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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. The problem is that the "concession lamp" on top of the gate lights up and the guards are on the lookout for illegal users of concession (not just elder) cards. My BTS staff pass puts on the light too and I've been pulled a couple of times "farang cannot have" until I show them the card then it's all smiles, salute and "sorry, sorry". By the way, the fine is 10 x the maximum fare and the card is confiscated with no refund of any remaining value. Not really worth the risk.
  2. 60, and yes, for the BTS you have to be Thai. The MRT however just requires you to be 60 to get an "elder" card for 50% discount on the fare.
  3. As per the forum rules, please do not comment on moderation in the open forum. Please contact support [at] aseannow.com
  4. Do NOT, that's NOT, use a separate ground for your heater when there is a properly configured grounding system in place! What you have sounds just fine. If you really want the technical reasons I'll go into them.
  5. Note:- A quick peruse of various on-line sources shows them quoting a pre-charge of 10psi or so which seems low to me. Too much pre-charge will limit the amount of water your tank can hold, same problem as no pre-charge. Nothing to stop you letting some air out if you find you are getting too little water. Obviously if your tank has a label, follow it.
  6. Yeah, looks like your tank has lost pressure. Does it have a label with the pre-charge pressure? If not try 40psi (nip it down to the garage to pump up).
  7. Our tank has a water valve on the top ???? Also, remember to shut off the supply inlet and electricity to the unit. I cheat a little when our tank loses pressure to avoid wasting cleaned water. Shut off the water and electrical supply. Open the outlet tap saving the water of course. When it runs dry check the tank pressure and pump up as necessary (leave the outlet open and catch any more water that exits). Close the outlet, turn on the supply and power and let things get up to pressure again.
  8. Ours is auto-flush so no manual valve, but I suspect that opening the outlet whilst a reverse flush is in progress would simply bypass the RO membrane so it going full flow probably is just normal. Have you drained the tank of water and verified the pre-charge air pressure?
  9. It's an RO water filter with a pressure tank, not a water pump, but I believe you are correct.
  10. An off-topic attempt to de-rail this thread has been removed. Back-on topic, I too would be draining the tank fully, if it has an air valve pump it to the recommended pre-charge whilst the tank is empty of water.
  11. Lithium batteries are almost 100% recyclable and once there are "billions" of used packs available recycling will be significantly more prevalent. Tesla are already refurbishing and recycling their used packs. That's not to mention that once packs are life expired for vehicle use they still have plenty of capacity for static functions storing that intermittent solar and wind.
  12. Not really applicable to a condo / apartment but we have a moat! (Englishman, castle etc. etc.), members who have visited our place will confirm. Once past the moat (not seen any crocodiles recently, but there are definitely monitors in there) one then has to climb 2m to the bottom of our 2m wall. If you try to enter via the gates (which have CCTV) one would have to climb over, they are 2m high too. Once inside you will be under surveillance by our two deadly rott dober chihuahuas who are very ably backed up by our geese! Finally Madam has a razor-sharp Malaysian parang! Sadly she also has little spacial awareness so I would likely end up minced along with the remains of any burglars who made it that far!
  13. COD would indeed have worked better in this case as the package was obviously damaged and the contents absent.
  14. What about the boing! You can't forget the boing!
  15. Just waiting for the $$$ to arrive at my card ????
  16. Our network Contractor uses Link or Belden for Cat-6 and fibre. If it's good enough for BTS ...
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