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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. The SRRV process is long and yes complicated. I have all the documents ready to pursue the military veteran option. The challenge for me is getting the documents apostilled. I will have two federal government issued documents (DD-214 and an FBI background check) and one California government issued document. The apostille process might take a while. But the greatest aspect of the SRRV is that it is a lifetime visa. Once it is granted one can renew it forever. The SRRV renewal process seems like it is really simple. This process sounds nothing like the Thai visa extension process. I have been in contact with two agents in Cebu who can assist in the SRRV application process. I have also been told the SRRV agents do not charge the applicant. Instead they are paid by the government.
  2. Did three at Dental4U located close to Tae Pae Gate. The Implant was 39,000 + Crown (Zirconia) 15,000. Additional cost could be a Bone graft if your jawbone is not strong to accept an implant. I have three Osteem Implants from S. Korea. So far no problems. The cost could be lower now because my last implant and crown were done in early 2022.
  3. I do not yell. The other thing I noticed at many retail stores back in Southern California was the increasing number of self-checkout payment stations at places like Wal Mart, Target and Costco. Even Home Depot had more self-checkout payment stations. This means fewer workers who get paid more. Every grocery store(wiht the exception of Trader Joes) had more self checkout payment stations. Low skiilled workers demanding higher pay has a cause and effect. Those who have jobs in low skill positions will get more money but some of their coworkers will not be needed. Companies will rarely do the right thing. They will always do what is in their best interest.
  4. In my experience most Thai people will not directly say how they feel about us foreigners. Instead I asked two young ladies from Myanmar who have been working in LOS for years. I can have a conversation with these Burmese ladies because they actually speak almost fluent English. In short this is what they said: 1. The Thai people they know feel they are superior to people from other ASEAN countries (Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar). 2. The Thai people they know either fear or feel intimidated by most western foreigners. Most Thai people these girls know would rather not deal with or have contact with western foreigners. These Burnese girls are curious about western foreigners and want to know more about where we foreigners come from. This is different from most of the Thai people I have been in contact with. The Burmese girls are pleasant and I really enjoy talking with them.
  5. At least he made it to the Land of Smiles. I know many who never will. On my last trip back to Los Angeles I was shocked because lunch at Chipotle was $17 dollars. Chipotle is one of the fast food outlets that start at $15 to $17 an hour. To pay workers at these rates means eating out might become a luxury. "Work Life Balance" is now the favorite expression of people in their 20's and 30'. This means less money but some still want the latest I phone 15. Seems contradictory to me?
  6. I also knew the son of a former coworker who got his degree from my alma mater. HIs diploma said "Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies". It took this young man 6 years of fulltime study and over $100,000 in student loans and $30,000 from old dad to get this degree. He has not bean able to find a decent job and I suggested he might try and enlist in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Air Force. The services sometimes payoff part of an enlistees student loan. He would not consider military service because he can't handle stress, does not want to be yelled at, does not want share living areas and bathroom. He also feels college should be free and fast food and other retail workers should make from $15 to $20 an hour. In short this young man is hopeless. More concerning is he is not alone amongst his age group.
  7. “ I know I borrowed $100,000 to get a degree in the Mating Habits of the Incas but can I get my student loan debt forgiven Also, my 4 hour shift at Starbucks is just too much for me?”.
  8. The only thing I found unusual about the prep the day before was the instructions were to start with the laxatives at 400PM. In the US the Gastro told me to start at noon the day before for an 800 AM colonoscopy. I was concerned my bowels would not completely empty before the procedure. in the end only one benign poly was removed. So my next one will in 2 or 3 years from now. If I am still in CNX I will go back to the Ram.
  9. It was like taking a nap. You will feel groggy when you wake up. The actual colonoscopy takes about 30 minutes. I think was under for about 40 minutes.
  10. Two years ago Chiang Mai Ram had a Endoscopy and Colonoscopy special. Total price was 39,000. Might be worth the time to ask private hospitals what they would charge.
  11. Appreciate the current information.
  12. True Wallet can be accessed on the True Move app? True Money is a separate app that one has to download. I just did that and the registration process is lengthy. It asked for a scan of my Non Imm visa. Problem is I have an OA E-Visa printout only. i do not have an actual visa stamped in my passport. I tried to register on the True Money app and was not successful. I'll try again. When I look at True Wallet it starts with putting in a Thai ID #. True Money and True wallet are two separate purchase/payment systems? Or am I wrong?
  13. Never had it and I don't miss it. Not a big of fan of linking my credit or debit cards to third parties. Also, had some bad experiences at the True Store at Maya Mall in CNX. I just pay cash at the True machine or pay with the Bangkok Bank debit card.
  14. Rational? Ok. If you are rational then I guess I am irrational. At least I am honest aand can admit I am not compatible with most Thai people. Also, Japan and S. Korea are different countries with different cultures. Of course a "world traveler" like you already knew this. This is not a contest. Just an exchange of thoughts from different perspectives. No winners here.
  15. On first thought casinos sound like a great idea. Many of us think how great Macau or Las Vegas seems but beneath the surface there a lot of issues. I came back from S. Korea a month ago and they have casinos. A large hotel casino complex close to Incheon Airport is called Paradise City. Paradise City is an impressive complex. After speaking to some Koreans I found out as a foreigner I can go to any casino in S Korea anytime and as often as I want. But for a Korean citizen some casinos limit how many times they can enter on a monthly basis. I even found a casino near the Seoul Train station that only allows foreigners. I had to show my passport to enter this particular casino. We can guess why the South Korean Government limits casinos to it's citizens: Gambling addiction can ruin lives. I can just imagine what could happen if casinos pop up in LOS?
  16. 1) Never said "big success". Never had "big success" in my life. especially in the "Land of Smiles". Never said anything I said was relevant to anyone but myself. 2. Most people are a mystery. I never asked anyone to solve my mystery. Therefore it will never be solved. On this point you are correct. 3. "self-satisfied complacency". Never heard this before. It must be my public university education that makes me inadequate compared to your great and vast knowledge of the human condition. 4. You should start a podcast on becoming compatible with the Thai People. "I see big success".
  17. Again did I ask for your "Sefl Help Guru" assistance in achieving compatibility with Thai people? The answer would be no. You know more than me? If you say so. But I do know this: Each culture is different. Asia is a big place with many different cultures. I am not compatible with Thai culture. Is this puzzling to you? Also, this is the first time I have seen the words "implied puzzlement" used together. In that aspect you have taught me something.
  18. So you think I am "unhappy"? What I should have said was " I am not compatible with many Thai people". This was my error. I get along with people from all parts of the world but Thai people, not so much. Also, I do not recall asking for your advice and why would I want to explain anything to you?
  19. I do not have a Thai Wife. I do not bash Thai people. I am simply not compatible with many. Also, what do you know about my experience in S. Korea or any of the other places I have been in the world. The answer would be: Littel to Nothing So in the end your opinions are your opinions. Nothing more and nothing less.
  20. Without the following information really cannot offer an opinion. I used to have my cholesterol and glucose levels checked once a year. 1. Did you wife fast for 12 hours before the blood draw? 2. What were her levels for the following: Total Cholesterol of below 200 is recommended but for many below 240 is fine. HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) Higher the better. For women 50 or higher is better LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) Lower the better. For most 40 or below is better Triglycerides (Fat in the blood) Below 150 is better
  21. Ah, when did I ever say "I felt superior to anyone"? Also, what do you know about where I have been in the world? i have related and even connected with people from all walks of life in other countries. I hear what you are saying but unless you know someone on a deep level (you do not know me and i do know you nor do I care to know anything about you) then your assumption could be wrong? My mine point was it is difficult to connect with many Thai people. I have little in common with most Thai people. I have lived in 4 other countries. I speak almost fluent Korean and never felt like this in Incheon, Seoul, Songdo, Suwon or Busan. In both English and Korean it was easy to connect to Korean people from all walks of life. Of course my experience in LOS could be very different from others.
  22. I understand how Jim feels. I have been in CNX for 7 years and was a frequent visitor for almost 20 years. I have discovered I can only relate to Thai people who have traveled outside of Thailand and I relate even better with those who have actually lived in another country. So far I have only encountered only 5 people who have actually lived in another country. One of them is my dentist(he went to UCLA) and another was a Grab Driver who also went to UCLA for a year. Most Thai people that i have encountered have very limited understanding of the world and people from other countries and cultures. Most disappointing aspect has been the fact that most are not interested in learning about other countries or cultures. Obviously the most asked questions I have gotten is “Where you come from?”. I reply “United States” and they go silent. I no longer reach out to Thai people to make a connection. I just peacefully and carefully carry out whatever business I need to get done.
  23. I had one similar incident a few years ago. I called the bank in the US. They cancelled the card and sent me a replacement via Fed Ex. It took 4 days to get the card to Thailand with a tracking number. Back then Fed Ex was free but now it “ha-sip, ha-sip”, I pay 50& of the Fed Ex fee for expedited replacement card. Will your bank send you the card via Fed Ex, UPS or DHL?
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