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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. But Mr GG. It's NOT my suggestion. As I implied in my response, it came from your favourite AI system. In reality, IF these students are that advanced, they should be ok with the full "grown-up" version shouldn't they?
  2. How about this (1.5 guesses as to where it came from): - Here's a simplified explanation of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) fit for a bright 10-year-old: Imagine the Universe's Super-Giant Birthday The universe had a birthday a LONG time ago – way before you, me, or even dinosaurs! We call this the Big Bang. Just imagine the hottest explosion ever! It made the universe grow really, really fast, like a balloon blowing up. It was SO hot in the early universe that it glowed like a giant fireball. The Ever-Cooling Glow As the universe kept blowing up bigger and bigger, it started to cool down. Think of a cup of hot chocolate that gets a little colder over time. That fireball glow didn't disappear – instead, it cooled down so much we can't see it anymore with our eyes. But it's still all around us! Microwave Flashlight from the Past Scientists have special telescopes, kind of like super-powerful microwave ovens, that can "see" that old glow. This old glow is known as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. It's like a flashlight shining from the very beginning of the universe. Why It Matters The CMB is like a baby photo of the universe. It tells scientists: How the universe was born How old it is How it's been changing all this time Want to get extra fancy? Sometimes the CMB is called the "echo of the Big Bang" because it's leftover energy from that giant explosion!
  3. People! Let's show a modicum of respect. It matters not what her nationality was, she was a human being. A number of posts (and the reasonable responses) have been nuked.
  4. Skinny-dipping anyone? One evening an old farmer went to go down to the lake, as he hasn't been there in a while, he grabbed a five-gallon bucket and some meat. As he neared the lake, he heard some voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny dipping in the lake. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted at him "we're not coming out until you leave!" The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or get out of the lake naked". Holding the bucket up he said "I'm here to feed the crocodile."
  5. I recall using a bar in HK called "Wall Street" where the prices varied dynamically according to demand for particular beverages. It was all controlled by a Sinclair ZX-Spectrum! (did I say it was a while ago??) EDIT Looks like it still exists (or at least the one I recall was in Tsim-Sha-Tsui too), but no mention of dynamic pricing. https://www.openrice.com/en/hongkong/r-the-wall-street-bar-lounge-tsim-sha-tsui-international-wine-r663210
  6. Wendy's is looking to test having the prices of its menu items in the U.S. fluctuate throughout the day based on demand, implementing a strategy that has already taken hold with ride-sharing companies and ticket sellers. Wendy's has "no plans to expand" its new surge pricing trial into Canada, its media relations office told CTV News in an email. During a conference call earlier this month, Wendy's CEO Kirk Tanner said that the Dublin, Ohio-based burger chain will start testing dynamic pricing, also known as surge pricing, as early as next year. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/burger-chain-wendy-s-looking-to-test-surge-pricing-at-restaurants-as-early-as-next-year-1.6785412
  7. OK 3,000kWh per month = Roughly 100kWh per day (ouch)! To generate all that you are looking at 40kW of solar! 10kW would put a significant dent in your bill of course. Did your contractor indicate just what your 400k Baht would give you equipment wise?
  8. Interesting read. I'm going to pop this over to Alternative Energy.
  9. Not new and it's been posted before, but ...
  10. It's worth noting that both bank's Android Apps, once set up, work fine with no messing about with codes for normal activities, but when setting up new transfers you may need your card reader thingy. Mine seems to need new batteries every time I use it (rarely).
  11. My thoughts exactly, just like the covers for cigarette packets. And, bonus side-effect, the huggies keep the beer cold!
  12. Couple that with the return to pre-covid credit card minimum payments which rose to 7.5% of outstanding balance this year and will return to the full 10% of outstanding balance next (or maybe the year after) and we have a potential issue! The unofficial loan people will step into the breach and then ...
  13. Isn't that exactly what early Punk was?? Singing is fun and should be enjoyable for those performing and (optionally) those listening I can't sing for toffee (I was in the school choir, mainly because I actually did sing), but myself and a couple of mates did the "band" thing, we even got paid a few times (no, not to stop playing)! There is (was hopefully, my Korean ex. had it) a karaoke tape of me duetting Wild Thing with the marketing director of Pfizer Korea!
  14. Or this one, which looks suspiciously like your photo https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tertran-95-i3359641058-s12464549776.html
  15. Lazada search for "smoke free ashtray". https://www.lazada.co.th/products/-i4678670836-s19263673882.html Or use an empty Chang can!
  16. Absolutely nothing to do with Thailand.
  17. Since it's a rental I would do nothing DIY!! Get the landlord involved. If he tries DIY and it all goes wrong you are off the hook.
  18. This ^^^, easy to get to by MRT too. There's also a place in Zeer Rangsit. It looks like one of those "if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it" kind of place, I feel my wallet emptying just looking through the window. Take the Red Line to Rangsit then jump a taxi to Zeer. Reverse the process to get home.
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