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Everything posted by alanrchase

  1. According to the internet it is the coating on the cover that crazed. Seems it is common in hot climates. Here is a Thai guy fixing his.
  2. I have two units mounted on brackets, one has no rubber and the other has a bit of rubber mat under each bolt position. I would get a bit of rubber mat ,cut it to size, loosen all four bolts then remove one bolt at a time and slip the mat under and refit the bolt. Tighten all bolts at the end.
  3. I print off the filled in form and sign it in blue ink. Never had a problem. The previous threads I have read on here all concerned the ink colour for the signature. Some people said there was an issue when they signed with black ink.
  4. My CB300F was insured 1st class with Viriyah when I bought it, about 4,000 a year. They will only do 1st class for three or four years. I switched to some sort of 3rd party with them for 2 years for about 500 a year. Wasn't too happy with the coverage that provided so now have 2nd class with Roojai for about 2,000 a year. Never made a claim so can't comment on how they deal with them.
  5. Did my extension early March and as the Immigration officer handed back my passport he mentioned that next time they wanted a copy of the TM30 receipt that is stapled in my passport to be included with the usual submitted paperwork.
  6. You said she showed her blue book, I suspect she also provided a copy of her ID, so it was not a verbal confirmation. I have no blue book but for proof of address I show signed coppies of my son's blue book and ID.
  7. In a case like this it basically comes down to who can give the most believable testimony. As you admit, Trump is a serial liar, case closed.
  8. Trump is not saying he wasn't allowed to defend himself in court, he is moaning about the judge restricting what he was allowed to say outside of court during the trial. Trump, of course, is oblivious to the fact that the only legitimate place to present his defence is in the courtroom.
  9. Lloyds International have had free international transfers for many years.
  10. I thought that as well but my son received a transfer from a UK bank recently that was converted to Baht before being transferred and he got a surprisingly good rate.
  11. I have no issue with Wise, my point was that you do not get an exchange rate that is 3 baht below the mid rate when you do a bank to bank transfer, that is the bs.
  12. Thanks for pointing that out. I would receive 415,500 baht, way above the 390,000 claimed by the poster.
  13. What a load of bs. I use Lloyds and international transfers are free. I get about 0.3-0.4 baht below mid rate on the exchange. I make sure the transfer is done in sterling and the exchange done by the Thai bank (BBL). The Thai bank charges 500 baht. For a transfer of £10,000 at 42 I will receive about 41,100 baht after all fees. Last transfer a couple of months ago took 23 hours which is fine with me.
  14. My son graduated 9 years ago. He had three jobs the first year after graduating. First job started at 20,000 with accommodation and last job started at 35,000 without accommodation. He is still with that third company. Today he owns a car, pays a mortgage on a condo in Bangkok and is a partner in an antiques shop. No idea what his total monthly income is now but he seems to be doing well.
  15. I am not suggesting they would issue one solely for that reason. A reason for wanting a tax ID was one of the questions asked on the application form when I did mine and I am just pointing out that being taxed on bank interest is an easy answer.
  16. If you have a Thai bank account that pays interest they will be taxing it. Just tell them you pay tax on the bank interest so you should have a tax ID.
  17. Avast is on my phone as an anti virus app. Should I not try and protect my phone from viruses? Maybe you know of a better one? I have never had any dodgy third party apps on my phone, they are all from the playstore, including Avast. As far as I am aware the web protector option in the app is to warn me about dodgy websites that could harm my phone.
  18. The issue seems to have been caused by Avast mobile security web protector. I just did a scan after reinstalling the app and was prompted to turn web protector on. I checked the bank app afterwards and got the security alert again. Went into settings again and turned it off and the bank app works. Web protector is in the accessibility settings.
  19. A scan was done at 7:30 this morning and all apps declared safe. Uninstalling several apps has fixed the issue. For some reason my bank app was unhappy with one of those apps.
  20. All apps were verified by play protect. Can only assume my bank app didn't like an update to one of the apps I uninstalled. Possibly an older app was no longer supported by playstore.
  21. Just uninstalled a few rarely used apps and it is working again. I can only assume that an app update must have caused the issue as all the uninstalled apps were from the playstore and have been on my phone for months. Unfortunately I was too lazy to check the bank app after each uninstall so am not sure which of the 5 or 6 apps was causing the problem. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  22. I have just uninstalled and reinstalled the app and the security alert comes up as soon as I try to open the app. Checked my phone software and am on Android 9, app should run on Android 7 and above. Managed to open a browser page using the click for more information. All in Thai but was basically telling you to uninstall the problem app but did not tell you which one it is.
  23. All apps on the phone are from playstore, no new apps have been added to the phone since the bank app worked last week when I topped my phone up. "Click for more information" just goes back to the security alert. I am not going to uninstall apps one by one and find out the bank app still doesn't work. Thanks for the suggestions but I think a visit to the bank will be required. Internet banking still works if I need it.
  24. Watched the video and found the accessibility menu option and it is turned off. If the "click for more information" actually gave me more information I could uninstall the alleged problem app but it goes nowhere. I used the app on 26 March to top my phone up and have not altered any of the apps on my phone since. Thanks for the suggestions but looks like a visit to the bank will be required on Monday.
  25. Checked for updates, several apps required it but not the bank app. Updated the apps, cleared cache in the bank app and restarted the phone. Issue is still there.
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