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Everything posted by johng

  1. To believe the above especially after after the last couple of years and accuse others of believing "conspiracy theories" is quite laughable really. There was no insurrection..it was a demonstration that got a bit out of hand..same same but different to the "mostly peaceful" riots of BLM summer of love. I suppose you have not seen the video of Epps the day before saying "tomorrow we should go into the capitol" then a few in the crowd immediately say no then chant FED, FED, FED. The FBI director refusing to deny there where agents or assets inside the capitol that day. The police opening doors and leading the "insurrectionist's" around inside the capitol. The police firing tear gas at the protesters that led to the riot in the first place. Also only protesters died on that day one shot by police, no police officers died. So it appears Epps got a year probation no prison... no co-operation with the Fed's then ?
  2. Yes get them out "at the speed of science "
  3. I hear he got 6 months because he co-operated with the FBI (before or after was not stated)
  4. No the mosquito delivers the "vaccine" courtesy Bill Gates and Co https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo and https://www.science.org/content/article/researchers-turn-mosquitoes-flying-vaccinators
  5. Wow that's quite a lecture, suppose I should be honoured to be in such an omnipotent presence. Can you please tell me the Infection fatality rate of SARS-CoV-2.
  6. They don't know what's causing it but for sure for sure it's not the injections !!!
  7. In the above picture it looks like they have the FIRMS satellite data as to where the fires are located in Thailand how hard can it be to match that data to the land registry and prosecute those land owners for the burning year in year out like clockwork.
  8. Can you shed any light on the unprecedented worldwide excess mortality over the last couple of years ?
  9. So why not use PCR to test for the multitude of other things ? isn't it enough to say you got a cold/flu if you have a sore throat,headache and runny nose..why only PCR for COVID ? I think you answered the question yourself "If he started including a PCR test, people might conclude the vaccine is ineffective"
  10. So you got 2 shots and still caught the dreaded lurgy but will get more shots so you don't catch it again right ?
  11. Yes and its gotten even worse of late with blurry female cleavage, alcohol brand names and de-colouring of blood in news reports
  12. johng

    Lan Pho Park

    Just give those 2 guys a whistle that'll sort the issue out
  13. For me the CGNAT means I can't connect to my self hosted VPN or IP cameras.
  14. Yes good to check if they have put you behind a carrier grade nat (CGNAT) it's easy to check if they have, look at the WAN address reported at your router then check that against a "what is my ip" website eg https://whatsmyip.com/ if the ip addresses are not the same then it's CGNAT and things can get weird.
  15. If they submit the TM30 it will go into the immigration database so if/when immigration checks it will show up,some immigration offices make an issue of others seem not bothered even when returning from overseas (to the same address) All "hotels" are supposed to report, if they ask for your passport at check in I think it's almost certain they will report to immigration.
  16. @Iforbach Here from my notes I believe Bangkok only requires one copy not 2 as per Jomtien there are more than likely other differences but you should be ok with the list below. Jomtien March 2023 2 x copies of 1. TM7 application form signed both sides + photo attached. 2. passport face page 3. visa page 4. previous visa extension page/s 5. TM6 6. Marriage Kor Ror 3 both sides on one page 7. updated Kor Ror 2 From Amphur (can use your passport to get this as long as it's the one listed on the KR2 old passport ok, no need to use Wifes ID to get updated Kor Ror 2) 8. ID Wife ( front back same page) 9. Copy of house book ( showing current address) 10.Bank statement confirming 400,000 + in Thai bank for at least 2 month's (60 days) 3 months statement (if book as not been updated regularly) + a transaction on that day updated book and copy of all pages Bank statement must be from that day 11. photos 4 different on 2 A4 pages you and wife at home, 1 must clearly show you including the home/house/condo number. ( did 2 x 6x4 on a page printed at home was acceptable) 12. Map to house 2 sets of everything sign every page ( blue ink best) except your wife's and witness ID/house book which they must sign. Not sure if Bangkok require a witness that the immigration officers will interview about you and your wife ? I would also keep at least 400,000 in the account until the passport is stamped with extension.
  17. lookup Dr. Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation Psychosis his theory made it to limited "mainstream" media but I believe that was enough to start the tide turning against the narrative...shortly after was the Ukraine thing and then "suddenly" Covid was almost forgotten overnight.
  18. not quite but close And don't forget folks (y.all) this classic.
  19. Andrew Bridgen brought it up in UK parliament recently + very recent New Zealand health service data on excess deaths from "whistle blower" Barry Young.
  20. from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36341800/ The IFRs had a median of 0.034% (interquartile range (IQR) 0.013-0.056%) for the 0-59 years old population, and 0.095% (IQR 0.036-0.119%) for the 0-69 years old. The median IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.002% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years, 0.035% at 40-49 years, 0.123% at 50-59 years, and 0.506% at 60-69 years. IFR increases approximately 4 times every 10 years. Including data from another 9 countries with imputed age distribution of COVID-19 deaths yielded median IFR of 0.025-0.032% for 0-59 years and 0.063-0.082% for 0-69 years. Meta-regression analyses also suggested global IFR of 0.03% and 0.07%
  21. My 2 theories are 1: They lost (hacked/ransom ware) their database so need the info again. 2: Recoup the money spent on 2 new buildings with photocopier fees
  22. Global warming ???
  23. @JensenZ I did not see the above sign today they only wanted items 1-3 from me the place was very busy both this morning and when I went back with completed documents early afternoon.
  24. Sorry for my extremely late reply after my hiatus On page 5 of the Blue/Green book is where the owner needs to sign...maybe not all or few DLT's actually enforce this ??? but better to be safe than sorry say for instance the owner moved overseas or is incapacitated.
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