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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. My parents died before age 70, and I'm 66 .......... winter is coming.
  2. Back then, it was illegal in the UK to buy sex from anyone.
  3. I'm going with the science ........ two beers are enough ...........
  4. She wasn't a minor in the UK or Europe at that time. She could get a driving license, live on her own, get married, have kids but not vote or drink in a bar.
  5. My son was born in a government hospital (NakornPing CM) around 11 years back. We couldn't fault their treatment in any way, I paid 1,000bht for her to have a private room for 1 night and 250bht for my blood tests (as a foreigner). The nurses treated new (extremely white) baby like a little prince, one nurse to carry him, and two more following waiting for their turn. They even did 2 home visits after the birth to check everything was OK at home and mom was coping. MiL (age 70) was sick earlier this week (woke at 1am, couldn't sit up), ambulance arrived within 20 mins of calling, she's still in hospital, again perfect treatment by the hospital, she'll be out in a few days. I use the local government hospital as well, regular visits every 3 months, takes all morning but costs very little. I'm retired and can just as easily read my Kindle in the waiting room as at home. Sometimes I think I'm living in a different Thailand to other posters.
  6. 555. You've got yourself a free one that loves you for yourself.
  7. Her pocket, same as when she was paid for sex ....... double bite.
  8. As an old guy there isn't much point in buying anything, anywhere. Gotta laugh at all the old guys buying a home to last them the next 30 years. My simple plan is to spend my pension every month, until I'm dead.
  9. The danger is them exploding under pressure, like a bomb ........ not leaking.
  10. Same for all aristocracy as far as I can see. Why would you expect any more from them?
  11. I've been spending 1,000 pounds a month for the last 6 years. Some things have gone up, but my mortgage reducing from 11k/month to 9k/month has absorbed them all. Inflation, all things considered has been essentially ZERO for me.
  12. 1. Hardly any of us have immigrated to Thailand, so it can't be that easy. 2. Immigration to England is hard, but only once, and when you're there you can stay forever.
  13. ........ if you think a Muslim/Chinese world is a good thing. In the 1940s 65% of the world was white, now we're down to 15% (and that includes Hispanics).
  14. How secure can you feel, when you bought in a country where you have no right to reside?
  15. Your answer should be NO. As the 'all in one' switch themselves with no interruption of power, and your computers work continuously.
  16. Paul McCartney was a millionaire, and he couldn't even afford a whole one. In the end he had to pay her 25M pounds to hop it.
  17. If my Brit wife had died, I'd probably be a millionaire living in the UK (but alone and cold). To be fair, my life is probably better with less in Thailand (with a new family).
  18. Everyone's success rate is 0%, unless they're lucky enough that one dies before the inevitable failure.
  19. I just replaced a door in my house ........... 620bht inc delivery from Home Pro. I cut the hinges in myself, took an hour to hang it.
  20. I don't tip, and I live in the 3rd world. I don't expect much and I usually get it. I usually 'sa-kan' to pay for deliveries anyway, no way to tip.
  21. I pay my a woman 10K/month to pretend to be my wife. 20k/month seems overly generous.
  22. Give them 4,000bht/month AFTER they sign their house and land over to your gf. (with the agreement they can live the rest of their lives in your gfs house)
  23. 1. Yes, she can sell it, she just files a police report (lost book) then gets a new one. 2. I'd suggest if she sells it when you're away, just don't return.
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