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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. As far as I know OA visa requires HI, O visa not.
  2. Yes, there were dark clouds over Bangkok yesterday, and it rained a bit. However I walked to and from my local shopping centre near Ratchayothin and, heroically, survived.
  3. The Chinese have been indirectly buying land in Thailand for many years. Nothing new about this.
  4. This started for a reason, namely money owed but not paid. Always leads to big trouble in Thailand.
  5. As so many are he was too selfish and forgot to share with those around him. Big mistake.
  6. I suspect there is more to this episode than the poster is aware of. Having said that, immigration officials all over the world question multiple visits by people with no apparent means of support. Nothing unusual in that.
  7. From the photos I suggest wall cleaning with detergent/ water/gentle scourer. When dry, apply primer for old walls. Inspect, and, if ok, apply colour. If not ok, apply second coat of primer, followed by colour.
  8. I enjoy the Thai smile which I think is, mostly, genuine.
  9. I stopped eating it because of the cruel treatment of the animals producing it. Utterly disgusting.
  10. Together 40 years, married 32 years. Most of our discussions are about practical, day to day issues. I enjoy the absence of BS.
  11. Ho hum...the PM will do whatever he's told to do.
  12. It's everywhere. A 90 year old pensioner in his wheelchair has just been stabbed to death in broad daylight in London, and a 9 year old girl shot dead in Liverpool, plus countless other daily stabbings/deaths throughout the UK.
  13. He was put in place to stay in place. He will not be allowed to move on until approval to do so is given. It is unclear at this point when such approval will be given.
  14. I think not racist. Sometimes German humour can be very basic. Personal comments and banana-skin type jokes abound. Not to be taken too seriously in my opinion.
  15. Personally I've never used an agent for any purpose in over 60 years visiting, working and living in retirement in Thailand. If you decide to live in Bangkok why not go to CW and ask them for advice as to how to proceed ? If, on the other hand, you prefer to use an agent in Pattaya while living in Bangkok, just be careful not to run into problems concerning a possible fake address rather than your actual place of residence.
  16. Inflation will occur while the West tries to reduce it's dependence on products manufactured im China. It has very little to do with climate change unless, of course, Western govts over-spend on net zero.
  17. The BRN insurgency is ongoing and very dangerous. About time the Thai army go in really hard. Problem is, they won't. They'll just try to limit bad news to a minimum, and do very little.
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