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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. And you think masks helped with that? Children could and did get Covid in many places and inevitably it was sometimes passed on to unvaccinated relatives - that's what happens in a pandemic. Hopefully, most families were sensible enough to not remain unvaccinated. The damage done to children psychologically may never be repaired.
  2. Not before time! Let's hope schools go along with it and don't succumb to pressure from over-anxious parents.
  3. You forgot schools! Kids are still being forced to wear masks all day. Absolutely crazy.
  4. Indeed. It's borderline criminal and who knows what the long-term psychological effects will be.
  5. A bit harsh. Nothing stopping them reporting numbers to WHO, but it's ridiculous to dramatically announce them to the country every day. Time to move on.
  6. I don't think anyone is saying Covid19 is disappearing or has disappeared. It's just another infectious disease to be aware of and will remain so forever. The thread is about whether we need to have statistics announced every day, which fortunately the Thai government has finally decided we don't. Now, maybe, kids can go to school without masks! I'm not holding my breath.
  7. I'm not sure that's true at all. A wealthy foreigner, irrespective of fault, is likely to be able to pay their way out of jail-time. Is there any evidence that any foreigner is doing serious jail-time in Thailand for a traffic offence?
  8. We moved to Ban Chang 6 months ago, and try to eat out at least once a week. So far, these are the restaurants we have been regularly going back to: Piper Tree Ciao Bella Long Time Finnegans I think we need to venture nearer the beach!
  9. I recommend you start your own thread, rather than hijack this one.
  10. Is there anywhere around Ban Chang where you can get simple laminating (cards) done?
  11. The Crown is great. A lot more entertaining than the real thing!
  12. Blair? That's a stretch! Who do you blame for non-religious gang fighting and football hooliganism? Thatcher?
  13. I'm not too surprised that Air China didn't know the correct rules for Thailand.
  14. Yes, the mask mandate was lifted around two months ago.
  15. I think we all know the answer to that question, but are unable to discuss it here!
  16. I've noticed a change in the last few days. Normally in Tops my wife and I are the only non-mask wearers. Today we were joined by at least 20 Thais. Hopefully, the trend will continue!
  17. Her Thai ID card is irrelevant as it can't be used to enter Thailand. It seems obvious that she used her UK passport to enter Thailand. A lesson learned, I think.
  18. That's not why Thais wear them. It's purely (misguided) self-preservation.
  19. As a last resort, you can fly direct from Pattaya (U-tapao) to Samui on Bangkok Airways.
  20. The FCO are just being overly cautious! I had a long, polite argument with them when my son needed to return to Thailand with only 4 months on his UK passport, even though his Extension of Stay/Re-entry Permit was due to expire before the passport expired. They even tried to make me buy a Emergency Travel Document, as they said he would be denied entry at the border. Fortunately, I took the wise advice from this Forum, and he was stamped back in without issue.
  21. I drive my son to/from school every day (Rayong province) and it is profoundly depressing to see the huge numbers of kids and families racing along on motorbikes and in over-crowded side-cars, rarely wearing helmets. Pointing this out or expressing my concern to my wife's family is generally met with laughter. "How do you expect them to get to school?", "Where can you buy a helmet for the 6 kids in the family, even if we could afford to buy one?").
  22. Absolutely - and stop forcing kids to wear masks all day in school!
  23. What on earth are you talking about? Plenty of guys here, including myself, married girls a lot younger than us. And I'm not royalty.
  24. Surely all westerners living in Thailand would have a decent insurance policy?
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