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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Coming "soon", Pink Line spur set to be operational mid-late 2025.
  2. PUBLIC NOTICE I've just removed a page and a half of bickering posts. These will cease forthwith!
  3. PUBLIC NOTICE! Once again, I find myself hiding posts from the usual suspects** which are argumentative / bickering and throw insults around. ** they know who they are. This kind of post WILL cease forthwith. This forum is intended as a help forum not an "I'm smarter than you" forum.
  4. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on AN. How about drawing up a proper long-term rental/lease (no idea what the maximum term is in Laos) but with a "peppercorn" rent? That at least give you some legal standing if things sour or situations change. I too would consider a movable / knock-down house.
  5. "Take only photographs, leave only bubbles!". Evidently watching too many old Jacques Cousteau documentaries (I really loved those as a kid) made at a time when it was seen as ok to mess with the ocean life. Times have changed. Incidentally it was Jacques Cousteau who, along with Émile Gagnan, invented the aqualung (forerunner of modern scuba gear) during WWII.
  6. Holding the Start-Stop button "should" behave like the power switch on your PC, a hard power-off (at least that's what our Mu-X is supposed to do).
  7. Check all your connections, including at the meter as above. Check that your supply polarity is correct (L really is L). Check the supply voltage with a proper multimeter (MEA should be 230V, PEA 220V). Check that you have a N-E (MEN) link if your supply is TNC-S. If that's all OK you could try adding a mains noise (EMI) filter to the input to the lighting controller, something like this: - https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2055106688-s6703392236.html These are really intended to stop noise getting out of switching power supplies, but work equally well stopping noise going in to sensitive circuits.
  8. OK Take note people. <Moderator hat on> This thread has the potential to get venomous, one (mildly) insulting post has been removed. Let's make it the last one, shall we? </Moderator hat on>
  9. If you look up the radiated rat snake, they actually have a different pattern front to back.
  10. Thing is, 99% of snakes (even cobras) just want to go about their business and if given a way out will take it. They can't eat you and really don't want to waste expensive venom biting you.
  11. @dick turpin by the way, it's also a protected species in Thailand, so it's illegal to kill them.
  12. I'm no expert, but I think he was a Radiated Rat Snake (Coelognathus radiatus) [Thai: งูทางมะพร้าว, ngu taang mapao], completely harmless rodent vacuum. It's always wise to treat any snake as venomous and potentially deadly. But unless he was presenting an immediate danger to you or yours one has to ask, why kill it?
  13. Madam won't let me on our car-port (where the solar lives) even with our walkway, for that matter our 2.5m step-ladder is frowned upon. This is despite the fact that she knows just how much $$$ she will get if I should die "accidentally".
  14. Guys, it's a "meter", "metre" is a unit of length. Echoes here of the "parking nazis" in the UK (again private contractors) who go after little old ladies who overstay their parking ticket by a few moments.
  15. Yeah, I think that came out in later posts. The market for Thailand vlogs must be approaching saturation by now (I've never watched even one). Unless he has an unusual angle, he's going to join the also-rans!
  16. OK people, let's try to play nicely shall we. @Pouatchee measure your power supply voltage with nothing connected. Then connect it to your electrolysis cell (put the batteries in the bin) and measure again. If the voltage has collapsed to zero then the current being drawn is too great and the power supply is protecting itself. Time for a bigger supply or a more dilute solution in the jar. Doesn't colloidal silver make your skin turn blue? Auditioning for a bit part in the next Avatar movie perhaps?
  17. Walkways are always a good investment. Ours is Shera plank floor boards same as the pool deck.
  18. It could have been worse, you could have landed on the car and damaged it as well as the roof! Although that might have reduced the damage to you.
  19. @007 RED didn't realise you'd managed to damage your roof! Is the new ventilation hole now fixed?
  20. A truck driver would amuse himself by running over lawyers. Whenever he saw a lawyer walking down the side of the road he would swerve to hit him, enjoy the load, satisfying "THUMP", and then swerve back onto the road. (at this point some of you are probably wondering how the trucker could distinguish the lawyers from the humans. Obviously he saw the trail of slime they left!) One day, as the truck driver was driving along he saw a priest hitchhiking. He thought he would do a good turn and pulled the truck over. He asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?" "I'm going to the church 5 miles down the road," replied the priest. "No problem, Father! I'll give you a lift. Climb in the truck." The happy priest climbed into the passenger seat and the truck driver continued down the road. Suddenly the truck driver saw a lawyer walking down the road and instinctively he swerved to hit him. But then he remembered there was a priest in the truck with him, so at the last minute he swerved back away, narrowly missing the lawyer. However even though he was certain he missed the lawyer, he still heard a loud "THUD". Not understanding where the noise came from he glanced in his mirrors and when he didn't see anything, he turned to the priest and said, "I'm sorry Father. I almost hit that lawyer." "That's okay", replied the priest. "I got him with the door!"
  21. Those bolts appear to be intended to hold in wooden beams from the thread form. If not really worried about leaks, then drill in the valleys. Your dobies won't complain about leaks?? Wanna try that with our chihuahuas?? Death by chihuahua!!!
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