thailand if I would have been born in Thailand. Maybe if I would have been born in the HiSo. But also they have a long list what they can't do if they want to continue to be part of the HiSo. It's nice to be independent and in part seen as that crazy farang. It frees up the life. P.S.: This must be the only interesting question Bob ever asked.
  4. It depends. This video shows the differences. (I just had a short look at the video, and it shows the principle)
  5. Looking at the picture above the while cable is clearly input, it connects to all 3 switches.
  6. I am pretty sure brass fittings are stronger. If the pipes have no pressure than probably plastic is good enough.
  7. It seems there are different opinions about the education level...
  8. America starting wars to bring freedom and democracy to those countries which they invade. 555
  9. I agree with the complicated mess. I think that is one of those situations where you should switch off your brain and listen to your heart. By intuition we know lots of things which we wouldn't be able to describe with words.
  10. Do you only go to fine dining in fancy restaurants? Personally, sometimes I go to expensive restaurants, sometimes I eat at the fresh market for maybe 50B, and sometimes in Terminal 21. Different food, but one is not necessarily better than the other.
  11. But then, a guy might see a woman and think: I would like to f%^ her. And an hour later he sees another woman and thinks: Wow, I wish I would marry her (or a woman like her).
  12. I don't think so. If a guy is involved in a start-up and makes little money, and he works hard because he thinks he just invented this great thing with which he will be successful in a couple of years, that is perfectly fine. But if a i.e. 30 year old guy works as a teacher for 35k THB because that is the best job he is able to get, that is a huge difference. I understand women who want to see that their partner is successful, or on the way to success.
  13. And then have a hidden camera to film how everybody accuses the others why they did that.
  14. It might also depend on the "class" of the people. I wonder if this reservation concept is more often used i.e. in the expensive Paragon or i.e. in a Big C somewhere. I don't know, it would be interesting.
  15. But not all of them. Recently I got my total deposit back - after about 3 years. "I" cleaned everything, paid the bills, etc. Just like a reasonable person should do.
  16. You never know if they will deduct something from your deposit. Personally, I think you should clean it to a condition like you would like to see it to move in. Maybe hire one of the cleaning people in the building - if it is a condominium. Just be a reasonable person. That will increase the chance that the landlord or agent act like reasonable people.
  17. Thanks for all your replies. To make this clear: Yes, it's not a big problem, and normally I avoid rush hour. But on that day, I just finished a meeting at that time, and I had one dish from the food court in my mind. I bought the food, I found a table, and all was fine. This thread is about such behavior in general. Personally, I think it's not nice to reserve a table like that. It seems some members here agree with me, and others disagree. Fine. That's the whole purpose of this thread and communicating with each other. Finding out what other people think. We don't have to agree with each other all the time. It's still interesting to understand why people behave the way they do.
  18. Yes, I agree, it's not the end of the world. I just think that if nobody would reserve a table then there would be more free tables, and then nobody would see the need to reserve a table. If more people do their reservations and if they do this for longer times, then the situation gets worse for everybody. And if nobody reserves a table then the opposite is true.
  19. I remember the good old times when we went on holiday for 3 weeks. No phone calls, and no messages, because we didn't have smart phones or internet. And a week or so after we returned back home our postcards from the holiday arrived. And we could do for a couple of weeks anything we wanted. Wonderful times.
  20. He helps the hotel staff to keep the pool clean.
  21. Do you also think the towel reservation is ok, and then not using it for hours?
  22. I think that is a huge difference. A person is a person, and likely that person doesn't want to sit there alone forever. The other person will likely join them soon, all is fine. I guess that some of those "reserve signs" will be there for a long time, maybe a person who works at the shopping center goes there at 11am, reserves one of the many free tables, and then they go for lunch sometime after 12. No problem, I reserved a table... Personally, I don't need laws for everything I do. When I do something, then I automatically think about if that is a good idea considering my surrounding. I.e. I don't play something loud on my phone in public, especially in a lift or such occasions. Is there a law against that? I don't know, probably not, it's just something most civilized people don't do. We also don't stop in the middle of a busy walkway or reserve a toilet just in case we case to use it an hour later. If you think such behavior is acceptable, that is your problem. It seems there are enough people who think like you.
  23. Obviously, nobody wants to wait. And if people only sit when they actually eat then there are more tables available compared to if many people reserve their tables. 10 tables reserved and not used are like 10 tables less in the room.
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