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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. An efficiency expert concluded his lecture with a note of caution…. “You don't want to try these techniques at home.” “Why not?" asked somebody from the audience. “I watched my wife's routine at breakfast for years," the expert explained. "She would make lots of trips between the refrigerator, stove, table and cabinets, often carrying a single item at a time. One day I told her 'Hon, why don't you try carrying several things at once?'" “Did it save time?" the person in the audience asked. “Actually, yes" replied the expert. "It used to take her 20 minutes to make breakfast. Now I do it in seven".
  2. An 8-year old girl went to the office with her father on 'Take Your Kid to Work Day'. As they were walking around the office, the young girl starting crying and getting very cranky, her father asked what was wrong with her. As the staff gathered round she sobbed loudly, "Daddy, where are all the clowns that you said that you worked with?"
  3. Ok, this one is a bit tasteless. So proceed with caution. It is water!
  4. When the police caution you that whatever you say can be taken in as evidence your next words must be: "please don’t hit me again officer!"
  5. The person who created the sign "CAUTION HOT SURFACE"... ...in braille, was an evil genius.
  6. I use windscribe to connect to BBC iPlayer with no problems. The chrome/edge extension or ap are both OK!
  7. I suppose the expression "no sh!t" would not be appropriate on this occasion!
  8. It should not be if they are both lesbians I assume! PS' Instead of being a pain in the @rse would it make the two lesbians c[}nts of themselves?
  9. Yet another of your unpolite responses when seeking help, which you will never get with that attitude! Goodbye!
  10. ll I will wait until you grasp the basic concepts of English. of making intelligent and non aggressive posts!
  11. Is there any chance of tomorrow, when you sober up, of re writing your above post in understandable English please!
  12. An extremely well known outlet for their extremely unbiased views on anything being extremely critical against about Palestine!
  13. The BS Headline will be along the lines; Is Thailand a good place to relocate to?
  14. I wish people would use a full description and then use the abbreviation of their choice! Do you know how many definitions of PrEP come up on google?
  15. If you are treating the bank staff the same way as you are responding to posters, including a Moderator, on this forum then I suspect the bank won't care how many farthings you have to rub together! As such I very much doubt if you will be offered any incentive to remain with them.
  16. Also what he quotes states it is for the documents required for a retirement visa, not extension!
  17. My Fixed deposit account has no internet access therefor I have to follow the procedure I outlined above! PS; I do not know if internet access is available for a fixed deposit a/c with BKK bank but even if it was I do NOT want it.
  18. Re 1 year statement. It is worth noting that CM immigration will accept a one year statement backed up with a 3 month statement if you cannot get your timing correct or BKK bank don't deliver on time. In other words you can order your 1 year statement 1-2 months before application date and collect it after 7 days and then on the date of application obtain a three month statement (issued on the spot ) to cover the gap between the issuing of the one year statement and the date of obtaining the letter and updated book. Both statements cost 100baht each! PS; My account is a fixed deposit account. PPS; Make sure the bank letter is not only signed but has the little round red bank stamp applied!! I got refused once because it was missing!
  19. If it is CM immigration and using the 800,000 in the bank method then they now require a one year statement, updated pass book and the letter! Luckily I went to my agent a month before my retirement extension was due and was told that the requirement for the one year bank statement was a new requirement from CM Immigration. I takes one week to get the statement even though the only transactions every year are the addition of interest and the withdrawal of the withholding tax!! PS; I confirmed this requirement with 3 agencies in CM and had the wife speak to CM IO!
  20. Which half did you drink or not drink and look forward to drinking or not drinking? Just asking on behalf of my doubting friend!
  21. I think you may be giving out the higher level signals that us poor dual tracks don't snort aspire to!
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