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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. Unlikely. He's way too young and nowhere near grumpy enough! And he was clearly under the impression that he could have any woman he wanted. He's probably still washing the egg off his face.
  2. It looks better than the "frog's spawn" tapioca pudding that I had to endure back in the day.
  3. Beauty and brains. A potentially lethal combination.
  4. My guess would be bug traps. The edible sort of bugs that is. The bases are filled with water which collect the insects. The lights on the poles are possible going to have a blue glow which, at night time the bugs can't resist.
  5. Why do you feel the need to "get away with it"? If you're not prepared to pay the fine, don't do the crime!
  6. I would say lack of interest more than anything. The Thailand bubble doesn't extend very far beyond it's borders from my experience.
  7. Or Little Britain. Come back Ting Tong, all is forgiven!
  8. Flick knife? You need to get one that will accommodate at least a machete, if not a smaurai sword!
  9. I've got several. I favor the 100 baht, army green or khaki canvas sort. Expensive leather ones just advertise your wealth. They make you an easy target.
  10. Offer to chauffeur him about.
  11. When the local vicar has been on the communion wine is when you need to worry!
  12. Not even a really bad singers who should be banned from inflicting misery on other people for life?
  13. Why? Some items are only available to buy if you order from Chinese sellers. Like with everything, a little bit of common sense goes along way.
  14. When it comes road to safety, nobody cares about people riding in the back of pickups so why do they believe anyone is going to care about someone sitting on a plastic chair in a mini van?
  15. Yes. My wife is 3 years older than me and you've no idea the amount of ridicule she has to put up with...
  16. Sorry, I'm confused. What does owning socks have to do with anything relating to this topic? Are ladies of the night not allowed, under Thai law to get cold feet?
  17. How many dirty towels? It could be your exceeded the weight limit of the machine and the washing load wasn't balanced correctly. Alternatively you could pay someone to sit on it. Apparently some girls quite enjoy the experience....
  18. An entire village, so maybe 300 by name at a rough estimate. How about you?
  19. Interesting. Because after 14 years of living in rural Thailand I've yet to meet a Thai person with anything that even resembles what I would consider a high level of patience. In fact I've long suspected that their patience levels don't develop after they are 10 years old. Lack of patience is also one of the major reasons so many of them die on the road each year. Running red lights and not waiting at U-turns are just a couple of examples of chronic impatience.
  20. Just a couple of quick questions... The last I heard it now takes one month to process free residency certificates at CM. Is this still up to date information? Also, is it correct that CM immigration only except applications for residency certificates in the morning? I know you have to go upstairs. Thanks in advance ????
  21. Let's hope they didn't publicly name the shop otherwise Thailand's answer to Sweeney Todd could be on the war path!
  22. What were you cooking in them? Semtex?
  23. They don't have the capacity of those glass convection ovens although they do share the same technology. Air fryers do however cook really quickly so you wouldn't necessarily need to cook a big batch of chicken wings all at the same time. You could cook them in batches. The one I have which I believe has a 5.5 litre capacity can accommodate a smallish whole chicken no problem.
  24. This has happened many times in our house. The main cause being that not enough gap was left between the tiles when they were laid. So, when the house settles, as they all do the only way for them to go is up. It's not about heat because we've had problems in the cool season as well.
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