if its only in toothpaste then evryone can avoid it if they want to
,use herbal toothpastes instead
when its in drinking water then much more difficult to avoid.
reverse osmosis filter I think will remove it.
Floiride might reduce tooth decay
but why put in drinking water where it effects the whole body not just teeth...put it in toothpaste and reiterate that it is not to be swallowed !
not reasonable at all
300,000 for a new "plug in the wall" small CC motor is
kind of reasonable but still not for me < 100,000 would be "reasonable"
I'll wait till all the ICE options are gone before even considering B1.5m !
by not voicing opinions about various subjects ?
you know eventually they will come for you too ? (probably not)
but it will be too late as they will have locked everyone else up !!!
Perhaps the problem isnt 3BB but the building/condo...do you live in a highrise condo next to the temple per chance ?? ...if not then ask 3BB or True to install fiber direct to your room.
They used to do the same thing with airplanes in the US not sure it ever was a thing in Thailand but drones are probably a much cheaper option
even with the silly government red tape ( could only be a sticky as a crop spraying aircraft regulations)
so what ? I truncated for brevity and whatever else up to me.
So when did you stop beating yours ??
I'll tell you straight out that I never beat mine.
So stop with the pretense that asking questions is a "bad thing" it never is a bad thing especially of those who think /espouse that they have all the "authoritative" answers..they above everyone else should be be questioned relentlessly and also held accountable when/if they are proved wrong.
So asking questions is good as long as it is "a genuine" question
whatever the hell that means...I'll await your "genuine answer"
as to what is a "genuine question"
“no didn't think so.” that I'll we'll get an answer to that one.
Yes they did but I'm baffled as to why they voted for this lot and not someone/thing "completely different" also the fact that reform got lots of votes but not lots of seats in parliament should be a wake up call ...but won't be they will continue to vote for the 'Uniparty" and wonder why they are still under "austerity" "banker bailouts" and asked to "accept short-term pain for long-term good" !!!!! yeah since at least 2008..short term
I don't know were that crazy conspiracy theory came from..I've never claimed to know "the truth" I just ask questions of those who claim they do
asking questions should be encouraged don't you agree ?....
T.i.T ??? same same for the 3-4 different overground_underground train operators and the bus companies and the motorway toll companies all competing to "inconvenience" the customer.
If it very cheap then take a chance...you can get a whole new wiring loom for 1000-2000 baht if it is water damaged and starts to corrode...could be ok for years before failure...or not depending on 'luck"
No ! , everything is obviously "set in stone" especially the "science" that anyone might have the audacity to ask questions about..
ha ha just remembered "sit down and shut up" was a catch phrase of one of my science teachers at school..obviously promoting the very best teaching methods open minded discussion and critical thinking always starts with "shut up" 😁
Thanks for the answer @KhunLA my model RC aircraft has never actually flown due to my extremely bad hand to eye coordination revealed by the
computer simulator trainer never once landed it successfully in simulation..thought it would be so easy..not !!!
So have been very reluctant to find an open space big enough
and without registration.. private enough..for a maiden (crash) flight