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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Has anyone mentioned wild-caught haggis? A zillion times more tasty then the farmed ones found in supermarkets.
  2. Whether the GTI output is "0" or "8kW" the voltage on the terminals is still 220V (OK it's slightly higher when generating). A grid-tie system with no grid available produces zero output voltage! If the mains supply was off ready for work to commence then the inverter output wouldn't go up due to the anti-islanding doing it's job. And our linesman wouldn't be working "dead" unless he had attached his grounding clamps which would slug any inverter that actually tried to start as an island (would also prevent accidental energisation by the grid switching system). Back feeding into a dead network is a VERY bad thing and linemen have died due to it, but the inverters in use take care of that automatically for us (no grid = no output). It's only when someone hooks up the "wrong" type of inverter or fails to implement a generator transfer switch correctly that bad things happen. Our aim here is to ensure nobody actually does that. But, as noted earlier rather that attacking all and sundry, perhaps you could tell us what additional precautions we can take to make our systems safer for others. Nobody want to be responsible for loss of life. EDIT I'm not a lineman but I have done the training (several times) required to work on railway traction power systems. Rule 1 is that you always work in between two grounding clamps (and you are supposed to be able to see both at all times).
  3. @sezze beat me to it in respoding to @mistral53 comments. Rather than just saying something makes your hair curl, why not directly address your concerns with a post and show how these concerns can be mitigated? This is after all an advice forum. The "lineman" example probably isn't the best due to "all" commercially available GTIs having island protection (the ears are because there are people out there who will spend their time trying to prove me wrong). Our PEA chap probably faces more risk from poorly implemented generator transfer switches (look on youTube for some really scary "advice" on these). Besides, no self respecting lineman is going to touch anything without proving dead, installing his grounding clamps and proving dead again then still wearing his insulating gloves. A better example would be those advocating hooking a small GTI to an outlet (I've done it myself for testing). It works fine, the cables are protected by the existing breaker so nothing is going to be overloaded. Perfectly safe in operation. BUT. There is a potential hazard if you pull the plug whilst it is operating. There's a finite time (could be several seconds) before the inverter realises the grid has gone and so the bare pins of the plug are live and dangerous. Major risk to life and limb? Not really. But easily removed by wiring the inverter permanently. I've actually received a shock from the disconnected plug of a computer UPS (it was powering the computer at the time). Probably due to capacitive leakage it was more unexpected than anything, but I'm a lot more careful with disconnected plugs now.
  4. Yup, throw into the mix the fact that the same fitting can be 12V or 220V and you have recipe for the emission of lots of magic smoke. It was bad enough in Korea where my place had a US style split supply. But a quirk of the wiring meant that some pendants were 115V and others were 230V. I just bought 230V lamps much to the annoyance of my Korean GF of the time. The 220V lamps in 115V fittings lasted forever. There was also a switch on a wire outside that turned off the local street light coz it shone in through the bedroom window
  5. Peak at Pak Kret is much lower than yesterday by the looks of it, hopefully bringing at least some relief to those who got inundated yesterday. We have a week of steadily decreasing tides to follow. Sorry I forgot to update yesterday, the arrival of immigration blanked my mind. We made it over the peak yesterday with levels well below the absolute highest earlier in the month. Immigration even blessed us with one of the "Smart" BMWs ???? It did elicit some worried calls from the neighbours wondering what The Farang was being arrested for. The two young officers were absolute gentlemen and evidently enjoying swanning round in a nice Beamer talking to people.
  6. Generally no, the cheapest systems are grid-tied, see the pinned thread on inverter types https://aseannow.com/topic/1228023-whats-all-this-on-grid-off-grid-hybrid-stuff-all-about-solar-systems-demystified/ If considering going DIY this thread is worth a look.
  7. If it works for you then great. I wouldn't rely on a free VPN for anything vital like banking details, but just sending FB messages and you're gold.
  8. Ivacy have an app that will do the trick, but like I said it's not free. Google "free VPN for {whatever your mobile OS is}" "Incogneto" is supposed to mask your identity, whether it is effective or not I have no idea.
  9. Nah, the stove gets a bit weak and Madam issues an instruction to The Farang, to swap the bottle. You can weigh the cylinders to check how much is left, but we don't bother.
  10. Probably one of the free VPNs that come out in Oz would do the trick to make the system think you're in Oztrailia. I use Ivacy but it's not free, but if you are going to need it a lot it's dirt cheap.
  11. If anyone wants to try the updated version of the No-Export controller which includes auto configuration (ok via your phone browser) of the WiFi here it is:- ESP8266_SSD1306_NoExpRel_4.0.ino And the compiled binary if that's what floats your boat ESP8266_SSD1306_NoExpRel_4.0.ino.generic.bin EDIT You will probably want to set Erase Flash to "All Flash Contents" in the Arduino IDE to ensure that it's completely forgotten any earlier WiFi settings.
  12. Actually a lot of the older halogen lighting power supplies were 12V AC at the lamp hence the LEDs being AC/DC. Even the "DC only" LEDs tend to have a bridge rectifier as the front end so they work either way round.
  13. Weren't all the relevant leaders in Scotland last week for COP26? She could have hopped on the train and saved the UK government $$$ and also improved her green credentials.
  14. Important note :- I believe the units shown in the OP are NOT 220V/12V AC/DC universal! They are either 220V OR 12V specified when ordering. It's actually not that difficult to make a power supply that can be switched between 12V and 220V. It's less easy to make it auto-sensing and prevent it going fzzzt when connected to 220V when set for 12V. I have some 12V photo switches which are actually identical internally to the 220V version except the 12V has a link, wheras the 220V has a capacitor in a particular position on the board.
  15. Pak Kret seems to have peaked ???? We are a couple of hours behind, garden is already somewhat moist.
  16. The no-export controller for inverters with a CT is here I'm working on a software update so it can be automatically configured to your WiFi meaning I can program an ESP8266 for you so no need for messing about with programmers. EDIT Attempt 1 at the auto-config is now in the Solar Carport thread https://aseannow.com/topic/1120934-how-about-a-solar-car-port-on-a-budget/?do=findComment&comment=16961880 Enjoy.
  17. If there's not already one in place cutting an access panel to the ceiling space would make the task much easier. Make it removable to guarantee no issues in future.
  18. Yeah, the 220V ones are invariably AC although as noted they will usually work on the equivalent DC voltage. The 12V ones I have are AC/DC so they work either way round on DC.
  19. Warning Will Robinson, warning!! Level at Pak Kret is higher than ever before, going over the wall and still a couple of hours before local high. Watching very carefully. High at home will coincide with a visit from immigration for my visa extension, I hope they bring their wellies.
  20. OK thanks @kralledr Got it working, had to update the App (and my Bluestacks emulator). Then sign in again. All historical date is there.
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