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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. Is it truly a short leg ? Or is it that the hips are out a alignment? In that case a chiropractor can re-align
  2. Tell him to contact Biden .. I'm sure he will try to find a way for congress to send him $$$
  3. Chase Bank .....Never a problem
  4. Korea bans (A)killing and (B) eating Dogs - will Thailand follow? I agree with part B . don't eat the nasty soi dogs
  5. Similar experience ... ..But i would start coughing and have an hour long episode of clear phlem at night went to Hua Hin/Bangkok hospita l saw a doctor .. weight great blood pressure perfect . ordered a CT scan which showed mucus / congestion in left lung he then wanted me to go for a MRI $1100 ???? I spent about $350 dollars that day and wasted 6 hours ... I decided that A.. this was a power $$$ grab and I know the mucos is comming from post nasal .. went to Hua Hin government hospital .. signed in . saw a doctor within 10 mins ,,sent me down for a chest xray, see an ENT Doctor (ears clean / clear ) back up to see the 1st doctor ,, she concluded.. that it's a reaction to the dirty filthy air.. especilly from all the farms in the area constantly burning the fields at night, gave me a script for an Antihistamine and a nasal spray .. sent me down to a physical therapist to show me how to cough to get rid of phlem and breathing exercises to open up the airway ...... issue done.. no more episodes ! total bill for all doctors and xray/scripts was $65 and in and out in 3 hours Special note**** if you are not fluent in speaking Thai ,, bring someone with you . ( have my wife help with that ) the doctors all spoke english . the nurses/staff did not . Also note . the doctors at the Government hospital. spoke to me.. and explained everything I give them a solid 10 out of 10
  6. think about it .. that would be the Thai equal to U.S. Red Neck Sweet Tea
  7. Interestingly, light beers are often those with higher sugar, and low alcohol beers can also be quite sugary, as the sugar produced in the malting process is hardly converted by the yeast. However, in regular beers, the amount of sugar is typically less than 2 grams per litre, or less than 1 gram per pint.
  8. i was told 30 days .. last year i went 1 day early and the IO pointed it out , put still let me do it
  9. We married in the US .. K1 took 8 months to get . Soc Sec card and Green recvd almost immediately , after 3 years took her US Citizenship test and passed We registered our marriage in Thailand on a vacation just after 2 years . Income taxes were better because of the US marriage and she is registered on US Soc Sec. Moved back to TH in 2020 .... plus working for a US company on line and living in TH got us incredible tax refunfds and all while collecting Soc Sec. to boot
  10. did my last 90day in November. just did my extension and got my stamp on Dec25 I/O also reset my 90day count for March ( Hua Hin )
  11. House and land are both in my wife will and will transfer to her sister that lives very comfortably in the U.S .. for the Usufruct I am listed on the bottom line on the Chanote ...... and I just happen to keep it under lock and key along with the Blue and Yellow house books
  12. if they put an on the road stop/checkpoint every 37 feet ... it still would not stop the carnage
  13. If we have to explain,,,you probably will still not understand...but let's give it a shot, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig
  14. Negative ..... Fibre is not needed for a proper Human Diet Statins are not your friend The entire carb / grain / veggie sugar (don't forget the poison seed oils ) are part of the Kellog's / Morman bought and paid for lie Human's thrive on carnivorous diets "Saturated fat's " are your real friend .. eat beef ! Start out with BBBB (0" carbs ) Beef Butter Bacon Eggs for 60 days .. then go get your bloodwork rechecked Amazing. how getting back to nature heals the body
  15. ever try changing your diet ? T/2 is reversable
  16. how many supplements do you need to take to sustain your health on this fake food ? Good thing our ancestors survived the last "ice age" .. by stocking up on all those bags of frozen/microwaveable broccoli spears and peas ! The Last Glacial Period (LGP), also known colloquially as the Last Ice Age or simply Ice Age, occurred from the end of the Eemian to the end of the Younger Dryas, encompassing the period c. 115,000 – c. 11,700 years ago. Get it ?
  17. Paolo e Carlo PRIMATIVO DI MANDURIA RESERVA CLASSE 1966 go for the 2018 or 2019 I have 30 in my cooler right now
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