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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Wind really isn't viable for domestic here, turbines with a decent power output are $$$. There's lots and lots of sunshine and it's easy to capture.
  2. The big panels are more expensive on a Baht per Watt basis than the regular 330W ones, they are also 'kin heavy. I have a couple of PowMr charge controllers that seem to work ok, but I have heard that their inverters like to be kept cool.
  3. I like the natural wood look, so the rubberwood board is my go-to, it's 16mm thick. The HMR looks promising if you don't mind the finish. https://olhomemalaysia.com/what-is-hmr-hdf-mdf/
  4. Argh! I remember woodwork too. Luckily, I changed schools and woodwork wasn't an option I think I did metalwork and tech-drawing instead. Modern finishes are pretty forgiving, just make sure everything is clean and dust-free and you're good to go.
  5. More of a "mouse carpet" ???? Sounds interesting, you got a link to where you got the beast?
  6. From the photos this https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1160950 looks like it has a full steel frame so the top would just unscrew. There are similar items not branded as "desk" which are rather cheaper too. https://globalhouse.co.th/Fillter/search/1?q=folding table The frame would prevent any sag in the middle where most of your load would be. The 35cm overhang on each end would likely be OK but there's nothing to stop you adding a glued doubler underneath (you would have spare material from the top) which would add significant rigidity. Extending the steel frame would probably be outside your scope ???? The chipboard/Formica tops just aged, the Formica started to look tatty and the chipboard got the damp in, chipboard really doesn't like the damp. I rounded off the edges with a router, but simply sanding off the sharp corners would serve. Finish with a polyurethane stain of a colour to your liking and the job's a good un. I'm not sure where one would get the material cut to size as I have the necessary kit to do the job. If you let us know where you are hopefully someone will have suggestions.
  7. That Homepro metal framed desk/table you linked to could easily have a replacement top of the dimensions you want installed. If you can get a piece of 15mm rubberwood sheet (it's made of lots of small blocks bonded together), plywood or MDF cut to size then it's simply a case of sanding it and applying some kind of surface finish. We have a number of folding tables which had chipboard tops. Over the years these fell apart but the frames were fine. New tops using the above material and they are good for many more years (they look better too). This is the stuff https://globalhouse.co.th/product/detail/1219866900014
  8. No, it was just really carp weather ???? 16th was meter reading, but we didn't even get a full charge in the batteries either day.
  9. Here we go with the February numbers. Definitely a month of two halves. Lowest production was 8.9kWh on the 15th, best was a dead heat at 40.9kWh on the 25th and 26th.
  10. Our closest star is in a bad mood! Stonehenge last night, Aurora Boris is very rarely visible this far south: - Triggered by this: - Not a Carrington level event, yet ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event But one cannot be too careful!
  11. It's Boris! Alternatively, post in https://www.facebook.com/groups/thai.species.id for a rapid ID ????
  12. You could of course get it paid to your Thai account ... But then ... I'd try to sort another UK account and see what occurs.
  13. It would certainly be worth checking if it works in the UK before going to the branch.
  14. OK, worth a shot, in that case no idea ???? Is there an app update that you've not installed?
  15. Sadly, I'll have to add "yet" ???? Do be prepared with alternative banking arrangements.
  16. Can you use a VPN to the UK and try again? Barclays do seem to be clamping down on non-resident accounts ????
  17. Yeah, it's a looong time since I switched to my parent's address when my ex. moved and told me to "make other arrangements", and I thought we had an amicable divorce!
  18. My small PPF (Pension Protection Fund) pension uses an App "mypensionID" which is a piece of cake once set up. They just send me an email each year and the app takes a selfie and another where I blink (to show I'm alive I assume). Easy peasy ????
  19. If you have Line on both machines there's a handy user called Keep Memo which you can use to transfer images and other stuff. Just send him an image and it magically appears on your other machine.
  20. You can't passport swap at a land border. Time to book a couple of cheap flights.
  21. Not a lot you can do now if they saw your meter going in reverse ???? The worst punishment I'm aware of is a slap on the wrists and the installation of a non-reverse meter. Do keep us informed as to what actually occurs. EDIT If your inverter can do "no-export" it might be wise to set it that way at least until whoever is coming actually comes.
  22. They've not moved for a number of years, I used to be on the electoral roll (probably still am) which, at the time, was adequate. They're not likely to move again. Hopefully they're both good to get their telegram from The King ????
  23. Yeah, it's UK banking legislation that account holders must be UK resident. Banks are gradually clamping down so everyone should really be making suitable arrangements. I suggest it's not a matter of "if" more a matter of "when" your account will get pulled ???? I do maintain a UK address via my parents but that isn't going to last forever (both are in their 90s) and I really don't want to impose on my baby sister. I already have an IoM account with Lloyds (USD, Sterling and Euro) so if the worst happens, I'll move all my banking over there.
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