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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Me too ...... but TAT always wants the super rich and the Indians are usually here as the super poor. Can't see any tourism policy that targets poor 3rd world countries being all that profitable. Sure there are a few super rich Indians, but they won't come here, same as the super rich western tourists won't come her.e Everything in Thailand is just not good enough for the super rich.
  2. Was Thaksin a choice in the poll? I'm thinking not!
  3. You're older than me and I don't expect to last another 5 years. If you really want to save money or the planet, my Honda 160i gets 51Km/ltr.
  4. You need to take into account the relative purchase prices. Most EVs will cost the same as an ICE with a lifetime of fuel. Your million baht EV Vs 320k Baht Suzuki for example. However, I will agree EVs are for people with no brains.
  5. Make your own, apples on sale everywhere for 10bht each. Key lime pie also easy to make. Pastry is just flour and water. Key lime (microwave) filling 3 eggs, 12oz tin of sweetened condensed milk, juice from 1-2 limes 25ml Pour into a large Pyrex microwave bowl. (DO NOT USE A SMALLER CONTAINER–it will boil over.) Mix then cook in microwave on HIGH for 5-7 minutes. Stir well after each minute. After 4 minutes, stir with a fork every 30 seconds. Watch filling carefully. Do not get distracted. It will become thick in a split second and you want to be there to stir and make sure filling cooks evenly. When this happens it may look like a big lump rising up in the middle or one side. Mix until smooth, cook until thick enough, do not allow to boil.
  6. The senators ........ they have 250 seats, beating everyone else.
  7. had 2 wine coolers with breakfast this morning.
  8. Sex plays almost ZERO part in the life of most western men aged over 40. Unless you're gay or are happy to do it alone. Look at Huw ...... earning 400kGBP/year and has to trawl gay dating sites.
  9. It's a fungal infection ...... the only thing that will fix it is ........ The bad news being the fungus spores live in your underwear, shorts, towels, bed linen, so once you have it, it's forever, and the cream costs around 80bht for a tube that will last a month.
  10. Life doesn't have to be that long........
  11. You're wrong, the worse they behave the better our exchange rate. 45.3bht to the pound today ............ if this keeps on, it'll be 50!
  12. Why are the outgoing government still making decisions 3 months after being voted put?
  13. Maybe in the west, but I bet they're well outnumbered by young 3rd world people, S. America, Mexico, Philippines, etc.
  14. Same for me, I sleep with the windows and doors open and a fan blowing the mozzies away.
  15. Torrential rain most of the afternoon in MaeJo yesterday.
  16. I retired in the UK at age 45, moved to Thailand age 52. Are you confusing retirement age with state pension age?
  17. I don't understand people that want to live as sick and disabled in their old age. Just die with dignity. As for immigration requirements, they've been the same for at least the past 20 years. 400k + Thai wife, or 800k + single.
  18. Why are they always chasing young boys though? It seems to be a problem unique to the BBC.
  19. From your BBC link ........... "The life span of humans – opposed to life expectancy, which is a statistical construct – hasn’t really changed much at all – Walter Scheidel" it's not enough to find a link, you nee to read and understand it. Anyway, you've identified yourself now!
  20. I think you need to o a google search on some definitions.
  21. Have you confused lifespan with life expectancy? They aren't the same thing!
  22. The lifespan of humans has always been around 70 years for the past 5,000 years. Socrates was 71 when he was ordered to kill himself (399BC).
  23. I'd be more concerned that someone professing to be a devout Christian married 'heterosexual' BBC presenter was using gay dating sites.
  24. ..... or the Baht exchange rate becomes 80bht to 1 gbp.

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