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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Only my opinion, but I think Bangkok Bank has to be the biggest rip off bank of Thailand.
  2. Imagine what any country would look like if we all just wanted to express our views by spray painting every available wall space.
  3. One major thing the boys in brown have forgotten is that today, 7th. April is INTERNATIONAL BEAVER DAY !!!!!!!!! So let them cut the tourists some slack so they can celebrate.
  4. Exactly, and people still have not woken up to it, re my post above.
  5. Quite so, they want to control how much you spend, what you buy, where you buy it, restrict travel, plus, once it goes cashless they will bring in a 'token' system instead of currency, which will be de-valued the same as happened when Britain decimalised the currency. They will also be able to tax you more as there will be no more cash for work payments. Complete dominance is what they want.
  6. I too am making plans for Songkran...........Stay at home for a week.
  7. Is this just another move towards a cashless society that the ruling elite want?
  8. I thought all motorbikes had to have the light on all the time while on the road.
  9. I acknowledge that vendors or shops using the pavements are a nuisance, but, if all these bikes are taxed then what law are they breaking?.
  10. Fainted.........Sorry, but pure histrionics. Middle Eastern people are very proficient at it, especially the Women.
  11. Exactly, my B.I.L.'s truck tax sticker says 2560............and he has had it 6 years...........
  12. You can get an idea of the manufacture date by two ways, sometimes a sticker inside the door well of the drivers side, or by looking at the v.i.n. number. With the v.i.n. I believe the 10th. character is the year of manufacture. Could give you some idea of how old it is.
  13. You may have forgotten that illegal activities of any kind here are a reserved occupation for locals only.
  14. The warnings are being aimed at the wrong demographics. They should be warning tourists of other countries that there are likely to be hordes of Chinese tourists in Thailand.
  15. If you take a close look at your receipt from a 7/11 you will notice the cashiers name or employee number on it.
  16. Officials also warned that technology will be used to support rigorous law enforcement against those who do not wear a helmet while riding their motorcycle. Except the police who are directing the motorbikes out of the schools in the afternoons. Most with unlicensed, underage riders carrying three passengers, non of whom have a helmet between them.
  17. Used to be a daily check point outside market village under the walkway. However, they mainly targeted Farangs.
  18. In Saud Arabia, (where I worked for many years), during Ramadan the Saudis actually become more proficient. As it only takes them 4 hours a day to do s*d all instead of the normal eight.
  19. I only ever answer if the number is in my contacts. A few weeks ago my Son tried several times to call me. Not recognising the number I cut the calls. Turns out he was using his girl friends phone as his battery was down.
  20. I looked twice too, then I read he is an 'influencer'. Modern parlance for a p.r. man. So I guess he was helping her with her homework while she was absent from school..............( and, no, I am not a fan of the spoilt little b****).
  21. If his lips are moving, then he is lying.
  22. Thankfully, we will not be seeing any of them near Surin. ( I hope ).
  23. Every Immigration office is a mini fiefdom for the bosses. They interpret, and instigate the regulations how they wish, with impunity mainly. Break their rules, and pay a 'fine' or leave. The one bad thing I can foresee in Phuket is that if you upset a local, or someone else with influence, it is now a lot easier to get rid of you.
  24. It is a headache for sure. I live in Surin now, so two trips to Bangkok would cost me about 5,000 Baht in diesel. I used Key visa company in Pattaya, which, as you say cost 5,000 Baht. I was lucky regarding the photos. Went to a Thai photo shop in Prasart. He took my picture in the photo room, then changed the background, etc. on the computer. He certainly knows what he is doing.
  25. What they fail to mention is that they put the tax on petrol up to cover the shortfall on diesel.
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