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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. We're good at fighting and killing hand to hand. That's how we ruled half the planet.
  2. Minor crimes Retirement extension = deportation Divorce Marriage extension = cancelled
  3. Got mine on Lazada for under 200bht. 7 years old and still working perfectly. Matches up with the hospital readings as well 90/65. The hospital always make me go for a walk to get a higher reading.
  4. More about having a few 50kg bags of rice in your bunker IMHO. ....... and enough swords to fight off the zombies.
  5. You're assuming the banking system will survive the fall! If the big one happens, there will be no banks and no paper money.
  6. I don't require my misses to do anything else.
  7. General ward in government hospital is under 500bht/night. Blood tests 250bht Blood is donated free. Where has the 400kbht bill come from? Last month I was in the 'broken bones' general ward of a government hospital for 3 days. Cost was 6kbht (mainly for the 10-15 x-rays) Had the usual needle port in my hand for drip, morphine, etc., it leaked leaving a pool of blood on the sheets, I guess I coul have told the blood stained sheets story, but it didn't seem important at the time.
  8. But the prices are still going up!
  9. I'm more of a 'slow fall of the world economy' kinda guy.
  10. Bed by 9pm, up by 6am. Seems silly to waste the best cool weather at dawn.
  11. I always keep my grow until the next year grow, I just smoke a bit more at the end of the year. Anything left after 18 months, I chuck in the bin. Jam jars work if you don't have Mason jars.
  12. On my final bills (don't care how they're made up) I've always paid under 4bht/unit until this months bill. Which was 160bht for 36 units (4.44bht/unit) What they announce, and what the final bill is have never matched.
  13. This month was the first month I ever paid more than 4bht/unit. So you're clearly wrong!
  14. My pension is the same, no matter where I live.
  15. 1 year in a mason jar 5 years vacuum bag in freezer Expect to lose 30-50% potency.
  16. Thought the dancing girls were a bit overdressed.
  17. I do nothing, it's just another day, no tree, no presents, and my kid will be going to school as usual.
  18. Nah, women will accuse anyone, some even accuse presidents. What services do female party entertainers offer anyway?
  19. Drug dealers, murderers, violent thugs and gang members always have the best looking women.
  20. $10M + 1 home. That's enough for anyone, anywhere.
  21. It only opened on 28 Nov (yesterday), so unlikely to be on google maps. Coffee is 65bht.
  22. Off topic, I live in a Thai gated CM community of 250 middle class households. Only 1 attractive woman in the entire community, so I conclude that Thai guys can't get the good looking girls either, unless as paid escorts. Don't think it's most guys have no taste, more like most guys can't afford a pretty one for more than an hour or two. Back to the OP, If you look at the video of the incident in the restaurant, only one pretty Thai girl there as well, and she doesn't appear to be with the ranting cop. The ranting cop doesn't have any taste either!
  23. I got on a 'Chinese only' flight to China from CM airport. When the flight attendant announced 'boarding rows 1-10' the entire crowd charged the gate, and the flight attendant hid and let them have at it.
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