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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. 1) I live in the middle of the city. My usual destinations are major malls in the city or the airprot. 2) I used to always tip Grab drivers. No more. 3) The same problem still persists with Grab and now Maxim.
  2. At 500K I was considering it in the past. But when I saw the new pricing meant an 80% increase I thought "what are these people thinking?". It seems like they have come back to reality for now. 650K for 5 years seems reasonable to me.
  3. This was inevitable. The only question is why did he resign from Congress so quickly?
  4. How is a death sentence carried out LOS? 1) Lethal injection 2) Public hanging 3) Firiing squad 4) Like they do in Saudi Arabia?
  5. Great but not to put a damper on 30 Million but you know what other country will hit 30 Mil as well: 2024 Japan expects to welcome 35 million tourists by the end of the year, a 10% increase from 2019 The numbers for "The Land of the Rising Sun" is even more impressive for two important reasons: 1) Japan is much more expensive thatn LOS 2) Japan has 3 to 4 months of winter weather that will reduce the number of visitors. Many tourists chose quality over cheap. I do not see LOS hitting the dream target of 40 Million.
  6. Has anyone heard of the new Elite Bronze status? It is for 5 years and the price is 650,000 Baht. If this is true does this mean the brains at Thaialnd Elite made a mistake in raising the price fo the Gold Status (also for 5 years) to 900,000 Baht. TIT. Of course no Thai business or agency makes mistakes. I apologize for saying such an absurd thing. If the price for the 5 year had not gone to 900,000 I probably would have bought it.
  7. 500 Baht. Come on. At least get a 1000. Many years ago I pulled over a driver from New York because he ran a stop sign. When I approached the driver he presented his NY drivers license with a $50 dollar bill. I returned the license and $50. I told him "I guess this is standard procedure in New York". He smiled and I sent him on his way. Also, the term "assgined to administrative duties" is code for he will be back when the attention on this fades away.
  8. No need. Only people from CA know who Brown is.
  9. Willie Brown and not Bubba from Hope, Arkansas. Brown was the "godfather" CA politics for decades. He is now 90 and is living a quiet life.
  10. Yes. I have seen the "driver not moving " after accepting the riide request many times. Do these driver not realize that the customer can see the map?
  11. But he still represents the US to the world. At APEC the President of the United States now stands behind the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the President of S. Korea. Premier Xi stands in front. This is not disparaging but the truth.
  12. I stopped using Grab because I was overcharged last month without explanation. It did take 3 weeks to get the overcharge amount refunded. As usual no expalnation. no admission of anything and of course no apology. That is that for Grab rides. I started using Maxim and in the beginning things were fine. For the last two rides this is the process: 3 to 5 drivers take the ride and then cancel. Today the first 5 drivers took the ride from Central Airport to Nimman Soi 12 and then canceled. The 5th driver was stationary on the Kad Luang side of the mall and I was on the Top Markets side on Mahidol road. My location was clearly visible on the Maxim application map. This driver called me and asked two questions: Where are you and how many people? I replied on the Tops Market entrance side and one. She then replied "forget you" and canceled. OK, TiT and "welcome to the land of smiles" (555). I finally got a driver to take my request for ride. This was the 7th driver. I have no idea what is going on now with Maxim drivers. The 7th driver was actually polite and courteous. The service was good and this has became a rarity for me in CNX.
  13. Are you sure he actually made this decision?
  14. Did he try and smell her hair?
  15. He has been relegated to the back row. I wonder if he knows who the lady standing next to him is?
  16. Most of aircraft landing at CNX are B737 or A319, 320 or 321 series so 10 to 15 knot tailwind should be within performance limitaions. To my surprise I just saw aThai Airways B787 taking off on RWY 36. So it looks 36 is now in operation.
  17. Probably not 50% but it can be a dangerous landing attempt. . Many years ago I was trying land a Cessna 172 at my local airport and the wind had changed from a head to a tailwind and I almsot ran off the runway. The runway was 5000 feet. I called the tower later and asked did they notice the change in wind direction. The tower said they woudl get back to me. I am still waiting.
  18. Senator Tammy Duckworth of IL is on the Senate Armed Services Committee. She is a Democrat. Also, she is a retired Lt Col from the Illinois Army National Guard who lost both legs while flying a Blackhawk helicoprter in Iraq. The helicopter was shot down. Her questions to Hegseth will be very interesting. This is irreleavnt to the subject but she was born in Thailand and is half Thai.
  19. So any Sec Def candidate who worked at a Defense Contract company is disaqualified?
  20. I mean it's not like there is a stable of 4 star generals just waiting in the wings in case a new Sec Def wants to clean house. Last time I checked military promotions at this level need congressional approval.
  21. Name one major DOD contract Raytheon(correct spelling) was awarded between Jan 2021 until now? What was a major part Raytheon's business with the DOD? In the past it was part of the various UAV programs. UAV'shave been joint venture with multiple defense contract companies. I am not defending Austin because I have not been a fan of his but one has to prove his action or actions as Sec Def could be a conflict of interest.
  22. "you can't fire everybody". A good leader finds a way to work with those he disagrees with. DEI is just one issue that is negatively affecting the current US Military. There are many others.
  23. No. Of course not. Austin had been in office 8 months at the time fo the withdraw. I thought at least Miley, Army Chief of Staff, would have taken sword but he did not. Maybe that is the current state of Generals in the US Military? In my time did not have a lot of contact with general officers. Any Sec Def can olny work with the people that are currently in uniform.
  24. What do you think? OF course I do. Been to Kabul airport many times. If I was a younger it could have been me at Abbey gate. Amazing question based upon on little to knowledge about me or my experience. Let me ask you "did you care when the decision to rapidly withdraw from Afghanistan was so poorly executed that 13 young service members were killed needlessly?". Also, who gave the final order to execute such an operation? I doubt this will ever be answered. But the decisions ike these are usually brought up the flag pole all the way to 1600 Pennsylavnia Ave. You know who lives there?
  25. It depends on Sec Def Hegseth first meeting with the JCS. If he comes with humility and sets the tone tha he has a lot to learn and not lecture them then it could work. On the otherhand if he comes in with the perspective that he he is in town to tear it down then it could be a disaster. We shalll see and as it stands now I think Hegseth gets confirmed unless the Dems come up with some really dirt on him. "Politics is the dirtiest game in town".
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