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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Sounds like these 4 should all be in jail, not just one of them.
  2. Lots of Euros go casually topless on the beach and in resorts.
  3. I only use Aircon occasionally, at the moment 1-2hrs/day as it's very hot, normally not at all. The fans all run from solar. Better to get acclimatised to the Thai weather IMHO.
  4. Interesting comment! No woman has ever wanted to have sex with me for enjoyment (and I honestly can't say I'm surprised by that decision). And I've always let them choose me for paid sex, so there can't be that much repulsion involved. Let me make a comparison ....... Beer isn't my first choice of alcoholic drink, but I can still drink it without vomiting, especially if someone else is paying for it. I prefer chips with my meals, but if it comes with rice, I can choke it down. Life is a series of compromises, where we live, how we earn money, the car we drive, who we bang, most of us just accept what's available, as settling for a bit less than what we actually want isn't really that big a deal for most of us.
  5. You'd need to specify the age of the girls involved .......... Generally I'm not much concerned about illegal activities 'per se' as I'm not employed by the police, so it isn't my business. You're the one obsessed with women, age and sex.
  6. I'm not convinced that women marry any man because they are attracted to him. Generally women want to reproduce with the meanest, most thuggish and violent men they can find. Marriage is more of a woman's pension plan.
  7. Did you mean 'before Dan devalued the site by 32Mbht'? What a loser!
  8. I would have classed the Chinese and the Russians as the biggest trouble makers in Thailand (after the Thais).
  9. I don't respect any white man that calls other white men 'farang'! Who anyone is banging or why or for what ........ don't really care. Thailand provides prostitutes to the world, it's what the Thais are famous for. I didn't make it that way, don't blame me or any other white men.
  10. Age of consent with parents permission is 15, age of consent if married is 13. No crime was committed in the OP.
  11. I bet you have a lot of free sex, sad that you're alone at the time!
  12. Spiderwick Chronicles complete season now out. But beware, the family inheriting the old mansion house appear to have gone black.
  13. Anutin calls us dirty foreigners. Prayut says we should be raped and murdered for wearing bikinis. If you don't believe they hate us, you ain't paying attention.
  14. It took me 4 years to convince my Thai MIL not to walk around the house topless, and to close the bathroom door when she has a poop!
  15. Because traditionally women are the property of men, and expected to live in the country of their owners. The rules in the western world were broadly the same until around 1950. They even made a Hollywood movie highlighting the discrepancy (I was a Male war Bride 1949 starring Cary Grant).
  16. It's way easier for a western woman married to a Thai to get a Thai passport (1-2 years + family income 15kbht/month) than a Thai woman married to a western man (UK 5 years + family income 140kbht/month ). You aren't comparing like with like!
  17. Thailand has nothing to offer tourists, Vietnam is better in every way. The Viets don't hate white folk, they don't put the wrong stamps in your passport, the beaches aren't infested by sand flies, there is more to see. If I didn't already have a Thai house, wife, kid, I'd not be here.
  18. How about a 90 day waiver on entry like you give the Russians! We get 45 days in Vietnam, so of course more long stay Brit tourists are going to Vietnam.
  19. You also need to understand the Thai people running the shops next door are happy to live on a fraction of the income you require. And can probably pay less for the consumables they use due to dual pricing.
  20. I always think people go about this the wrong way! Learn to conserve, fit led lights, learn to switch off items you aren't using, do you really need that chest freezer and air con everywhere? I built my own 10 x 340w panels 25kbht, 5k5 hybrid inverter 13kbht, 6kwhr batteries 45kbht. Shower heaters, air con and electric oven connected to grid, everything else on solar. This runs 80% of my house, leaving me with a bill for 40-80 units/month and no power cuts when it's windy or raining.
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