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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. I couldn't even get past the first sentence in the 2nd paragraph. I knew the rest of the post would be rubbish.
  2. The expats from the petroleum industry are 'mostly' gone. That includes all the many, many contractors and subcontractors employees associated with them. That's my first guess.
  3. Most likely he was wearing a yamaka.
  4. It seems Charles didn't like his BIL. Oops.
  5. Too late. P. J. Biden's already doing it.
  6. My ex-wife would cut up old sheets to about the same size as a wash cloth and use them for cleaning. They worked great and she washed them and reused them, time after time. And I disagree with you. Cotton sheets are excellent for cleaning up spills. (When/If you wash them, don't use any fabric softer).
  7. @richard_smith237 Richard, I cannot give you a definitive answer. You guys from across the pond have been so privileged in having such great single malt and blended whiskies (malted barley and yeast). Blended Scot is better for some people, but I've never liked it. Yall have such a variety. Some Americans like and can drink Bourbon whiskey, which is a corn (maize) concoction. I'm not a fan. Canadian whiskies are just a smoother blend (corn and rye, but also sometimes wheat or barley). I personally can tell the difference between Canadian Club and Crown Royal. VO to me is very near the taste of Crown. All three are good with coke, but especially Crown and Crown is good to drink neat, but when blended with coke most of us North Americans who drink whiskey favor Crown. (Maybe it's just the name and the bottle shape). 5555🤣
  8. Works for me.
  9. Thank you! I wonder why my Google search didn't find it.
  10. I have found the Anitech mouse to be good for me. The one that I have is a little small, but it's my 3rd one and they last quite a long time.
  11. I was told, many moons ago, that the 'local' distributor of Crown was reusing the empty bottles and substituting it with their local brew (or something to that effect). The distributor was caught substituting the alcohol by Seagram who decided that they would never allow Crown Royal to be sold in Thailand except at the duty free shops. I don't shop for it anymore; although, I've got about 2/3 of a bottle in my closet. (one day I'll probably drink it) I've a friend, who is no longer in Thailand, whose wife could get it in Thailand, but he never disclosed how she got it. (he was always well stocked). BTW: I could not find anything about a place called Siam Liquor.
  12. I've not received this email, but they probably still have an old e-address in their files for me. The phone number is still the same, so maybe they'll drop me an SMS.
  13. And to make up one full wit add AOC to MTG. Two halfwits make a whole, right?
  14. I've taken Amitriptyline for the past 3-4 yrs. I started taking it more for the help with sleep, but I've really noticed how it's affected my 'previous' problems with depression and suicidal thoughts. They're 98% gone. Best wishes.
  15. Well, good for them. I can't sat that I ever heard that she had an economic plan, other than to blow a billion plus 20 million dollars on her campaign.
  16. I see no purpose in making disparaging remarks about P. J. Biden. Let's stop that BS. Leave all the negative comments to the democrats and RINOs. Be happy that in just a couple of months P. Biden & V.P. Ka'mala will no longer be in charge of directing the US federal government.
  17. You're confused. That's what the Democrats did and are still doing.
  18. That is not correct. You can get divorced in Thailand even if you married elsewhere and did NOT register it here. I know this because I former neighbor of mine divorce his wife, who he married in the USA, and never registered it Thailand. He did have an attorney representing him, which he told me was expensive, but you can get a divorce in Thailand. Get an attorney. (an alternat method would be to go to Guam and stay for seven days, declare residency and get your US divorce there). https://www.guamfamilylawoffice.com/divorces/guam-7-day-residency-divorce/explanation-guam-7-day-residency-divorce
  19. It's because of the hate filled media, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS. Same thing in Australia with the government sponsored, ABC, versus Sky News Australia. The news channels speak lies and hyperbole false fact checks.
  20. Yes, their team was afraid and she missed a great opportunity. Rogan was a Bernie Bro. She had nothing to fear from him.
  21. I don't know, but what do you think the billionaires supporting Komala were expecting in pay back for their support.?
  22. The news channel filled with nothing but hate. Them and their sister channels wouldn't know truth if it hit them in the face.
  23. You nor anyone else will ever convince me that P. Joe Biden got 81,000,000+ votes in 2020.
  24. You're ignoring the fact that the banks have their own appraisers and they (the banks) made money for their support. No one was defrauded. I don't know where you found this bit of info, but it sounds like BS to me.
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