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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. illegal or not, unapproved for recreation or whatever, the fact right now is that the police will not prosecute anyone for possession or even selling, walking on Sukhumvit from Soi 3 to 19 right now I counted no less than 3-4 trucks offering flower and paraphernalia from rolling papers to bongs, some brick and mortar shops are starring to spring up too, and looking at the map there seems to be more 'artisanal' dealers in side sois too This being Thailand, you probably can't just roll up in a truck and start selling without being well connected and have the blessings of the local boys in brown
  2. unlimited volume at what speed? at around 1500 a year it'll be limited in speed, anything between 4-10-15mbps, usable but can be infuriating if you're used to 'unlimited' all available speed these sim used to be available at from stalls and online sellers only and not at official true/ais/dtac shops as they cam bundled with a phone, where the shops would separate the package and sell the phones and sim cards with these special data plan separately, but since becoming popular the official channel are starting to offer it as well but many are starting to come with volume cap too go over 100-150gb and they throttle you down to snails pace, tempting you to buy the upgrade for the rest of the month. So if you're really after these kind of sim with unlimited data plan for a year, the mom and pops stalls/lazada/shopee resellers might have a better deal or more selection of these kind of sim than the official shops
  3. also it's a wholesale cash&carry place cashier could be making mistake ringing 1 case vs 1item, or not knowing how many items are in a carton It used to be for members only, hence the member's card, so it might even be a condition of membership that you allow receipt checking but they have been lax in not requiring membership for a long time
  4. for a piece on Catholic in Thailand this long and yet fail to mention the massacre of the Thai Matyrs in 1940, later beatified and a very recent dark past about how accepting the Thai public really are to 'western' ideals is negligent
  5. It's more malleable? many botched install job means bending or smashing the corners in, I know many screw holes don't line up properly from the cavity being not to size and the box was bent to fit in
  6. Even more luxurious hotel, the one on island off the east coast that fly you in and out on private plane was just burned down last year, no functioning sprinkler or fire alarm ever, and this is 40,000-half million baht a night
  7. you could've got a 'confirmed booking' on many of the sites that's not good for travelling on for around 2-300 baht
  8. if you are watering and fertilizing manually, do you reuse the excess water that drips out? compared to other hydroponic system that aerates or recirculate water, would you be wasting more fertilizer in this manual grow method?
  9. they already check noise level for a long time, definitely no loud pipes up there
  10. so far they did a better job of checking motorbike exhaust than the boys in brown, using tape measure to ensure correct distance between microphone and exhaust, revving only to the correct rpm and not just flooring it
  11. his last employment was an airport guard where he volunteered to go to the cave rescue, he's also a well known figure at the airport cycle track greeting visitors and is often seen out on patrol on his bike too. I think they might have a statue of a plaque dedicated to him there too, so he's seen as a 'local hero' for the airport staff is his death preventable had he not ventured where he doesn't have the skills for? that's a better discussion
  12. the Marlboro IQOS non-burning e-cigarette which heats the rolled tobacco leaf without burning are banned in Thailand and people have gotten arrested for selling them, now we've gotten to the point where e-cigarette and vapes are more illegal than cannabis
  13. An acquaintance's Thai wife has passed away in the states, and in order to get a Thai death certificate from the Thai consulate in the US he'd have to go through sending the death certificate legalized by the state department? The Thai family back here requires either the death certificate to have an official translation/certified in Thai and apparently the US embassy in Bangkok won't notarize the death certificate or translations unless it went though legalization by the state department back in the US either? Is this something he has to do in person with the state department or can he engage a service from a local US lawyer if he'd rather not bother with the legwork? is there anything to look for in a lawyer that they'd know to do it properly? The wife had some land in her name and in order to get the estate sorted and her name marked off the house register they'd need the death certificate accepted at the amphur first The family in Thailand try to go to a translation company/visa agent and they suggest he can sign over a power of attorney to the remaining family member in Thailand to start the ball rolling to, but he'd still have to get the death certificate legalized in the US either way right?
  14. If you have amount large enough, SCB has wealth management partnership with Julius Baer just down the road from Citi on Sukhumvit, they can structure your money overseas alright
  15. Are you hoping that an international bank subsidiary in Thailand would cover you more than the Thai governments maximum protection of 1 million baht? They might be less likely to default than Thai bank? maybe
  16. thai savings account is not as limited like US savings account and can receive cheque but before they decide to exit Thailand citibank savings account has minimum opening deposit of around 1 million, so they don't really intend to compete with all retail bank
  17. the only fruit that you're supposed to bruise it by smashing it against something before eating for a sweeter taste
  18. there's one truck between soi 11 and 13 almost every night, dude's even got rolling papers
  19. you also need a 'registration kit' which is paperwork from the factory plus receipt you need the vehicle present as they'll need to take an impression of the VIN/engine serial, but normally when the shop does the legwork for you, they can take the impression and paperwork to the office without needing to take the actual vehicle there
  20. after storage fee has bankrupt you, the bikes will probably get auctioned off
  21. This is Paypal overinterpreting the rules again, earlier this year it was everyone in Thailand can't receive money on Paypal unless they had a business registration, after much complaining, the shut everything down and now this, which many Thais who had to get lawyered to get their business registered is now moot, but then another problem surfaces
  22. unless it has delivery mileage that you can claim as a 'new' bike with supporting documents, you can't import it to Thailand
  23. no, they were not denied return to their country, they were denied travel on a document that might not be valid for travel or a lack of supporting evidence that their travel document is valid. If a UK person were to turn up trying to exit Thailand on an empty brand new passport without entry stamps or visas and having no records of them ever entering the Kingdom on immigration's system, I'm sure they'd be denied boarding too
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