Just put the ground flower on the cheese, it decarbs as it cooks.
Last night 3gm of Lao brick on a pizza knocked me out for 4 hrs before I managed to stagger to bed.
I've also tried decarb first, but it wasn't as good.
No woman wants a 'good guy' when she can get 'a real piece of work'.
If you want women you have two choices.
1. Become a violent thug (they like them).
2. Earn enough money to pay them (they also like money).
The experts never seem that useful to me.
They wanted the countries closed for 2 years, that didn't go too well.
They told us all to wear masks, an get vaccinated 4+ times, but we still all caught COVID.
Experts have agendas, usually financially motivated agendas.
The EU is all white, so how can a vote to leave be racist?
How many non-white countries have been allowed to join the EU?
If the answer is none then the EU is racist, and the UK was non-racist by leaving a racist organisation.
I'm more of a bacon, sausages, roast pork, chips, meat pies and fried chicken (at home) type of guy. Last week went out to LK 3x to the Indian, had Chicken Madras, Butter Chicken, and Chicken Tikka Masala.
It's biological programming, pure and simple. In the 'good old days' the most violent men were the best hunters and providers, and that's who they are programmed to want. Yeah, you might take a few licks from the guy when he's in a bad mood, but at least you and your kids get to eat every day.
The guys that 'love and honour' all women get nothing, but like all wokes double down and still get nothing.
The average number of sexual partners for men in their lifetime in the west is FOUR!
Most of us have managed that (or more) in a week in Thailand.