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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Your understanding is wrong. Hundreds of Australians live in Thailand and get the age pension. There are some criteria to meet like qualification periods, and you get a little less because no electricity supplements, but otherwise the pension can be paid to anywhere in the world.
  2. How can you tell if a property has been foreclosed, just by driving past? Especially Condos, that you cant go into the block.
  3. The individual banks will often have their foreclosed properties, upcoming auctions etc, on their own websites.
  4. Wise doesn't do transfers out of Thailand, only does incoming.
  5. People have answered you. Need to know the source of the money, if tax has been paid etc, as to how to export it. Example, if its from a condo sale then the land office will provide documentation to show the bank.
  6. Maybe start by investigating how these people, including the victim, manage to live in Thailand for 20-30 years, have and make money, buy houses and mercs. Its the Playtex bra syndrome, No visible means of support
  7. You would probably do best to ask the Land office, as they may have their own local rules etc. I don't think its actually written down anywhere. I know in the past, I have seen EGMs lodged on the 29th day, so that there isn't much time to dispute.
  8. I have lived here for 10 years now, and still never had the need or desire for a VPN. Plenty of apps if I really want to watch TV from home. All my banking etc is encrypted. Or I just use Opera browser if I really need to appear in US/UK, outside Thailand. It really is a case of "I need it because everyone else has it"
  9. I think you will find those keys require programing the car/key etc, therefore the price.. Have you enquired how much from a ford dealer ?
  10. If it was an accident, wouldn't they just call the police and say there has been a terrible accident. Maybe there are obvious signs that it was murder, knife wounds, a murder weapon etc.
  11. Isn't that obvious ? The body will need to be disposed of, bit by bit, arrangements to be taken elsewhere etc. But in the meantime it will start to smell. There has been other commentary that the freezer wasn't plugged in, its just a box that's big enough to store and transport a body, without raising suspicion
  12. I don't think anyone knows at this stage. But the wife, not GF, was the one offering the 3m baht reward
  13. The body is chopped up, and in a freezer in Olaf's house. I think that makes him somehow connected to the crime.
  14. It appears the victim had a past. And his current wife is only 24, 19 when they got married. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30339157
  15. People don't seem to realize, UTP airport was very busy prior to covid. 3-4 daily flights from China, Russia, flights to KL, Singapore, and flights to all the domestic ports. Air asia used to run an hourly shuttle bus from pattaya. You can be there in 30 minutes as there is never any traffic. I used to fly home to Australia from there, a quick flight down to KL, then an overnight to Sydney. A couple of flights to Chang mai, a flight to kon kaen. I literally didn't use the Bangkok airports for 5 years.
  16. A large flock of pigs just flew past my balcony.
  17. OP is asking about buying a car, not getting a license. You don't actually need a license to own a car. No such thing as an International driving License. An International Driving "Permit" (its not a license) is a document that "accompanies" your home country license.
  18. COR is confirmation of your immigration status, which your license cant prove. In theory, you need to be on some sort of visa/extension to own a car.
  19. The outside of the building, including balcony rail is common property and the juristic responsibility. Ignore the experts advising otherwise. If the building is a condo block, its not owned by a rich Thai family, its jointly owned by the individual condo owners. The person you are paying the yearly fees to is the condo juristic, speak to them about bringing up repairs to balcony rail at the next AGM.
  20. There are maximum amounts of fall for horizontal sewer runs, Its no more than 1/50, 1cm fall for every 50cm horizontal , otherwise the water flows quicker than the solids, actually causing blockages. 2x 45 degrees would be too much fall. Photo is not elegant, but It will work.
  21. Yeah right, there is stuff all work once you turn 50, let alone 65. I have a trade and a degree, years of working in IT. Half the reason I am in Thailand is because jobs just dried up after 50.
  22. I'm still a few years away from the OAP, but if the same rules still apply and they want me to return, I will be going straight from the airport to the Centrelink to get the dole, 2 years later take pension back to Thailand. I'm sure if the Government actually did some calculations, they would realize its to their benefit encouraging people to take the pension overseas. No need to provide hospital beds, transport, subsided services like electricity, medicine, meals on wheels etc etc. It would free up housing.
  23. People appear to be unaware, when it comes to internet in condos, most of the time it comes down to which company ran cables into the building during construction. Most condo blocks have one provider and that's it, there is no choice. Even if you do live somewhere with a choice of provider, they are all the same, same speeds same prices etc. If something is slow downloading or streaming, 99% of the time that's the sender or the broader internet outside of Thailand.
  24. Unless otherwise stated in a will etc, an equal share to each/any child. Nothing for the brothers. https://www.samuiforsale.com/knowledge/inheritance-laws-thailand.html#:~:text=Thai inheritance laws designate intestate,equal share (section 1630).
  25. OP, a couple of things are unclear , firstly, who currently owns or will be paying for the adjacent land and house ? If you have a grand desire to own this property, and the older thais have a grand desire to gift you a property, why not put it in a company name etc, the way lots of foreigners do. Otherwise, if you inherit a property (not set up in a company), you would be required to sell it within a set time frame, usually one year.
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