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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. There is no culture of exchanging rings in Thailand ...... so don't buy her one.
  2. Bank owns most of the home I live in. If she wants me to live elsewhere, that saves me 9kbht/month, and I can get a younger woman next time. What, you've paid cash up front for a house in a woman's name whom the bank doesn't trust with their money?
  3. Yeah, don't trust any of those farmers adding CO2 to their greenhouses to get better crops.
  4. UK military is one of the best gravy trains ........................ if you do it right. One of my pals was a sniper 'spotter' in one of the middle east skirmishes, at age 23 he fell off a roof while taking a wee with no lights, damaged both his ankles just enough to have an excuse never to work again. Decent 'grace and favour' pension for the rest of his life, plus free accommodation forever if he wants to live in the UK.
  5. OK, so what did you discover/invent that would have been of use to me? Or was your entire life's work a pointless waste of time (as I suspect)?
  6. I think a dozen people (slight exaggeration), mostly of Germanic origin, invented everything. And the other 99.99% of scientists were a waste of space (including everyone at NASA except Wernher von Braun), endless paper pushers and jobsworths wasting public grant money on pointless research, and silly predictions of doom.
  7. So why do they earn a fraction of a stock traders wage? I trained as a scientist, and found I could earn far more as a high school teacher, with 10 weeks holiday a year. Then I found I could earn far more than a high school teacher working in the city ...........
  8. The gravy train is working outside science in finance/media.
  9. I doubt many died driving in a Model T Ford.
  10. My woman says ............. "I would never steal from my boss, because she would have me killed" "I would always steal from customers if I thought they were too drunk to know" And she never discriminated on nationality, skin colour or behaviour (Thai/Chinese/white), just drunkenness.
  11. You forgot the stories of Thais taking 1000bht and giving change for 500bht!
  12. When I'm making a deposit, do I care if the pretty bank teller enjoys her job?
  13. Just had 2x BlueTech 345w panels delivered this afternoon. 3,440bht each inc delivery. And they've just upped the price to 3,800bht each delivered ...............
  14. So go mostly off grid like me ............... I've split my power supply, so some items are solar and some are grid. Showers/aircon/double socket in the kitchen running from the grid. Everything else from solar, the batteries run out about 5am and it switches the house back to grid power until around 9am when the solar takes back control. Hoping I'll be only looking at 200bht/month from the grid in future.
  15. Agreed ......... I was 63 before I'd done everything on my list.
  16. Yep, I had an item yesterday, "Your package will be delivered today" (Flash Express). Hung around all day, phone call came at 5pm, "To busy will deliver tomorrow" I replied, "Sure I'll be making my complaint to your head office right now" Package was delivered 45 minutes later ............
  17. I once had a discussion with some 40+ year old pals back in the UK ....... "do you still want sex as much?" The general consensus was most of the guys wanted more sex when over 40, but just had no options to get any. Their wive's refused, and pressing the issue or looking elsewhere would cost them their house, savings and pensions.
  18. Someone should market a pill to stop men wanting sex. It would have saved me a fortune back in the UK.
  19. My definition of pretty is under 35 years old, and weighing less than 50Kg. I'd also add female at birth to that list, this being Thailand.
  20. Brit government wants to raise the state pension age to 70. I suspect there won't be state pensions for anyone in the future (next 10-20 years). Work until you drop ..........................
  21. You can do the video online now .............. https://www.dlt-elearning.com/Home/ForeignerIndex
  22. My local government hospital provides them. 50bht to see the doctor, then 1bht a pill on top. The Finesteride is a lot more expensive, 490bht for 30 x 5mg from a Ladyboy shop on Facebook.
  23. I take tablets once a day, 1 tablet (2mg) is enough at the moment. The 5mg Finesteride (every other day) after 2 years seems to have rolled me back to nearly normal. I'm too cheap to pay more than 1bht/tablet, Tamsulosin is too expensive for me.
  24. 10k/month and free housing is all I'm prepared to pay. If they prefer to sit in a bar and take on 'all comers' I'm OK with that. But IMHO, life with me is a lot easier for a lazy (but pretty) woman. I'm always amazed how badly many Thai people are at managing their finances. Most of the working ladies, despite earning $$$$$$s, end up with nothing. One of my woman's 'friends' managed to find and marry a wealthy American, bought her two expensive (5Mbht x 2) houses, cars, gave her money. And after stealing from him, gambling away his money, refusing him sex, cheating on him with a Thai guy (her real husband), ended up with nothing.
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