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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. "From" .... new tv series, 3 episodes out. Scary creatures in the woods ...... a bit like Wayward Pines. Lots of violence.
  2. No need, most of your points don't apply to pensioners. 1. My quality of life as about as good as it could be (for a 66yo). 2. Not my government, I don't care what they do to their citizens. 3. Cheap as chips compared to the UK (I prefer wine coolers to wine). 4. Immigration is only once a year, I can cope. 5. Nation in reverse is good, the wimmin are more desperate to please. 6. The worse the economy is, the more my pension buys. 7. My kids are doing OK, happy enough, not starving, decent home. 8. Fake purity, they've always done that (the good thing is it's fake). 9. Probably the least pollution I've ever encountered in CM this year. 10. I have no problem with China, in many ways I prefer China influence to USA influence. I like it here, I'm staying until they make me leave.
  3. We're all here in Thailand banging younger women ........... can't see Andy banging a 17 year old as an earth shaking evil. I would have done it too, if I had ever fancied 17 year olds .......... but I always wanted women aged 30-35 (even when I was 17).
  4. Almost finished, 5 panels connected, battery connected, one room on solar (2 rooms to go 2 more PVs to mount). Producing 1kW from 5 panels, which is enough to run my computer/Tv and charge the batteries. Very tired now ..............
  5. If Andrew had been a nobody (like us), there would never have been a court case in the first place. How many 'nobodies' do you see being taken to court 20 years after the event for trivial offences like this?
  6. On the other hand, termites love drywall, for food and to hide behind. ZERO problems like that on rendered blocks/concrete.
  7. There was never any claim of sex with a minor. When she was 17 he allegedly banged her in the UK ..... legal. When she was 18 he allegedly banged her in the USA ....... legal.
  8. No idea, just playing ....... But the 5500W inverter was 14k, 10kWhr battery 30k, 7 x 330w panels 22k. = 66k (all budget items). Generating 7 units/day at 4bht/unit = 2360 days = 78 months = 6 & 1/2 years. If nothing breaks. Grid tie would have been half that, going off grid with batteries is $$$$$$$$$$s
  9. Everything arrived yesterday ........... The inverter from China arrived in San Sai, but J&T express couldn't manage to deliver it the last 3Km ...... had to pick it up. Today was drilling and wiring day. Inverter on the left, inverter switches in the middle, house fuses on the right. Inverter switches are supply to inverter breaker, battery breaker, PV breaker. I've split the house fuses into grid on the left, solar rooms on the right. Bit off effort to get the wifi dongle working, instructions are for the previous version of the app .... Bit of an effort to drill holes in the wall, I always hit the rebar ...... Too tired to connect the batteries, solar panels and chase down the neutrals for the rooms I want to run on solar. So working with just mains in at the moment.
  10. Buy a sickle, claim mental illness ................ that'll teach them!
  11. Marriage isn't all that great. But getting your former husbands house, pension and income is a pretty good deal. Failing that pop two kids and live off benefits for the rest of your life, free housing and money.
  12. Which reminds me of ............. Why do Ozzie guys come so quickly? So they can get down the boozer to tell all their mates.
  13. Why would I care what a 50+ year old woman looks like. I ain't gonna bang one. Although Thalia doesn't look too bad at age 50, but that might just be her $50M net worth ............
  14. ........ or they're ashamed to admit they don't have a sex life.
  15. They still like sex after 1 year, just not with the man they married! And the reason is easily explainable. Women have sex 1) to produce babies and 2) to secure a mans assets. After being married 1 year, they are already entitled to all the mans assets, so there's no longer much reason to have sex with him.
  16. My girl expects 1,000bht every time I bang her. That's about it for her expectations. My son expects sausage and chips at lunchtime (or bacon and chips). He's very easy to please. My rabbits expect frequent snacks of brown bread. If I don't go out when they feel the time is right, they start chucking their food bowl in the air. I expect 3 bottles of wine cooler every day. I'm easily pleased. Every living creature has expectations, best to manage them so it's not too expensive.
  17. Just use your last UK address, nobody ever checks. The Dept of pensions admits to not having a current address for nearly 40% of state pensioners. There's no reason for them to write to you, more and more communications are now online and by email. I went through the whole state pension claim process with ZERO letters to my UK address and ZERO letters to them. UK phone number from Skype ($90/year) and a free VPN was all that was needed. Topped up my NI payments the same way, paid by bank transfer my UK bank to their UK bank.
  18. Queen's net worth ............... 450M pounds ($600 Million). Prince Charles net worth .......... 300M pounds ($400 Million). What are families for?
  19. I doubt I'd recognise half the Asian women I went to bed with. And that's only in the last 10 years. I can remember all the women I bedded in the UK. But there was only 4 of them, and I never knew the name of the first of those. I'm guessing he wasn't called 'Randy Andy' for nothing.
  20. I always thought he was gay ......... even the accusation of sex with a 17yo woman has raised my opinion of him. I'd be happy to show him around Pattaya, he pays the bills obviously. He sounds like someone I could be friends with! I'm sure he could meet someone (female or shemale) that was a much more reasonable price. (Andy if you're reading this thread, PM me)
  21. They're being polite, I say rubbish like that too ........... but I don't mean a word of it. Never met a woman over 40, that I didn't spot as over 40 in a second. I also tell my woman she looks like a 20yo .......... I don't mean that either. But it costs me nothing, and makes her feel good.
  22. Didn't Johnny Depp's ex say that as well, then kept all the money herself.
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