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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Can't say I'm surprised and it's probably for the best.
  2. Good question. My guess is that for passport renewals the payment is processed in the UK, while for visas it isn't.
  3. It is certainly a difficult time to be a republican. Queen Elizabeth II was perhaps unique in being lauded by almost everyone. It is unlikely to happen again.
  4. Me too, and have done for over 5 years. Very good service that actually works!
  5. It might be the first time the authorities have discovered it being smuggled in, but I'm sure it's already rife in Thailand, as you say, coming in from China. If the DEA were involved I suspect they had a tip-off about the American involvement.
  6. Good to hear. Maybe the racists have already left the UK and moved to.......................er, Pattaya?
  7. Well said. Some of the posts on this thread have been truly shocking.
  8. Me too (UK and Thai). I was wondering about the OP though, as he started the thread.
  9. I'm not sure if the OP has made a Thai or US will. Hopefully, he has!
  10. I'm suspecting that the cheap insurance policies tend to be Thai? I'm paying $2,600 per year to insure myself (aged 62), my wife (32) and son (7), $400,000 limit per person per year, with a western company. Is that cheap?
  11. What does your US will say? Just make your instructions clear for the Executors of your US will. For Thailand, the Executors of your Thai will should also have clear instructions, with all the account details. The Executor of my Thai will is a lawyer from the firm who drew up the will.
  12. Just apply for the extension. If the TM30 has been filed, you're good to go.
  13. I expect the online quote is just indicative, based on age. Actual quotes no doubt depend on the individual's particular circumstances.
  14. You can get an online quote here: https://www.wrlife.net/medicalStep1.php
  15. And the King of Thailand has done this.
  16. WRLife offer competitive policies and are currently very active in marketing their policies for Thai expats. https://www.wrlife.net/ There are a few threads running on this company.
  17. Why does it bother you that some immigrants may choose not to integrate totally? Like it or not, the UK is a multi-cultural society and all the better for it.
  18. As I'm writing this (10.10 on 8 Sept, Thai time) the UK pound has slipped below 42 baht (41.9455). Will it continue falling? Should I transfer £ now, or wait? Any expert advice?
  19. Yes, I realised you were asking about Phuket. Just thought you'd like to factor in the necessity and cost of a follow-up sperm test to check it worked. Maybe the hospital includes this in the price. At PDA it's an extra cost.
  20. Good question! Maybe she's an all-round expert? ????
  21. How long will you be in the UK? With all the current delays in renewing passports, I'd be worried about not getting the new (and old) passport back in time for my trip home! Renewing in Thailand is relatively easy if you live near Bangkok or Chiang Mai, or are happy with making the trips to submit application and collect the new passport, or don't mind paying an agent to do this for you. You also don't submit the old passport with the application (just a copy) if you renew in Thailand. Either way, you'll have to make a trip to Immigration to transfer Extension stamps into the new passport.
  22. This thread is certainly helping. What worried me most was @Sheryl's doubts, as she is undoubtedly the board expert on healthcare matters and her reservation was about the company's long-term financial viability. In the end, I took my broker's advice and signed up, but there is certainly a risk in choosing a relatively new player in the market. Time will tell.
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