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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. Watch the video inside the bar. The Thai guards were threatening with clenched fists. Clearly they wanted some action.
  2. I totally agree. Unfortunately, prepare for the UK state pension to be means tested in the not too distant future. Meaning, if you have other income (i.e. property rental), private/company pension or assets, you may get a reduced state pension or nothing at all. Even if you made full contributions for 35+ years. It IS going to happen at some point.
  3. ...but gave no specific details in the story. Other than the business must not have more than 49% foreign ownership. A very greay area as to what is "fraudulent" or "bogus". The companies were formed as per the rules by all accounts (or they wouldn'y have been formed) but the authorities don't like it. OK the Thai lady has interests in 270 companies. Maybe she's just very successful. It is clear that "authorities" do not like what is happening but to call it "fraud" is a stretch. Who is actaullay being defrauded and losing their money? As usual the story is light on specifics.
  4. A GF I dated, lived in a Moo Baan in Khlong Sam, Phatum Thani. She ran a nail salon and sold some ladies clothes from her house. 50% of the other properties in that community ran some sort of business from their homes. One day, in 2017, the revenue department came by and told them all they must register as businesses. Within a week 70-80% or so had closed down. It destroyed the prosperity and livelihoods of the area.
  5. Went to send about 7,000 Baht two days ago from UK GBP to Bangkok Bank. Said seconds, but then reverted to 5 hours. I cancelled the transaction.
  6. If this was my daughter I'd be giving her all the support she needed too. Seems that the OP @pedro01 has good communications with his daughter. She is not afraid to communicate so reassurance from father that everything will be done to stop it from happening again. I'd be livid and demand a face to face (recorded) meeting with the school principal and school owners seeking resolution to stop this happening again to any child. Next, I would enrol my daughter (or son) into self defence class teaching how to fend off physical attacks/unwanted contact and also how to deal with it emotionally. If this was in UK, USA, Australia or Europe, imagine the <deleted> storm that would fall onto the school. Wishing the OP best resolution.
  7. I like going Or Tor Kor market which is only 10 minutes from my place. They have a great "street food" section. Best Pad Krapao in my opinion. Plus lots of other goodies. Easy parking for cars and motorbikes too. Opposite Chatuchak Market and there is an exit from MRT Kamphang Phet station right at the market.
  8. No. The son who killed a cop and fled the country without returning for justice has severely damaged Chalerm's reputation. They wanted this covered up and now they are suing a broadcaster.
  9. Are you sure about that? I always beleived it to be 3 months before expiry (though never tried earlier). Anyone know for sure?
  10. Which airline told you that? Normally they take the wheelchair at the gate and put it in the hold, then return it at the gate on arrival. This is what Thai Airways did with my uncle's wheelchair in October 2022.
  11. 1) Why would she be transporting it from one gold shop to another? Employee? - oh I now see delivery driver. I have transported diamonds in London for a client. Didn't know the value but took extremely good care. 2) When I bought 21 Baht of Gold last year in Yaowarat, I was extremely careful transporting it and watching out for any potential thieves and certainly wasn't going to drop it in the strteet.
  12. Had cancer already aged 47 and successfully treated and clear for 10 years so far. Good annual checks. So, will I get cancer again or a heart attack? Hopefully neither but it focuses one's thoughts on living life to the fullest.
  13. Reminds me of the Carling Black Label beer advert on TV in the 1980s. Reserving sunloungers.
  14. If dining solo, I never have any issue "crashing a table" where there's a spare seat. Especially if the other diners are pretty females. Never been to told to "do one".
  15. Just one question; why? Why not bring in US Dollars, Euros, British Pounds or any other easily changeable currency?
  16. A few points: 1) Poipet are extremely diligent on checking incoming travellers. 2) It makes no difference how many visas you have for as many countries as you wish. 3) My passport is now 5 years old, it has transferred retirement visa stamp and 5 years of continuous annual extensions, re-entry permits and many entry exit stamps - it's nearly full already. I find that Thai I/Os are taking longer and longer thumbing back and forth through the pages (even when I present it opened on the visa/re-entry permit page).
  17. Not silly. Someone (or many) Thais, have likely been cashing in big time by supporting the activities in Shwe Kokko.
  18. I has a similar issue with Thai Airways recently. I think they use the 2c2ps system too. Tried to book tickets and went throught the 3DS verification using the credit card company app. Verification successful on the app but the transaction came back as "declined" from the processor. Tried again, same happened. Then used a different credit card, did the verification via SMS (different cards use different methods of 2FA) and all was fine and confirmed. The declined transactions to Thai Airways showed on my credit card app as "pending" for about a week and then disappeared. This puts a block on the available balance for that time. I would never use a debit card for that and other reasons.
  19. Still got the 220 Baht ATM fee but using Wise in Thailand is best value for purchases.
  20. A few words spring to mind; Cartel, Mafia, Stitch up, Corruption. For Phuket, financially, it makes sense to rent a car rather than rely upon taxis to get around the island. Chiang Mai is better once out of the airport as Grab/Bolt widely available. Bear in mind that almost every driver on Grab is also registered with Bolt. In Bangkok, many meter taxis are also on Grab and Bolt too.
  21. Same here. Love Bangkok. Vibrant city with something for all. Easy to get away to beaches or national parks. Two airports with numerous cheap flights to anywhere in Asia within a few hours.
  22. The Green Mile is a walkway that goes along the canal from the bottom of Soi 10 by Benjakitti Park all the way to Lumphini Park. It's painted green. At points is crosses the expressway by bridge and then an elevated section between houses of local community in Ruam Rudi. There are lots of convenient hotels close to both parks. Take a look on Google Maps.
  23. Spending on a credit card is not your money. It is the bank's money. A grey area but not a remittance by you into Thailand.
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