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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. Why not try and contact your Canadian ambassador in BKK and/or your equivalent to the Secretary of State in Canada? Once on embassy soil they are considered to "be in Canada" and can be escorted to a plane.
  2. Make sure your passport info is up to date. If you opened the account and later got a new passport, they won't let you use the new one w/o showing up in person with both.
  3. A plaque informs (in translation) about the first Nawarat Bridge: “The construction of this bridge started in 1906 and was completed in 1910. Borneo Co, Ltd contributed 600 teak logs for its construction.” The bridge was a so-called Bowstring Bridge aka tied-arch bridge.
  4. Neither of them are writing a "Tell-All" book and I don't let them use the phone or go out alone. ????
  5. Maybe it never happened. Maybe she's a failed gold digger with a failed book. Maybe he's never been to that store. Maybe....sounds like reasonable doubt no matter how you slice it. It's really wrong to convict because you don't like someone. If that's the way things are going we need to hang every politician in DC.
  6. why do you keep deflecting away from the fact that NObody saw him in that store at whatever time it 'supposedly' happened? I've taken several females to bed - how, where, when have nothing to do with anyone else. If you whisper dirty pillow talk to your wife does that mean you talk to every female that way?
  7. should have given them a direct deposit account number - never trust the mail.
  8. That's her story, not mine. She claimed the attack happened in the changing room at the high-end department store. A man of his prominence would have been seen by the doorman, the consier and or the manager let alone been recognized if not acknowledged by %50+ of the customers. For her story to be true, they would have had to been the only 2 in the store.
  9. Funny that absolutely NO ONE noticed the richest, most famous man in NYC roaming the ladies department stocking customers. Must have also walked or driven there alone? Maybe she should hire Micheal Avenatti. ????
  10. Kind of what I'm thinking also. Thanks for the PDF compression idea. Seems a good way to organize the 3 passports and save space. It's not really anything they asked for beyond absolute proof of our marriage being a true one. My idea for the visa/extensions covering the same period to back up photos, certificates and such. Was hoping for a way to get an official printout from the Thai government officials.
  11. pretty sure information on marriage visas and extension history in Thailand wouldn't be found in "other countries" but thanks for trying. ????
  12. This may be a question for the top visa experts only but...Has anyone ever requested or been able to obtain a complete Visa History of all their visas in Thailand? The reason for the question is: My wife recently joined me here in the states and the immigration folks here at USCIS want to see proof of our marriage history. (we're trying to get her B2 changed to permanent so she can get a green card and eventually citizenship) We've been married for 18 years and I switched from Non-B to Non-O married shortly after we got married so my stay in Thailand was no longer linked to the whim of an employer. If I could get a printout of my Non-O history on Thai Immigration letterhead it might help. My other option is multiple copies of multiple pages spanning 3 passports. TIA
  13. Just thought I'd beef up your post replies. ???? As you seem a bit obtuse let's see if this helps then (took a whole 3 minutes to search) https://aseannow.com/topic/429751-where-can-i-buy-a-sausage-making-kit/ and if you still can't find anything, just order them: https://www.ubuy.co.th/en/brand/the-sausage-maker
  14. If you want to make pork sausage you should start by buying a pig - beef, buying a cow. ????
  15. How many of those books have YOU read? ????
  16. OP - It would depend on if the games were being held in a public area or private area. Like a couples bikini contest vs a wet t-shirt contest Couple synchronized twerking Blindfold the guys and rate the girls kissing If you're going to have a meal you could have a biggest live lobster hunt (as it seems money isn't an issue) Best boobs-under-glass selfie (use your imagination) Kiss-a-cop selfie Enjoy ???? Share some videos after please
  17. Properly built, an EV can be FAST. 6.92 in the 1/4 mile. ????
  18. You should don all of your most expensive jewelry, load your pockets with 1,000 baht notes and head to Nana. Your future wife awaits even as we speak. ETA: Post a selfie to the same chat site as you're heading out so the 1st guy can see that he didn't ask for enough.
  19. For the OP (et al), Websites are the new scam. They are copied and put up on "hosting" sites and LOOK very real. Connection to them is often sent in an email. A few months back (as an example) my mom received and very real 'looking' email from McAfee stating that they had mistakenly 'refunded' and incorrect amount of credit to her account and could she please return it. They had also, somehow, made a transfer appear on her banking site and altered the 'memo code' to look like it was them to her (but was actually from her to her - she had 2 accounts). She then received a phone call to "follow up" and "assist" her in how to make the correction. Long story short - had she not been stopped she would have lost $40,000 I have since closed both those accounts and changed her bank as well as canceling McAfee and set up 2 step verification for EVERYTHING except direct ATM withdraws and even those have a a daily limit. (she's 83 and I call her "Happy Fingers". She's also been grounded from using the computer ???? )
  20. Try the Labor Dept that issued you the Work Permit.
  21. The government regularly schedules elections at this time of the year in hopes that the VAST amount of hot air spewing forth will raise the altitude of the pollution and the upper jet stream will blow it on to other countries. In other news: The current government has a secret contract with "Hoover" to build a "SuperSucker" that, when mounted to aircraft, will clean and filter the air in hopes of diminishing the need for multiple future elections.
  22. Wonder if this drops the property values at those condos now that the entertainment factor has been closed? ????
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