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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. My wife, Jeab, has Covid! She tested positive three days ago. We went to the hospital where she consulted the Doctor and was prescribed some medication and advice. All free! Both of us have ben fully vaccinated as well as booster jabs. In the meantime, we have domestic arrangements in place that prevent any physical contact and she is improving from her symptoms of fever, a cold and unusual tiredness. I am taking care of her general daily needs and confident she will be fine in a few days time. it is interesting that she has been more vigilant than me in mask wearing and social distancing but the one who has become infected - she suspects from a student at the University! I have tested negative twice so far.
  2. Is that a response to my comment? Do you think I exclude children? You don't care but some of us do! I don't want to hear of people dying or suffering even if they brought it upon themselves! This matter of wearing seat belts and crash helmets should be taken seriously by everyone, including Government but in twenty years I have been here, that same everyone, has done just about nothing!
  3. TAT will tell you: All the tourists they have been predicting
  4. "Softly. softly", "go easy (on irresponsibility), "fines discretionary" While people continue to DIE! And for the Country's populace to be publicly told this! Sets the example I won't be taking - or ever did!
  5. These Offenders are innocent!! At least if they engage the Lawyer defending those responsible for the fire in Sattahip! Excuse one: They are Actors only and therefore only pretending Excuse two: those filming must have crept in without us noticing - we forgot and left the gate open! Excuse three: "B" is actually a girlfriend! They will sue for defamation!
  6. Your comment isn't comparable to Thailand with USA. Firstly, there are four times as many people in USA, Secondly, there are far more guns in the hands of people that ARE legal in USA as well as yet more illegally owned; as I understand it, about 300 million guns out there in the public sector You are right, I don't know how many illegal guns in Thailand and neither do the Authorities know! But I think it is very unlikely that illegally owned guns in Thailand amounts to millions! Mass shootings in Thailand are extremely rare, in USA not so - and this is to do with the gun laws that allow just about anybody to own one or even more!
  7. Difference between USA and Thailand is that in USA just about everyone has a gun and millions have more than one. This definitely predisposes the risk of any kind of shooting frenzy or otherwise in USA and very much less likely in Thailand.
  8. To be or not to be: Covid 19, or Monkey Pox 22 But Foot in Mouth is already endemic here!
  9. Let's change "optimistic" for realistic and then we might get somewhere!
  10. The speed quoted is irrelevant to the precise circumstances of that prevailing situation. Driving inappropriately at any speed could be hard luck for somebody! One could easily be killed from a 30kph speed!!
  11. Unfortunately. most people never acquire wisdom, however older they get.
  12. The Top Government doesn't care The Ministry of Transport and Health do not care The police do not care Parents do not care Children do not care - What chance have they got?? And none of this is NEWS!
  13. In any event, Adoption is a legal process and responsibility of care, provision and protection then passes to the new parents.
  14. They could start NOW of course, or 25 years ago, However, I want to feel positive about this announcement! Let us see what actually happens I want see frequent accurate reports of progress This includes basic figures of where and when, what offences are being committed and punished by If it transpires that nothing changes... I will be probably feel differently
  15. I think Thailand's official position is one of neutrality. That means neither support or condemnation. We don't know for sure what is actually going on behind the scenes. Stating that Thailand supports Russia is to imply that they agree and encourage the invasion of Ukraine, that I think is not really the case! In any event, too scared to join the "Sanctioning Club" or to openly state support for Russia.
  16. This is a scheme loaded in favour of Thailand, not foreigners. So, thanks, but no thanks!
  17. On the face of it, I see not much problem with this. They say accidents, but there are those who engage in risky or even dangerous pursuits (would that be covered?). Also probably not necessarily illness or pre-condition related accidents. Or those who get drunk and then into violent trouble. I said on this forum a long time ago that travelling abroad to any country should involve obligatory travel insurance. As far as Thailand is concerned, looks like they will take the money whether anybody likes it or not. And what about those who can prove they have excellent Travel insurance already? On balance, I think I can agree with it!
  18. About time!! - as long as they actually enforce it!
  19. There is method: in his (The Chinese Man's) madness: One has to be very careful when dialling the Chinese because there are so many Wings and so many Wongs, you might Wing the Wong number!
  20. It is certainly a decree... But is it really still a covid "emergency?"
  21. After two and a half years of lost time not preparing for a return to some kind of tourism numbers, they - the tourists - might have hoped that what "Premium" Thailand had to offer was already in place, not just wished for! Premium prices, yes, and the people to benefit are the the "corporates". Of course these large Businesses do employ the locals but they are underpaid as in one instance I can vouch for having stayed in Koh Samet last week and the waitress, after having being told we only wanted the egg and toast instead of the full American breakfast, asked us nevertheless to order it, separately, so she could take it away later and have it for her own breakfast! And I paid the full B200 as a foreigner to visit Koh Samet as it is National park, whereas my wife paid only B40. I am not Thai but I have lived in Thailand for longer that 25% of the Thai population.
  22. I bought a crate of 12 beer Leo strong brew yesterday 1 July, and was charged B638 instead of the B585 prior to this date, in Makro. It is obvious this was existing stock and Makro will take the extra profit. This is virtually a 10% increase with no notice and serves only to preserve high profits for selling alcoholic water.
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