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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. Yes to all of the above. Absurd to think that the only person who has the definitive answer is some local yokel up in Nakhon Nowhere who is undoubtedly making things up to avoid losing face.
  2. Ozark (Netflix) Money Heist (Netflix) Survivor
  3. Best bets are probably either the UN irish Pub or the Down Under Pub. Due to the time difference, your friends will probably only get a chance to see the first game each night (starts at 22:00 local time, IIRC) before the pubs close.
  4. Wait....did you just blame the Holocaust on the Jews? Wow.
  5. I like his jacket - my grandmother has one just like it.
  6. "The tourism confidence index in Thailand has taken a hit, with figures sliding from 91 in the same period of 2019 to 69 in the third quarter of this year, according to the Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT)."
  7. You really should stop posting your fan fiction scenarios as if they were indeed fact. "You have to provide copies....." - no, no you don't.
  8. And a Merry Christmas to you as well.
  9. Thank you, Sheryl.
  10. For those US retirees who use this health insurance option: 1. How long does it take to get your claims processed? 2. When you go for medical care, I understand you pay in full to the hospital/doctor then put in a claim for reimbursement. Do you tell the Thai medical service provider that you have insurance or just tell them you are paying directly? Is there an advantage to one or the other (like price)? 3. If you primarily reside in Thailand, can you obtain medical care in other Asian countries and submit a claim for reimbursement? (I presume "yes".) 4. Any major pitfalls that may not be obvious to someone considering this option? Thank you in advance. If you'd prefer to PM me instead of discussing in the open forum, please do.
  11. I always laugh when random internet nutjobs demand someone else provide "evidence" for conversational statements made on a public discussion forum. Cracks me up every time.
  12. "The program will begin January 1, 2024 and apply only to tax residents in Thailand meaning tourists and short term workers will be exempt. Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand." Shouldn't be an issue for most retired expats.
  13. "The program will begin January 1, 2024 and apply only to tax residents in Thailand meaning tourists and short term workers will be exempt. Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand." Here's a list of countries that have a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand....for most people that are retired here, this won't be an issue: https://www.rd.go.th/english/766.html
  14. That KadSuanKaew location takes forever to get service. It's like there's no one even working there.
  15. You must be new here. There was an entire thread on here a couple of years back discussing how rude and unhelpful the woman working at Mad Dog's during the "breakfast shift" was to the customers. Thanks for the tip on Loy Kroh. Based upon your track record of recommendations thus far, I'll be sure to pass on those places too.
  16. Gold Gym Hillside 4 is relatively inexpensive. 1100 thb/month with frequent specials available at lower monthly rates. (Daily basis is 100 thb/day, I think.) Equipment is older but still mostly functional. (I've since switched to a newer gym but I worked out at Hillside 4 for a couple of years). It's on Huay Kaew Rd, between Sirimankalajarn Rd and Maya Mall. https://www.facebook.com/GoldHillsideGymandFitness/
  17. One can also find those sausages in some of the grocery stores....TOPS, Rimping, etc. The sausages are quite good.
  18. Best not to go to Mad Dog. The actual food one receives looks nothing like that. Chicken hot dogs for "sausage". Add to that the rude staff that acts as if they're doing you a favor by accommodating your order.....pass, every single time.
  19. Chiang Mai Breakfast World - just about any kind of Western breakfast you could want. Massive menu and a nice outdoor garden seating area. http://www.chiangmaibreakfastworld.com/ Butter is Better is pretty good for an American-style Western breakfast.
  20. ^^ This is the way.
  21. For some reason, I can't read her posts. I wonder why that is....?
  22. I like the breakfast buffet at the Shangri-La hotel. 650 THB (does not include alcohol.) Pretty good variety, very nice atmosphere, reasonably "affordable luxury".
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