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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. This false information gets repeated on here a lot. I obtained my initial non-O for purposes of retirement using an agent. After that, I switched to the income method - no agent required. Perhaps it depends upon which immigration office one visits but it's certainly not gospel that "once you use an agent, you must keep using an agent."
  2. Because Syria isn't already a heap of rubble?
  3. I'm certain that Senator Fetterman would be delighted to hear from you.
  4. "Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) said President-elect Trump deserves a pardon in a Thursday appearance on “The View” shortly after President Biden pardoned his son Hunter Biden. “I think that it’s undeniable that the case against Hunter Biden was really politically motivated but I also think it’s true that the trial in New York for Trump was political as well, too,” he told host Joy Behar. “In both cases I think a pardon is appropriate and I really think collectively that America’s confidence in these types of institutions have been damaged by these kinds of cases, and we cannot allow these types of institutions to be weaponized against our political opponents,” he added." https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5025241-fetterman-says-trump-should-be-pardoned-of-new-york-conviction/
  5. I thought you were in the process of switching to the income method. If so, for your next extension all you should need is the 12 monthly statements showing 65K foreign deposits each month, no?
  6. I realize you probably mean this as a joke but I've seen the same idea floated in a serious vein. Sort of a "gentlemen's accommodation" between Presidents, which would also serve to remove the distractions of whatever legal proceedings still remain. (Let's face it - Trump is ADHD/OCD enough without having even more shiny objects to divert his attention from carrying out the duties of his office.)
  7. Correct. I've seen and resisted this suggestion previously but I may just have to make the attempt. Thanks for the reminder that this is an option.
  8. 40 kilos of luggage? That's a lot of meth.
  9. My WISE transfers routinely take six business days now. Why? I verified my bank account through micro-deposits and because of that it "takes longer for the money to reach us." I've been invited on numerous occasions to re-verify my account by logging into my bank account through WISE but that's just not going to happen. So, I wait six days. Edit: Oooooh, I got a sad "frowny face" for my post. Just gutting me, folks, don't know if I can go on now.
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=greens+chiang+mai&oq=greens+chiang+mai&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEINjM1M2owajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&lqi=ChFncmVlbnMgY2hpYW5nIG1haUji9ciO87SAgAhaFxAAGAAiEWdyZWVucyBjaGlhbmcgbWFpkgENZ3JvY2VyeV9zdG9yZZoBI0NoWkRTVWhOTUc5blMwVkpRMEZuU1VSNGJHSkRZVWhCRUFFqgFFEAEqCiIGZ3JlZW5zKAAyHhABIhqNtSJhKrNbBLxyjSgDksZweaHPOcKbiAcBQzIVEAIiEWdyZWVucyBjaGlhbmcgbWFp4AEA-gEECC0QIw#rlimm=16960750688495025805
  11. Thank goodness he's not involved in politics any more and has no influence on the Pheu Thai political organization.
  12. Not everyone is required to file an FBAR (referring to US citizens).
  13. If one actually wanted to dine with expats, one would simply go to the CM Expat club breakfast. No need to interview with anonymous internet whackjobs, no need to prove allegiance to bizarre internet conspiracy theories, no reason to reinvent the wheel. Since I want to be positive, I'll state that I'm positive that I would never accept an invitation to a group as described in this sad, sad thread.
  14. Eh, depends. I've consumed tap water at many of the higher end hotels in Bangkok (because I presume it's filtered) and will continue to do so on a contingency basis. No concerns whatsoever.
  15. I'm a retired military vet. I don't care about someone's politics as long as they can do the job. What would matter to me, is if the person in question attempted to incorporate their politics into the job. That's a no go. It aggravates me to no end when (a) people try to incorporate politics into the workplace and (b) when people discriminate against others in the workplace because they disagree with another person's political views. (This opinion cuts across both sides of the equation, btw.) The workplace - unless one is directly employed by a political entity - should be politically neutral. (Pipe dream, yeah.)
  16. Yes, America imports oil - just as the other poster to whom you responded originally stated. Yes, America is a net exporter of oil - they export more than they import. Nonetheless, America imports oil.
  17. https://www.suanprung.go.th/index2559/e_index.php
  18. The more one reads this thread, the more one understands why OP doesn't have anyone with whom to dine.
  19. Once you understand who raised "some of the alarms" mentioned above, you'll realize that - in reality - you have nothing about which to be concerned. Your wife with a valid visa isn't going to be deported, tariffs aren't going to directly affect your plans, and Social Security "cuts" - if they happen at all - are many years away. I'd renew my existing extension of stay and go from there.
  20. "Asked for his response to Trump’s Cabinet picks so far, McCarthy told Bloomberg Television in an interview, “I think the choices are very good, except one.” “Look, Gaetz won’t get confirmed,” he continued. “Everybody knows that.” and "McCarthy, a loyal Trump ally while serving in the House, was asked why the former president would bother tapping Gaetz if he knew the Florida Republican couldn’t get confirmed. You can talk to [the] president, but it’s a good deflection from others, but it also gives …” McCarthy responded, cutting himself off. “I’ll let it stand at that.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4990312-kevin-mccarthy-matt-gaetz-feud-donald-trump-cabinet/
  21. Ha ha. When you click on a thread only to realize that everyone else on the thread is on your ignore list.
  22. Sharp post. Regarding the OP, while I'm all for "government efficiency", I sincerely doubt the way to make that happen is by creating a new government department - with more bureaucrats - to create "efficiency."
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