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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. I'm more concerned about him having been locked down in our condo since April without seeing a single other child! Both my wife and I are vaccinated, but anyway I'm more likely to catch it from my own job or on the BTS. It's a risk, but one I'm prepared to take.
  2. I think that might be the case with some of my students too. I guess they'll be given a choice of whether to go back to the classroom, or not. Online works OK with teenagers and above, but I need my 6-year-old to get back to proper school!
  3. But the government assured everyone that there would be no going back to a lockdown!
  4. The extension of catch-up will be great. Pulse are also good at adding additional channels for special events - for example, last week they added two more US ESPN channels for the US tennis Open.
  5. The word on the 'street' is that there may be some positive news on reopening schools next week. I would imagine that there will be some restrictions for schools, but hopefully it will signal the end of online classes!
  6. Register via BCCT. My wife is 31 and she got an appointment 4 days after registering and had her first AZ jab yesterday. https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bccthai.com%2F&data=04|01||6e129cc09ec74fc22ad808d96776654a|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|637654580467166459|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|1000&sdata=5wO6PVOcxM2QYKT07m%2FaCEw%2BRn70zGXkQADL5ZF%2BT%2Fg%3D&reserved=0
  7. Even the UK Embassies in Bangkok and Laos were adamant that my son needed at least 6 months validity to enter Thailand from Laos last year (he had 4 months validity, but a valid extension until before the passport expired). Fortunately I got good advice from this Forum, and he got stamped in at the border on his soon-to-expire passport, and we renewed once he had returned, in time for a new extension.
  8. How much of a higher percentage? Personally, I don't think it will make much difference and 'business interests' should not be dismissed. I just hope schools can reopen soon too - 'educational interests'.
  9. Check with PulseTV as maybe it's changed. I pay 10k and have 2 boxes. The price for 1 box is also 10k. No idea what it is for 3 boxes.
  10. It's either that, or something must have been lost in translation!
  11. What is false about the English announcement? 30-day trip passes have always been available to non-Thais. The change affects both Thais and non-Thais in exactly the same way.
  12. We just got back from getting my (non-Thai) wife her first vaccination. I registered her via the British Chamber of Commerce, and she got the appointment within 5 days of registering. All handled very efficiently - she was in and out within an hour. Free of charge - Astra Zeneca. Dose #2 in November.
  13. Having lived and worked in Bangkok for 16 years, it's now time to move and Ban Chang / Rayong seems ideal, for family reasons, and also because both Garden International and Rayong English Programme schools look good for my 6-year-old son. I will be looking to rent a 3-bedroom house as close as possible to the two schools. It looks like there are a few Moo Baans within fairly close proximity to the schools, namely Sisuk Village, Eastern Star Village and Sin Thawi Park Village. Do any members have any recommendations? Would it be possible to find a 3-bedroom house for around 20,000 a month? If not, how do the villages on the other side of Sukhumvit Road compare? Many thanks
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