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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Since the plug-ins have to be installed manually, we thought members would rather have the forum back without some of the twiddly bits working. But I do agree (as a current engineer) 🙂
  2. Stockholm Syndrome is something else https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome Could be classed as Bystander Effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect
  3. Yeah, the arrow will be returning from vacation soon.
  4. That is going to need a fair number of solar panels, plenty of space available mind 🙂 EDIT If I've done my sums right and got the decimals in the right place it's only about 300,000 panels.
  5. I somehow doubt your moister(sic) notification has anything to do with the forum upgrade. I'm assuming it's "moisture" 🙂
  6. Moved to Forum Support, relevant people poked 🙂
  7. Give it chance, not all the plug-ins are installed yet 🙂
  8. Is it time for the Christmas Jokes thread yet?? Our office has three Christmas trees, they never get taken down (for at least 5 years I've been here), the girls just put new batteries in the lights.
  9. Odd that you had log-in issues, let's see if anyone else has. The arrow is on vacation and will return soon. Moved to Forum Support.
  10. “Solar kerosene is fully compatible with the existing infrastructures.” It’s not rocket science, but instead “carbon-neutral” jet-fuel science. It’s simply a method for pulling carbon pollution and water from the air and using the sun’s energy to turn these into fuel for an airplane. And there’s a “solar tower” and giant mirrors involved. A team of scientists led by Aldo Steinfeld, a professor at Switzerland’s ETH Zurich, has demonstrated a process that could reduce the impact of air travel on the overheating of the planet. https://www.thecooldown.com/green-tech/solar-kerosene-kerb-solar-air-plane/
  11. I'm not sure what you mean, but is it working ok now??
  12. I'm sure it's just on vacation. The techies have been poked.
  13. Our local farmer's market has a bunch of small turbines, I drive past it twice a day all week. I've never seen the ruddy things actually going round.
  14. Some "light" reading whilst the forum is down. https://sites.uni.edu/morgans/astro/course/nightfall.pdf
  15. Disaster. The cricket is delayed because of rain!! What am I going to dooooo???
  16. Membership of AA may get a boost too. Not that any of our members would need it of course
  17. Sadly, they've also approved rounders, sorry, baseball. Will it only be played by girls like it is in the UK? And, what the flip is "Flag Football"?
  18. And hubs Bob, don't forget hubs!! Hub of crackdowns!
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