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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. i think Gamma is Bob's sober even more pissed and obnoxious alter ego/BOT!
  2. Why should getting one's balls caught in anything bother you when you don't have any?
  3. Just the usual sh!t from the cr@p spouter in chief! I wish he had fallen down the pan and been flushed away before yet another of his pointless posts! What a pain in the @rse he has become!
  4. OMG! Please not more sh!t about cr@p by the most profligate effluent producer on AN! Please find a plug that stops your verbal/printed diarrhea and leave your stench posts where we all know where they belong!
  5. He probably "burgered" them by demanding free supplies, advertising and funding!
  6. That is exactly what most of the responses to your OP would seem to suggest!
  7. If he was to become a MOD it's value would only be worth 1BHT!
  8. Is Bob is just an inadequate human being needing attention, or and is just taking the pi55 out of us all, or and is an absolute nutter in my opinion (IMO)?
  9. I agree but I would feel very sorry for the other rats in the cage!
  10. Would you promise to remove the majority ALL of your own posts and ban yourself? If so
  11. They don't need to tell any more lies as he tells enough lies for the whole of AN on a daily basis! Please give credit where credit is due!
  12. Brilliant! You really must have boned up on that one, in more ways than one!!
  13. I think you misspelled that: it should read; BRATS.
  14. Hopefully IT is on an imposed holiday!
  15. Why should the people of Afghanistan suffer any more than they are at present, especially the woman, to have Bob inflicted onto them?
  16. I agree with all of the above but I believe you have omitted a few essential ingredients; Ants crawling over the uncovered food with mosquitos and other flying insects swirling around the car and bike fumed toxic air! Also their must be no access to covered waste bins, running fresh water, refrigeration or even cold boxes. Forks must have one prong that stabs you in the lips, spoons must be bent to the point of uselessness and plates and cups must be cracked and chipped. Falling cigarette ash, semi-naked urchins running around and blaring music are optional extras!
  17. That was the whole point of my post if you had bothered to read and digest it correctly! Did you not actually read my post, where unless you are extremely obtuse you may have noticed that what I said was "Hoist with his own petard?" Please note the "?"! I did not say he had been "Hoist with his own petard" but implied with the "?" that he could be in the future! If I thought he had been "Hoist with his own petard" at this time I would have posted "Hoist with his own petard!" Please note the substitution of the "?" in the original post with that of the "!" in this last post!
  18. As long as they are still in a stable condition and can trot along into the future without being saddled by some teaser who needs a bridle to rein them in!
  19. Of course I know what "hoisted by one's own petard" or rather as I quoted and Shakespeare wrote ""Hoist with his own petard" means! I would not have used it in this context otherwise! Did you read my post and the link? As the comments were made before this act was passed and it was previously investigated he cannot, according to the Scottish judiciary, be charged with any offences over those comments but if he says anything similar in future he will have been "Hoist with his own petard"!
  20. The above is a perfect description of the ............(insert as required)!
  21. Introduce a stupid law when you are justice minister and when it becomes law you are the First Minister! The perfect definition of being "hoist by your own petard"! PS; Unfortunately the idiot's comments were made before the new stupid law came into force so will/cannot be actioned against him, on this occasion!
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