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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why is it so difficult to find a sensible solution? How about: Don't sell it in the open and don't advertise it. Because the idea should not be to promote any kind of drug use. That is why we don't have advertisement for alcohol and cigarettes. Sell it like cigarettes or maybe in pharmacies, could that be a reasonable compromise? But then, nothing here is decided based on facts and logic. It's just decided. Sad.
  2. Who wants to use only cash all the time? How do you pay your bills? Do you always have a wad of cash with you? Mostly I use cash for small amounts like when I drink a coffee or go to the market. If I buy things for a couple of thousand THB, I use one of my credit cards. Or maybe one of the banking apps. It's easy. There is nothing wrong with cash, but if someone only wants to use cash, that obviously brings up the question why? Are you in one of those not so legal businesses where all is paid in cash? Are you one of those officials who has millions of cash at home because it can't be seen in your bank account? Cashless payments are fine, get used to them.
  3. I agree. Most of the time the service is just fine in the places where I go. Sometimes new places, but often again and again to the places which I know and where they know me. And if something is not perfect, I accept that this can happen. If it's important then I tell it to them and they fix it, problem solved. Sometimes I see guests who get loud and aggressive if even the smallest things are not perfect. Or if there is a misunderstanding because the guest thought the service people should be able to read their minds. Take it easy! If it is not a big deal, then don't make a big deal out of it. And if it is really bad, then don't go back. There are lots of other options.
  4. So, you looked her up... That picture is from the beginning of her career, probably with a title like "barely legal". 😉
  5. If you can switch everything off in your home and have a look at your meter. If it runs, then someone else is using your electricity. Best do this several time, especially when you think someone might charge the car, use AC, etc. Another reason could be dirty ACs. If they are dirty, and old, then they need a lot more power to cool down the home.
  6. We all know that some people are more open than others. I moved to another city when I was about 20. And to another country, Thailand, when I was 30, and I had a long time to get used to things. If someone lived and worked his whole life in one region, and then decides to retire half around the globe, then things are a lot more difficult to understand and get used to. Or, more likely, those people will just never adapt at that age.
  7. I think it boils down to what we all consider normal. When I grew up and I was in school all my friends lived in houses with both of their parents and often a sister or brother. People finished school and often visited university. We didn't have lots of money, but money was also never a problem. The parents paid for everything. That was normal - at least for me. For lots of other people my normal was very different from their normal. But I only realized that many years later when I was not living in this sheltered environment anymore. I write it like this because I guess we all have something what we considered normal when we grew up, and later we realized it isn't really normal for everybody. We all have different experiences with relationships, money, and and and
  8. Actually, you have many many more choices. Your ex is not the only person who rents out houses.
  9. A long time ago my gf took me to a Thai restaurant with singers where she used to work in the kitchen. The boss, maybe 50, had a string of young Thai girlfriends. The oldest was maybe 16. He also made them regularly pregnant. Police and soldiers were regular guest in that bar, and it seems for everybody this was all completely normal. Ok, that is now a long time ago, but I don't think the principle changed. Almost all men like to play around with pretty young girls. It's nature. Obviously, feminists don't like it, and men who listened too long to those feminists pretend they don't like it, but that doesn't change reality. Look at Sasa Handa, a Japanese movie star, and think about if you would enjoy if she gave you a massage or two.
  10. That obviously brings up the question how many 18yo in Thailand don't have daddy issues and don't want money?
  11. A week or so ago AN published a thread where they wrote now their articles are an AI generated mix from other articles. After that thread became pretty busy, they deleted it...
  12. Asks the girls of the night. They know all those short-time places. 😉
  13. Let me try if I understand this correct. If people knew that Trump had sex with a porn actor while he was married that is not really so bad. If people also know that he was wearing a Playboy pajama and he talked with her about STD and the porn business and then he sat with boxershorts on the bed, now that makes it a danger to his campaign. Really?
  14. It's one or the other. A pedophile is only interested in prepubescent children. Guys who are (also) interested in late teens are not pedophiles and they are not interested in prepubescent children. It's something completely different. Maybe you don't know or more likely you don't want to know, or you just don't understand it. I will put you on my ignore list. Not because you have a different opinion but because what you write doesn't make any sense. There is no point arguing on that level.
  15. I understand that it is a good show for the prosecutor to bring her to court and let her talk. But is that really important? He is accused of falsifying business records to influence the election. Does anybody have to hear from her what he was wearing on that day and how he behaved to make up their mind if he falsified business records or not? It's like when one person in a couple admits that they had extramarital sex. Is it really necessary to tell all the details of when and how? Or is it enough to admit that sex happened? Details are irrelevant.
  16. As far as I know Gary Glitter is a convicted pedophile. And a pedophile is someone who has sex with prepubescent children - age up to maybe 13 years old. Up to! Guys who like pretty young post puberty girls are just normal guys. Enough surveys established that as a fact. It's also called biology. Obviously, lots of guys deny that. Why? Old feminists don't want to hear the truth. And lots of guys are conditioned enough to make sure not to upset those old feminists. P.S.: If old guys are only interested in 16 year old girls, then that is another medical condition. Many of us just like young and beautiful and don't care too much if she is 18 or 25. That is called normal male behavior.
  17. Did Trump f her and give her money to keep it quiet? Most likely yes. And now? Is that a reason that he should go to jail? I don't like Trump and I would love to see him in jail. But please for a real crime and not paying a hooker for sex. And the argument with influencing the election is just BS. Everybody in politics tries to persuade the voters to vote for them and their party friends and don't vote for those others. We are the good guys, they are the bad guys, look at this and that and whatever. Some true stories, lots of lies, and lots of things which are swept under the carpet. If that would be a crime than all politicians would be in jail. He should be prosecuted for the real crimes which he (most likely) did. The list is long. Or do you want that someone is not prosecuted for treason but goes to jail for paying a hooker?
  18. No, some of them go with old men, maybe even 27-yo, to impress their friends how grown up they are. 😉
  19. That probably means you are nearer 50. How old exactly? What's the point of such comments? Maybe you are still young, and you look down on those old people. But imagine if you are old, let's say 60, and then you have the choice to have sex with a 60 year old woman for "free" or you pay a little money and have sex with a hot sexy girl. What would you choose? The old woman?
  20. From that article: "Rockwell admitted to the allegations levied against him including having sex with a minor and filming the sexual encounter." He seems to be real smart. But then, he is a TikToker - what should we expect.
  21. I guess that is a reason to avoid that place. 😉
  22. I was the other day in one of the Thai restaurants in Terminal 21, 5th floor. My Thai gf wasn't impressed, and I wasn't impressed. And it was relative expensive - to be expected in Terminal 21. I think in general it is a bad idea to go to any Thai restaurant in that area - and I live in that area. It seems they cater mostly to tourists (with too much money) and farangs who are not used to spicy Thai food. It is definitely a better idea to eat Thai food in Thai areas where not many tourists run around. It's also a lot cheaper in those areas because Thais don't pay those crazy tourist prices.
  23. BS Young girls are (relatively) innocent - that's part of the attraction. Maybe they want an expensive phone or something like that, but they are a lot less likely to have a masterplan how to get all his money compared to older Thai women and also western women. Life with a cute innocent girl can be wonderful. Obviously, you should not make any stupid decision - just like with any life- or business-partner.
  24. I have to admit I wasn't there for some time. But in the last 20 years or so I was there several times, and I always liked the food and sitting in the garden. I just checked on TripAdvisor it has mostly "very good" reviews. If anybody here has personal recent experience, please post it.
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