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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Indeed, but observing the other pedestrian (crossing from the opposite side) and the other vehicles travelling alongside the pickup it's reasonably easy to conclude that the lights were actually active, and that they had just turned green for pedestrians.
  2. He definitely slowed after impact (almost stopped in fact) before zooming off into the distance. No way he wasn't aware he'd hit someone.
  3. The black coming off was actually an issue with a batch of plates in the past, but this was years ago and all affected plates "should" have been replaced by now.
  4. There's a fairly extensive thread (now locked - please continue in this thread) here: -
  5. Now running in News, let's continue there
  6. Sometimes the hand drawn, splodgy X is so much clearer ???? Can't miss that one ... Or can they??
  7. Blood-yell! Any indication how he fared?? He had the green light by the looks of it: - The person on the opposite side started crossing at the same time. The white car in the outside lane was evidently slowing. I don't see much sign of the pickup braking. And of course, it failed to stop! Many of us put way too much faith in having the green light. Guilty as charged m'lud, I've come close a few times here.
  8. Just send them a map, X marks the spot ???? The walkway goes across the main Asoke junction so they can't really go far wrong. But... I have friends who could get lost in a squash-court. ...
  9. Sadly, it does look like the inverter manufacturer has pre-empted us ???? Can you disable the CT thingy or control the level of export via the inverter menu without adding that 2k bit of hardware? Unfortunately, the manual isn't a lot of help without sitting in front of the inverter (our Sofar is just as bad). It "might" be possible to simulate a CT connection that makes the inverter go to full power, but I think that's going to be beyond what we can do on an internet forum. Does the inverter have a FaceBook group? There's often all sorts of handy hacks lurking in there ????
  10. Just pull the plug and see what happens, nothing will get damaged. The worst that may happen is the inverter throw an error "CT disconnected" or something like, but I suspect it will just go to full chat. I do see that our Sofar, won't go to full power if it's been limiting and has shut down one string, but we turn our CT on/off at midnight so everything is asleep anyway. If you don't go to full power try turning the inverter off then on again with the CT disconnected.
  11. Ah-ha, so you DO have a CT installed, I really wish you had said this a little earlier ???? This is good because you should be able to control whether you export or not by turning the function on / off. It might be as easy as simply unplugging the CT from the inverter (that's how I turn export on/off on our Sofar inverter). Why not give it a try? It's important to understand that a grid-tie inverter will, by default, send out as much power as is available from the panels, it doesn't care (or know) where it goes so any that's not used locally goes out to the grid. The anti-reflux function (with the CT) actually limits what the inverter generates so that the grid energy is zero (or pretty close to it).
  12. I'd meet at the end of the walkway that leads to Interchange Tower as far east as you can get without dropping to street level. I think the BTS signage actually shows it as Interchange Tower exit.
  13. Yeah, like many things here, when it works it works pretty well ???? Sadly, when it doesn't work ... Cue all those who have had negative experiences ????
  14. Exactly, we never check when travelling "home", which is the whole purpose of this thread asking "What do others say about us?".
  15. The OP does raise an interesting question, few of us bother looking for advice when travelling to our home countries, I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Here's the latest UK travel advisory for the US https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/usa And, just to keep things level, the latest US travel advisory for the UK https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/united-kingdom-travel-advisory.html EDIT Having read both of those, I think I'll stay here ????
  16. Can you get a closer photo of the actual breakers, it does look like you have no earth leakage protection ???? If you could do a photo with the lid off the box we can get an idea of what's actually been wired, it LOOKS a neat job, but looks can be deceiving ????
  17. A potentially racist troll post and replies have been removed.
  18. OK, as others have noted, it's rough, but nobody is going to die immediately. What I would do: - There's loads of spare flexy water pipe so you could move the shower unit up and left a bit so the sheath of the cable can now go inside the shower unit. Splodge a bit of silicone around the cable entry if you wish. Also, verify that the earth wire from the shower goes somewhere sensible, like an earth rod. That shower doesn't appear to have a built-in RCD/RCBO, does the breaker box have any earth-leakage protection (if not sure please post a photo)?
  19. More Two Ronnies brilliance worth repeating. And it's pretty crass so ok in Worst Jokes ????
  20. There is only one thing worse than having no manual, that is having a manual that is wrong or incomplete - Anon
  21. Oh dear. A couple of "less than helpful" posts have gone walkabout. Let's keep it civil chaps, we all enjoy a spot of bacon/gammon/ham ???? EDIT And now a comment on moderation has vanished into the void.
  22. You can make quite acceptable "gammon" by curing pork loin using the "Pauline's Ham in a Bag" technique. https://www.localfoodheroes.com/paulines-ham-in-a-bag/ I know it's not technically "gammon" but it disappears just as rapidly as the $$$ stuff (and you know exactly what's in it). For other delicious links look in my DIY Bacon thread.
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