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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'd drink alcohol, smoke weed, and bang hookers ....... but more enthusiastically than I'm doing now age 66.
  2. Don't see it matters, if you're growing 20%+ THC plants, and the seeds reduced it to 10% ..... would anyone care?
  3. Please don't include me, I doubt I have 5 years left. Nothing really matters ..............
  4. Do you seriously think someone in 1880 could read a thermometer with an accuracy within 0.5c? Or the thermometer even to be calibrated to that accuracy. I have 3 digital thermometers in front of me right now, next to each other ....31c, 32.2c, 31.9c
  5. The Matrix BS. Astronomers have noticed there doesn't appear to be enough mass in the universe to keep all the rotating objects from flying apart (ie. not enough gravity to oppose centrifugal force). Giving rise to 3 different explanations. 1. Newton's laws don't work (giving rise to the theory of Modified Newtonian Dynamics, MoND for short) 2. Dark matter makes up 3/4 of the mass in the universe, that we can neither see nor detect. 3. We're living in a simulation, and nothing we see or measure is real (The Matrix running the simulation didn't have enough processing power to fill in all the details). MoND Vs Dark Matter Vs The Matrix Take your pick!
  6. I never maintain anything ........... stuff mostly still works.
  7. Some idiot revived an 8 year old thread!
  8. As far as I can see Ubuy is some sort of scam site.
  9. I've been to my woman's village ........ Nobody believes she moved to Bangkok (age 18) to become a waitress. Thais aren't stupid enough to believe what the pretty girl covered in tattoos says.
  10. Women usually stick to their lies for the rest of their life, sometimes I think they come to believe their lies are reality. My former Brit wife is still telling tales of my 'drunkenness and cruelty' 12 years later, to anyone that will listen (so my pals back there tell me). Unless you see it yourself, or read the court convictions, 1. It didn't happen. 2. Expect the next stories to be about you.
  11. No need to register it in your name, just keep the transfer document. When you buy tax and insurance (assuming you bother) nobody cares whose name is in the book.
  12. Just buy a cheap car ........ My pickup cost me 150k, still running with almost no repairs or maintenance 11 years later.
  13. And the holiday guy was thinking ........... "here's a cheap hooker used for what she's good for" ..........
  14. I've just had a cup of Typhoo tea with milk and sugar plus 3 chunks of peanut brittle. Thinking of chasing that down with a bar of Fry's Turkish delight or Peppermint cream.
  15. Why would you care what anyone else believes? Neither the deniers nor the believers have the power to change anything one way or the other. Now let's argue about how many angels can stand on the head of a pin? Loser gets burnt at the stake ...............
  16. If you're a single 'party' sort of guy SR is great cheap booze, Indian restaurants, lots of nightlife. Not much else to do though, and I haven't been back since the Thai borders closed. 50c beer and $1 cocktails were common. Cannabis $10/bag. Garden Village guest house and pool bar ............
  17. I just give the police 100bht, I don't wear a helmet, so there's little point in a licence, tax or insurance. The 100bht bribe 2x a year is much cheaper.
  18. I've never worn a mask in my MooBaan, hardly anyone does or ever did. Nobody has ever suggested any of us should.
  19. I thought the Viet government owned all the land, and people could only lease it for 10 years.
  20. I just downloaded 'Grace' because I came from Brighton. Decent police detective series, nice scenery.
  21. What would you expect from a place next to LK that rents short-time rooms?
  22. Trouble does seem to follow you around the world though.
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