Water Buffalo more specifically. Which is Carabao in Tagalog. In Thai they would be Kwai. Which is also sort of a swear word here.
Carabao (band) - Wikipedia
About 20 years ago I had a friend that was a Frito Lay driver. One day they called all the drivers in for a meeting. They told them they were reducing their commission from 5% to 3%. They had the audacity to tell them that the company found the drivers were making too much money and getting into financial trouble. When in fact the real reason for doing it was to force the drivers to try and sell more product to make what they were making before that.
Perhaps easier to give up your Thai citizenship?
One wrinkle in changing your name in Thailand is that if your last name is already being used by a Thai citizen you have to get their permission to use the same last name.
You can also use this link to contact the Social Security unit at the US Embassy in the Philippines. Select 'change of bank' in the drop down menu.
FBU Inquiry Form - U.S. Embassy in the Philippines (usembassy.gov)
MF was never going to get the PM seat. If they believed they were they were very naive. They showed great weakness when they gave up the House speakership. That was the most they could have expected to achieve at this point.