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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. From that I've never had an STD, always UTIs.
  2. Penicillin is deadly to some people. Just because something doesn't work for you is no reason for everyone to avoid it.
  3. Can't imagine living 25 years into state retirement ....... 66 + 25 = 91. Even my pals back in England mostly die in their 60s. If I manage to make 70 (doubtful) inflation would have been trivial.
  4. Easily available at most pharmacies and recommended for UTIs. Moved from Cipro 500 @100bht to Norfloxstar 400 @80bht. STDs and UTIs are the same thing IMHO.
  5. I went through all the same problems, generally my PSA test result was 0.4 from age 63-65.
  6. Sensitive tendons in my ankles. Generally I have to stop exercising for a week while taking, and then another week after just to be safe.
  7. If I'd rented a council house my divorce wouldn't have cost me 600,000 pounds, and I wouldn't be homeless. If I could go back and do it again, I'd have rented. Back on topic, Does everyone else agree that 2014 was the pinnacle of UK living standards? Or does that assertion get a free pass?
  8. Weird assertion, I don't believe man on man sex happens outside the US justice system all that much. Didn't happen in the UK prisons, I have no experience of Oz prison, maybe you're like the Americans.
  9. No, I'm saying the large land owners (Crown, Aristocracy, RSPB, Nation Trust, Forestry Commission, Church, etc) should submit to redistribution, along with anyone owning more than 10M pounds in assets) I doubt you have enough to share with anyone.
  10. I don't know what's going to happen, and suspect nobody else does either. As long as I have enough money to live out the rest of my life in comfort (40kbht/month), nothing else really matters to me.
  11. I used to work for a company that employed a lot of wokes, they couldn't do any of the work required but they looked great on the 'affirmative action' statistics. At one point it was hard to get the work done, as there were too few people employed on their merits. Couldn't even use them to run errands as that would have upset them. They all got a generous salary, but they were hardly workers.
  12. I changed at 42.7 yesterday and was quite happy with that. Looking forward to my 10.1% pension increase now.
  13. I think a lot of them were employed to push the previous owners woke, anti-Trump agenda. Obviously Mr. Musk doesn't want them around any more.
  14. He's good at making money, does Twitter really need all that many staff? This IMHO is removing the chaff, and maybe an asset stripping exercise. Or maybe he's just bought it to close it in a revenge scenario for hurting his feelings.
  15. 10% won't buy my vote for the Tories ........ I'd need 100% more!
  16. The standard of living for the average UK citizen has declined since the year 2000 IMHO. I was only there until 2009, but since then my pals tell me it's only got worse. Obviously the globalists are only interested in connecting the decline with Brexit, but in reality the pushing for globalism/climate change/green energy/multiculturalism is the reason for the decline of western civilisation.
  17. Wokes are neither workers or owners. As for abusive work conditions, I always took the payoffs to leave, new job next day, and cash in my pocket.
  18. Brit women aren't a race, I'm not a racist and don't use Thai racial slurs when talking about white folk. Not to mention I don't really care who people are or what people are doing when at an airport.
  19. My plants always flower when big enough under natural light, no matter what the season. No point in posting links, most people on cannabis forums/thread have never grown themselves. As for growing outdoors in Thailand, Dead loss this year, sudden storms, violent winds, cheap Thai seeds = nothing. My seeds from the UK, tent at night, outside in pots during the day are doing fine. Last nights storm almost did for the flowering plants I left outside, pulled them inside looking very sad and droopy, but they seem to have recovered this morning. 50% shade or the leaves curl up ...........
  20. Nah, more to do with interest rates. US has higher interest rates so all the big boys moved their money to the US. Obviously that isn't so true with the 3rd world.
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