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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Don't think you're really up on prices. Fan room 2k5bht, with aircon 3k5bht, 3 bed house 10kbht.
  2. I'm living in CM with wife and son, plenty to spare on 50k/ month. 3bed house 10kbht, plenty to choose from in the 6-12 range. I only eat English/Indian/German food. If I were living alone, I doubt I'd spend more than 30kbht. Wonder what all you big spenders waste your money on?
  3. Your Thai child can use any government hospital, no need to register.
  4. Again, just wrong, kids can use any government hospital. And I've used this option for my kid when I didn't like the hospitals diagnosis.
  5. Harmful misinformation, reported to mods. Thai kids can use any government hospital, no need to register.
  6. Doesn't apply to children, any government hospital, anytime.
  7. Children (unlike adults) are entitled to free health care at any government hospital. No documentation required, apart from proof of citizenship.
  8. Complete and utter BS! Every animal species expands it's population until resources can't support any more. We, as a species, are nowhere near our peak resources, so our population will continue to increase.
  9. You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. (Bloodhound Gang - Bad Touch)
  10. I though it was a poor (but handsome) man exploited by rich women. Why do you always say it's men exploiting women. My marriage in the UK was clearly an example of a lazy woman exploiting my earning potential.
  11. Just get an inverter and batteries. Expect to pay 50kbht for 10kwhr of storage and 12kbht fow a 5kw inverter.
  12. I don't view the 'Nixxxx' word any worse than the 'Farang' word. Anyone who uses either is a racist IMHO.
  13. From your post I gather you're an anti-white racist!
  14. i read the whole story. Brit guy made a fuss wanting 'his music' and got called a name. No big deal IMHO, it's not like anyone called him a 'Farang'.
  15. Present = today and the next 7 days.
  16. i prefer whats under 50Kg, not more than 34 years old, and born a woman. ...... and not more than 2kbht a go.
  17. Nope, 4x 50kg would distribute the weight more evenly over the shocks.
  18. Is there any western country where this isn't happening? What foreign accent does she have (Arabic?, Indian?)? I would say Indian, but her skin is strangely white. People switching from baths to showers is an indication of poverty? i switched from 1 bath a week (normal in the UK), to 2 showers a day (Thailand). Muslims don't take baths, it's against the instructions in the Koran. Times change. Shoplifting on the increase, and the report shows many white women shoplifting. That seemed unusual to me. I think this is an Indian report, because they've gone out of their way to portray the UK as populated by white people, if it were a western report, it would show the UK as being more multicultural. Interesting how propaganda works.
  19. Ages 52-67 have been amazing for me, before that it was all very dull and ordinary. Becoming homeless can happen to any man, especially during divorce in the west. But now we're in Asia where we can't own property, many guys are risking homelessness by putting their home in a local woman's name. We're just one domestic dispute from being homeless!
  20. Agree, Best years of my life started age 52, I could never have imagined that happening in my wildest dreams!
  21. Use the Wesco at 1/4 strength and you have the same.
  22. I worked in many UK schools (2001-2009) mostly in Oxfordshire and Cornwall. Most of them were awful with bullying, beatings and drugs commonplace. Some kids (top class) got through with a decent education, but most didn't. My daughter here (top class) did well, my son (not top class) hasn't but at least he's avoided the violence rife in the UK schools.

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