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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Would a Europe under Russian rule being any worse than the EU under German rule. It might be better as I can't see Russia allowing all this multicultural nonsense. Could Putin do a worse job than Keir/Makron/Merkel?
  2. Gotta love the n00bs that know everything and insist on sharing their secret information!
  3. Who is this 'WE'? I can see Trump pulling out completely the moment he gains office. And I'm not part of fighting for anyone or anything. Let the 3rd world fight each other until they're all dead!
  4. Never pay up front, at 60 he should have known better. Mind you, losing 10,000GBP on a wedding doesn't seem that big a loss.
  5. No Thai man would ever do this .............
  6. I think that comment is a little unfair. Having your junk grabbed in the street is enough to make even the most progressive of nationalities a little aggressive.
  7. Lucky me married the right 20 years younger than myself Thai woman. You see a lot of old guys talking about careful planning and selection, but in the end the outcome of our lives is mainly down to luck!
  8. They are, until they're not and then watch out.
  9. The only woman in Thailand with no smartphone on which to 'share' her GPS location or drop a pin. Does anyone in the world still give 'directions'?
  10. The US presidents job is to defend America, nobody else. Afghanistan, Korea, Israel and all the other countries, not relevant.
  11. Can't say I care what happens in eastern Europe, awful places, let Russia have them all (again) if they really want! For me, going back to living as we once did would mean the wall back up in Berlin, no wokes, no cultural diversity, no LBQT .... I could live with that.
  12. Yep, at 60+ I fully admit I could never pull a regular 30- woman! As for working abroad .....we all have pensions, I haven't worked for the past 24 years
  13. For all we know that barrister died two years ago or retired to Thailand!
  14. Good thought! That lawyer chappie posted his warning video more than 2 years ago. So total misinformation!
  15. Only brickable if you leave the data dongle connected!
  16. Ran out, I have Daddy's brown and Rosa tomato, but it's always tomato on hot dogs. HP/Daddy's is for chips, don't generally have sauce on breakfast.
  17. I'm acclimatized to the warm/hot humid weather, you may not like it, but I can go cycling nearly every morning of the year. Sitting in the living room now doors and windows open, if it gets over 34c I'll turn on a fan, no need for air-con. As for food, fried bacon, mushrooms with bread and butter for brekky, had hot dogs for lunch (British breakfast sausages), just considering opening a packet of Highland shortbread biscuits. None of that foreign muck!
  18. Next he'll be posting 'Eh' and 'Gawd'.
  19. It would be interesting to know how you think setting up a DWP dedicated pension account in the UK would be easier for you than for me? I don't even need to fill in life certificates and what a poop show they are for expats, half the time they don't work!
  20. 1. Biometric identity verification, no problem, my UK bank made me do that earlier this year, face and fingerprint. 2. Bank reporting, no problem, I don't transfer overseas from my UK bank account. 3. DWP designated pension account for all pensioners, can't see it happening, it's just not practical for 13M pensioners, they'll quietly drop this, or it'll take 10 years to implement.
  21. I had nothing else to do while waiting for my sausages to cook!
  22. Ok, so video 1 talks about universal credit claimed by people living abroad, and that there will need to be a new act of parliament giving DWP staff the power to investigate, search and seize property and arrest people. Again no mention of state pension. Not to mention no budget exists for the DWP staff to go overseas even if people fraudulently claim universal benefit. The guy claimed 2+ years at least for this act, so not January 2025 So more lies and disinformation from you!
  23. Well video 2 only talks about means tested benefits, no mention of the state pension, so why did you post it? No need to answer, we know you only post lies and disinformation.
  24. I'm betting the police were lying. But she shouldn't have talked to them without a lawyer present.
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